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  1. Hi all! I'm in last time interested TweenMax for performance. I'm using TweenLite/Max from 2013 June, but 2013 TweenLite/Max are slowly. The new 2014 August TweenLite/Max performance high, smooth 50+ fps (if H/W accelaration is disabled) and very-smooth without breaking frames 60 FPS and 60 Hz rendering (if H/W acc. enabled). In latest GSAP (TweenLite/Max and etc) have some issues in IE! 1. Dx and Dy in relative position cutting when transformating. 2. CSS3 rendering - borderRadius, boxShadow, backgroundGradient, textShadow doesn't work 3. CSS3 Transform - rotateX, rotateY, translateZ, scaleZ doesn't work. Have issue fixes! 1. Set position to absolute. 2. borderRadius, boxShadow and backgroundGradient pollyfil have (i'm now upload to GoogleDrive, see https://googledrive.com/host/0B7DKrzLvYDoOV1ZzZ3ZRMTdwbE0) in IE! 3. CSSMatrix uses advanced calculating and making 3D in IE (see https://github.com/arian/CSSMatrix ) Thanks!
  2. Hi all! I need help with this, I have tested in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and IE9+ and works magically. But when I tested in IE8 specifically, the animation breaks. I have tried everything I could came up with but I'm stocked. Demo Link: http://theoremcreations.com/undertone/16002/ss/demo/ CodePen Link: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/lnIHg Animation_Demo.zip
  3. I know in IE, you cannot transform svg child elements normally with the style attribute so you need to fallback to updating the transform attribute on the element within the svg. TweenMax.to('#circle', 1, {scaleX : 1, onUpdate: scaleXie, onUpdateParams: ["{self}"]}); function scaleXie(t){ if(!Modernizr.smil){ //fallback for IE. $(t.target.selector).attr('transform', 'matrix(' + t.target[0]._gsTransform.scaleX + ', 0, 0, 1, 0,0)'); } } This works but is there a more elegant / global way to have TweenMax update the transform attribute on svg elements when the browser is IE ? I have many of these transform tweens and would like to know if there is a better way at polyfilling IE.
  4. Hi guys, I am animating a div with a transparent background (the ball). When I use rotation the transparent background seems to get a black background in IE8. This only appears when I use css rotation in my animation. Is there someone who have seen this before and knows how to get rid of this problem? Is it possible to use rotation in any other way than css? This is what my animation looks like; tlBall.to(ball, 0.2, {css:{left:"400px",top:"366px",rotation:360}, delay:0, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) This is that the background with the ball looks like; http://cl.ly/image/1U2a0w0T3O17/image004.png Thanks! - Marcus
  5. I've looked around this website and the internet at large for a little help, but I'm not sure I'm even searching for the correct thing. The problem I'm having is that the scale attribute, as it's applied inside a TweenMax.to( ), seems to stutter to the point of essentially skipping the animation to the final frame in IE9. Unfortunately the deployment environment I'm working with is Windows 7 with IE9 strictly, so my options are limited. I believe GSAP works fine in IE9 -- all of the animations work pretty much as expected on this website's showcase animations. Here's how I have my setup: 1. The page is framed by the Twitter Bootstrap Framework 2. Other scripts exist alongside GSAP: jQuery most notably. 3. The calls to TweenMax.to( ) are being made sequentially with a timed delay rather than being a part of a timeline. Most of the animations do not run over one another. Things I've tried: 1. Changing the scale value to "msTransform":"scale(1.4,1.4)" seems to have no effect -- no effect at all that is, scale no longer happens at all. I assume the value scale:1.4 makes the call to the proprietary values anyway. 2. Removing and manipulating animations around this one to isolate it as the singular animation. This exact effect was also happening with a translation when using x and y but was corrected by using left and top. Not sure if that helps determine what I might be doing wrong. I have a feeling it's not directly GSAP related but thought I might find some insight here over what could be causing the problem.
  6. On a current scrolling landing page we are building we use a timeline to control animations up and down the page. The scrollTo plugin is used to move the page up and down as the user scrolls. The main navigation at the top then seeks to specific parts of the timeline. On IE browsers, when we do this seek() or pause(), it quickly flashes through the skipped content. On Chrome or Firefox the timeline advances to that spot with no problems. This codepen example shows the problem in an abbreviated form. When a click is fired on the link at the top, we utilize a scrollTop function to move the window to the correct position. After two seconds we advance the timeline to the state that would match the window position. In Chrome and Firefox this seek is not noticeable. In IE browsers (tested in IE9, 10, and 11) the content between the top of the page and the new position flashes by. Watch the section h1 carefully to see it. http://codepen.io/aclabaugh/pen/mpAwB Any ideas on how to stop the seek from showing some of the steps in between a scrollTo tween in IE?
