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  1. Hey @pietM That's actually hard to tell without seeing the full code, as Zach already mentioned - in your codepen demo you don't have any killing/destroying going on. Have you tried a method similar to what is described in this thread (which is for barba - but I guess the core concept would apply for swup, too) ? I don't think a simple re-initiation as you described in your original post will be enough, you will also have to make sure to kill the old ScrollTriggers - and it would probably also be best to destroy the old locomotive-scroll instance before creating a new one. I'll also link to the recently added section in the most common ScrollTrigger mistakes article, so any future readers who stumble upon this and don't know why that is neccessary can get a quick explenation on that.
  2. Hey @Kyle Craven and welcome to the GreenSock forums. No, we haven't been able to get to a more full tutorial with Barba.js yet (though I started work on it a while back). The closest thing currently is the introduction/overview video in the Flip docs. That along with the Flip how-to pens and showcase should get you started. If you have a specific question please ask! It'd probably be best to start a new thread though
  3. FLIP is pretty new for tutorials, only a few months old. Could be some, but I still don't know about them. As for barba.js you can check out ihatetomatoes. He also have some other nice courses on gsap. https://ihatetomatoes.net/get-barba-101/
  4. @ZachSaucier are there any tutorials yet on using Flip with Barba.js?
  5. Hey! By far, the BEST GSAP lessons you can get is Bella by @Ihatetomatoes Petr is a great teacher and not only you will learn super GSAP and ScrollTrigger techniques, but you will learn how to properly structure code, how to implement Barba and LOT more. It catapult me to another level. Highly recommended ?
  6. Please help how i can implement WordPress and Barba do you have any source code I can look at? or learning resources?
  7. Hey, Personally, I don't use jQuerry. I see no reason for it, mostly if not entirely made of syntactic sugar. Using Vue, Nuxt, Tailwind, plain ol' JS (also express, node, mongodb/firebase/sqlite.) Depending on what you need I guess. If I go without vue, I tend to gravitate towards highway.js and barba.js for transitions.
  8. Hello guys, I am developing a sit with different transition and barba js, this error often happens after a page transition, but I can't understand in which part of the code as it doesn't give me any reference to my scripts What could it depend on? ScrollTrigger.js?ver=5.6:605 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'splice' of undefined at Tween.Se.refresh (ScrollTrigger.js?ver=5.6:605) at _callback (twennmax.js?ver=5.6:10) at _renderZeroDurationTween (twennmax.js?ver=5.6:10) at Tween.render (twennmax.js?ver=5.6:10) at Timeline.render (twennmax.js?ver=5.6:10) at ea (twennmax.js?ver=5.6:10) at updateRoot (twennmax.js?ver=5.6:10) at twennmax.js?ver=5.6:10 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at kk (twennmax.js?ver=5.6:10)
  9. First I want to apologize for the amount of code that's in my CodePen, I had to scrap it from my project and make sure I could recreate the issue. In my project I'm using Smooth Scrollbar & Barba.js but I didn't include the Barba code because I was able to recreate the issue without it (plus can you even use barba.js page transitions in codepen?) Anyway the issue I'm having is when you scroll to the end of the page (or to the end of the 2nd pinned section), then resize the window and scroll back up the "portfolio" section is missing. If you inspect element you can see that the "portfolio" section seems like it is still stuck in the pinReparent; which is below all the script tags BUT it doesn't make sense because if you inspect element and watch the two pinReparent's happen; once you get to the end of both sections, the sections leave the pinReparent state but once you resize the window the portfolio section jumps back into the pinReparent state. This issue only happens on a window resize event, so I'm not sure if it's an issue with pinReparent, Smooth Scrollbar or my code. Before I added Smooth Scrollbar to my project I only had the portfolio section and the only way I could get that section to scroll correctly with Smooth Scrollbar was to add the pinReparent. The same goes for when I added the zoom section into the project, it wouldn't work without it. I have tried to add a couple different eventlisteners but that didn't help. Here is the most recent one I tried on my project: let allTriggers = ScrollTrigger.getAll(); ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refresh", () => bodyScrollBar.update()); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); let progress = 0; ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refreshInit", () => progress = allTriggers.progress ); ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refresh", () => allTriggersscroll(progress * ScrollTrigger.maxScroll(window))); bodyScrollBar.addListener(ScrollTrigger.update); I also tried to wrap it in a window.addEventListener and some different variations but no luck. Another weird thing is the word "TEXT" that's in the portfolio section; jumps up once the pin/horizontal scrolling starts. I'm not sure why it does it in the CodePen but is does not do it in my project.