  7. I have made an image slider for a site I am working on but thought it works in the other major brwosers it is jumpy in IE. You can see it in action here http://handrailcreations.co.uk/ function startAnimate(object) { var tl1 = new TimelineMax(), slideImg = jQuery('#inner-header').innerWidth(), slideImgH = jQuery('#inner-header').innerHeight(), slideF = slideImg/26, slideH = slideImgH/26, leftMove = Math.floor((Math.random()*3))* slideF - slideF, topMove = Math.floor((Math.random()*3))* slideH - slideH, left = leftMove.toFixed(0), top = topMove.toFixed(0); //alert(top); tl1.to(object, 1, {autoAlpha:1}, 'zoom') .to(object, 10, {scale:1.1, ease:Linear.easeNone}, 'zoom') .to(object, 10, {x: left , y:top, force3D:true, ease:Linear.easeNone}, 'zoom') .to(object, 1, {autoAlpha:0}) .to(object, 0, {scale:1, x:0, y:0, onComplete: endAnimation, onCompleteParams: [object], ease:Linear.easeNone}); } Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  8. Hello people! I was wondering if anyone has experience using Greensock to tween elements in inline SVG and getting it to work in IE (9 and up)? I'm creating a site with a lot of animations going on, and the graphics are pretty much exclusively in SVG. Most of the time, I'm wrapping inline SVG in HTML elements and then animating those, but in some instances, I really need to animate elements within the inline SVG document (e.g. moving things inside of a clip-path). Specifically (so far), I've wanted to move stuff by animating x/y. This works great in Chrome, Firefox, Safari (iOS and desktop), but fails in IE. It's really hard to debug why it's not working, so I thought I'd ask around if anyone has faced the same issues, or had ideas on why this is. No code sample at this point, but will try to provide one if needed.
  9. Hi Greensock universe, IE is giving me grief, as expected. After a day of fighting with this, I decided to come to you for a shoulder and some sound advice. We have an animation working BEAUTIFULLY in all browsers but IE8 (haven't even looked IE7 yet, not sure if I ever will). At one stage, our main character gets scaled down, which is done using the code below. TweenMax.to(user.sprite(), 1, { scale: 0.6, onStart: function() { //Kick spritesheet animation in } }); This character has a few different sprite sheets for it so it can walk and jump around the page. The sprite sheet animation is done with background-position management (this is NOT done using TweenMax). All browsers report the full width of the div that has the character in it, even when the element is scaled down (144px). We use this width to updated the background-position for the spritesheet animation. HOWEVER IE8 reports a different width as it scales the object down (86.4px final width), and, because the sprite sheet file is based on a 144px width, it all turns to custard. I attached an image of how the character looks after both the scaling and sprite sheet animations are completed. All other browser play ball with no problems what so ever. Any ideas? Help me please?
  10. Hi, First - thanks so much for making this javascript framework! I've been trying to get an animation going in IE7/8 that I got to work on all other browsers using your framework, but it doesn't function properly in those browsers. You can see it in action here: http://neu14.com/transitions/print/index2.html I'm also attaching my files -> see index2.html (that one uses greensock). Thanks for any thoughts! Pol PS: I'm unclear if I need the CSS plugin for rotation or opacity or not since they both can be numeric? (I used it, but not sure if it was needed) animation.zip
  11. Reporting a bug here. On IE8 my animation complete kills the experience, throwing a runtime error popup. Works fine though on Chrome and proper browsers. I'm doing the following: animateInBars : function(callOnComplete){TweenMax.staggerFrom( dom_element.find('.barchart-bar'), 0.5,{height:"0%", ease:Elastic.easeOut}, 0.01, callOnComplete);}, The animation works fine, but when the onCompleteAll kicks in, it crashes. IE8 throws this at me: Object expected TweenMax.js, line 308 character 7 That corresponds to this code on line: onCompleteAll.apply(onCompleteAllScope, onCompleteAllParams); So I tried adding an empty array for the onCompleteAllParams: animateInBars : function(callOnComplete){TweenMax.staggerFrom( dom_element.find('.barchart-bar'), 0.5,{height:"0%", ease:Elastic.easeOut}, 0.01, callOnComplete, []);}, And that fixes it
  12. I'm using TweenLite to scale a wrapper div to fit a user's window. Everything looks and functions well, except in IE8 there is an unusual issue with Text Inputs. When clicked inside to enter text, the blinking caret appears offset, yet the entered text still displays in the correct position. The offset seems proportional to the amount the wrapper div was scaled. Thanks in advance for any help!
  13. I'm having an issue with Animating alpha PNGs in TweenMax JS in IE8, there is a lot of distortion during the animation but after it is complete the PNGs return to a normal state. I know IE8 inherently has issues with PNGs but is there a work around for this in TweenMax?
  14. lyjaFlop

    IE Document Mode

    Hi, I recently had an issue where I was tweening (rotation) a parent layer. I expected the child of the parent to rotate along with the parent. This works perfectly in Chrome, Firefox and in most IE7,8 and 9 situations. The only time where the child does not animate is when the Browser Mode and Document Mode in IE are not in sync. For example: when Browser Mode is set to IE9 but the Document Mode is set to IE8 or IE7. Jack, do you know if any updates have addressed this occurrence? Thanks, I love what you're doing! Keep up the great work.
  15. Hello i am making this site, as others can se on my posts: http://temp.agenciacaput.com/Caput/ And it´s working perfectly the animations, BUT, our beloved IE9-, its making things harder... Test the upper menu with IE9- so you can se the bugs, i can´t resume them all... Any help will be most wellcome! Note: Using TweenMax not minified for debug pourposes. On ie 7 trows me an error on TweenMax.js, line 2809 character 7
  16. Berry

    IE issue

    I am new to both Jquery and TweenMax but so far I love using TweenMax js. I took the code from http://www.snorkl.tv...script-preview/ exploding bunnies example and tweaked it a bit to get a effect of multiple rain drops falling on the screen. It looks good in firefox, chrome and safari but in ie 7 and 8 (I don't currently have access to ie 9) it is not displaying correctly. There is only 1 rain drop displaying and it is grey instead of the white png. Also I have it paused when loaded and have a click event to play the tween but it is playing upon load. Any ideas of what I am doing wrong? here is my code: var rainDrops = $(".rainDrop"); var frame3Tl = new TimelineLite({paused:true}); rainDrops.each( function (index){ var delay = 1 + (Math.random()*2); var duration = 1 + (Math.random()*3); var left = 7 + (Math.random()*840) + "px" var rainDrop = $(this); $(this).css({'left': left}); frame3Tl.insertMultiple([TweenMax.staggerTo(rainDrop, duration, {css:{rotation:1}, ease:Power1.easeOut, delay:delay, repeat:-1}), TweenMax.staggerTo(rainDrop, duration, {css:{rotate:"1deg", top:"504px"}, ease:Linear.easeNone, delay:delay, repeat:-1}), ]); } ) Thanks for your help!
  17. I have had no luck getting an element to rotate, or take any transform properties, below IE9. I see documentation all over the place stating that the code works but I haven't seen a working example and can't get it to work on my own. I've tried using the CSSPlugin and the RaphelPlugin. Both with no luck and unfortunatly no errors in the wonderful ie debugger. A working example would be great if anyone has a link to one.
  18. I'm rotating and tweening the top and left positions of several img elements (transparent .pngs of rounded rectangles that have a slight drop shadow). Everything is working perfectly in all browsers except IE(7&8) renders the "dropshadow" area of the pngs as a solid black. I've tried several hacks like: http://snipplr.com/v...deview&id=46458 and http://snipplr.com/view/7903 but nothing seems to work. It's notable to mention that if I remove the rotation from the elements, they render fine in IE. Any help would be greatly appreciated! PS - Thank you so much for porting this library to JS!!!
  19. First of all it's great to see this tweenplatform adapted to JS, as many clients don't wan't any flash anymore :-/ I'm working on a site where the client asked for a shadow behind the texts, text-shadow isn't yet supported in GS12 I hope to see it in the future, particularly that the code is completely different in IE where I need to use an filter (shadow or glow). When animating a div with this shadow filter I got a black background during the animation in IE 7-9: http://sharpness.be/demo/201207_kodak/ It works fine in every other browser, does someone has a solution for this display glitch?
  20. un4given


    I am getting the error "invalid argument" from TweenMax.min.js line 16 in IE9 simulating IE8. Im trying to test my TweenLite code in IE8 &> but cant get past this error. Any help would be appreciated. -----update----- changed from TweenMax to TweenLite + CSSPlugin but now the error is popping up in the CSSPlugin script, line 14, character 12005. D
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