  10. Hi @ZachSaucier, once more many thanks. I really can't put into words how cool GSAP and the forums are. With that in mind I am much more confident to expand my little barba app and integrate a lot more of wonderful GSAP Library. As I said. You really rock.
  11. Hi guys, I have a generall question while starting to use GSAP with barba. I wonder if someone of you could bring light into my JS-darkness at this early point. I am trying to find a solid basic setup with both of the libraries together. barba.init({ views: [{ namespace: 'home', afterEnter(data) { initTimeline1(data.next.container); initTimeline2(data.next.container); initTriggeredTween(data.next.container); }, }] }); const initTimeline1 = (next) => { const tl = gsap.timeline({}) .to(next.querySelector('el1'),{'GSAP MAGIC'}) return tl } const initTimeline2 = (next) => { const tl = gsap.timeline({scrollTrigger:{}}) .to(next.querySelector('el2'),{'GSAP MAGIC'}) return tl } const initTriggeredTween = (next) => { next.querySelector('el3').addEventListener('click', () => { gsap.to(next.querySelector('targetEl'),{'GSAP MAGIC'}) }) } barba.hooks.beforeEnter( () => { ScrollTrigger.getAll().forEach(trigger => { trigger.kill() }); ScrollTrigger.refresh(true) } ) I leaned so far, that I have to kill the ScrollTriggers, because things dont work, if I return to the page with namespace"home". But if I reinititate the timelines, tweens and events again and again I am wondering if I am causing a memory leaks. Do I have to kill, remove, destroy all of them manually or does the garbage collection take care of things by itself? And if I have to manage the things, are there similar support functions like ScrollTrigger.getAll() for helping me out? I just read, that killAll is deprecated. Sorry for my English, and the question which may be a little off topic. Many thanks in advance
  12. I am looking for a page transition effect when clicked on a smaller image and then that small image is going to animate and cover the full screen and now will behave as a different page... Refer to this portfolio website :- https://www.chriswilcock.co/ (Just click on any image like: Discovery Land co, Bear Grylls, etc..), a liquid kind of page transition happens, if you look at the url while transitioning, it is actually a different page... Addon:- I think this page is using barba.js for the transitions, but please help me, because I want to create a similar transition, and I am also using locomotive scroll on my website.
  13. Hello!! I have a quite heavy question I'm working on my portfolio website using ScrollTrigger / horizontal scrolling. Everything was working absolutely fine until i installed webpack in the project recently. I needed to install it because i also use barba.js for transitions and webpack makes it so easier to handle the scss from page to page when clicking a link to go to another page of the site (no need to code for stylesheet injection in the head tag of the new html page when a link is clicked). And indeed it's working! BUT very oddly, when starting the project, now i do not land at the top of the page but somewhere in the middle and it's impossible to scroll! ScrollTrigger seems to be the issue here, because the barba transitions are working fine... What happens is: when landing on the page, i see a short flash of the raw html starting from the top (cool) and then (when the JS file is loaded) i get to a certain portion of the website, depending on the xPercent i put in my horizontal-scrolling function...(xPercent: -100 gets me at the 1st section, -200 at the second, -300 at the middle of the site etc... and impossible to scroll.) I tried everything and cannot figure out why/how to fix this. Would you have an idea why this is happening? Any help/hint/link would be highly appreciated! i learned a lot from this forum sofar, maybe my case can help someone else in the future ^^ Thank you! ps: my html and js files are very long, i hope i'm not too much of a hassle... ps2: here is a link to a tweet i posted in december where you can see the scrolltrigger/horizontal scrolling working smoothly in the project. (https://twitter.com/Nightcoder2/status/1333666647429816320)
  14. Hi I am new to GSAP (not great at JavaScript to begin with) Client wants to mimic the scrolling effect (fade-in/fadeout) of sections/pages on https://meiomi.com/. No eCommerce, etc. I am using Oxygen Builder for layout. I have been struggling with getting GSAP and barba.js to work correctly. I am looking for a mentor to look at what I am doing and show me what I am doing wrong. I have a few hundred dollars I am willing to split off of what I quoted. The site is to go live Feb 12. Thank you, This is as far as I have gotten: https://codepen.io/RNDL/pen/LYRobjx
  15. Hey super.asdf and welcome. Can you please provide a minimal example in Vue of what you're trying to accomplish? That will make it a lot easier for us to help you with the transition Side note: We will eventually be coming out with a tutorial about doing some basic page transitions with Flip. It will be focused on using libraries like Barba to do so, but perhaps it can also include some basic demos of React and Vue as well.
  16. The second step mentioned gets all active ScrollTriggers and kills every single one of them in the global afterLeave-hook of barba - after leaving a page and thus before creating the new ScrollTriggers. Maybe it works for you without that step, but my advice is to add it if you want to prevent possible future conflicts possibly resulting in performance or logical issues.
  17. Thanks @akapowl It's works fine now. I don't understand 2and step. So I just try 1st step and then directly 3rd step before as you mention. Now I got it How and why I need to kill and re-initiate animation after barba trigger.
  18. Sorry for the misunderstanding: What I was referring to was the part of killing off the old ScrollTriggers before/when transitioning and having to create them from scratch when the content of the new page has loaded. Otherwise ScrollTrigger might not have the correct dimensions to work with. "You will have to kill off the old ScrollTriggers in a barba hook when transitioning to another page, and create all neccessary ScrollTriggers for the next page from scratch after transitioning. You will find examples on how to do that and some more explanation on the why in the threads below." Did you try that? Actually It shouldn't make a difference wether or not your footer is also transitioning, because when the content (which is transitioning) above the footer has different dimensions (meaning height) than it had before transitioning, the position of the footer on the page will be different, thus ScrollTrigger will have the wrong data to work with. I forked your project and put together a quick and dirty example of that - but I will have to delete it again. So please take a look at it and let me know if this works for you, so I can go ahead and delete it again. https://codepen.io/akapowl/project/editor/c60c063115038852cb22145bb95bbe1e What I did here was 1) to put the creation of the ScrollTrigger into a function and call it immediately so it is working on page load. function initScrollTriggers() { gsap.set('.footer-container', { yPercent: -50 }) const uncover = gsap.timeline({ paused:true }) uncover.to('.footer-container', { yPercent: 0, ease: 'none' }); ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: 'main', // markers: true, start: 'bottom bottom', end: '+=95%', animation: uncover, scrub: true, }) // uncover.restart(); console.log('ST Initiated') } initScrollTriggers(); 2) I added a barba.hook for afterLeave in which I kill off all ScrollTriggers barba.hooks.afterLeave((data) => { let triggers = ScrollTrigger.getAll(); triggers.forEach( trigger => { trigger.kill(); }); console.log('ST Killed') }); and 3) In an onComplete-callback of your fading in transition (the after) I call that function that creates the ScrollTrigger again - done here to make sure that all layout-shifting is finished before re-applying the ScrollTrigger. barba.init({ transitions: [{ name: 'default-transition', leave(data) { return gsap.to(data.current.container, { duration: 0.5, y: 200, opacity: 0, }); }, after(data) { return gsap.from(data.next.container, { duration: 0.5, y: 200, opacity: 0, onComplete: function() { initScrollTriggers(); } }); } ... Please don't see this as an absolute solution - as mentioned this is quick and dirty and it is just to show how to kill and create again. Depending on quite some other things, it might be better to e.g. call the function somewhere else. But it seems to work. In the end to get it working properly is a matter of barba- and general-setup that you would have to tinker with to get it working 100% properly. Let me know if this helps. Cheers, Paul
  19. Thank you @akapowl for your time. I tried this but did not succeed. Some of the threads are suggesting to refresh ScrollTrigger like ScrollTrigger.refresh(true); with Barba.js function and some are suggested to add gsap into function and pass it to Barba. but I have gsap on the footer and Barba in the middle content both are not connected each other I'm still looking for a solution.
  20. Here is the link - https://cdpn.io/elsueno/project/editor/XmqJWg Here I'm working on the footer parallax effect from this example - If I apply Barba.js and click navigation "Home", "about" & "Product" then the footer gsap parallax effect as per the link not working properly because Barba not reloading the page and content for the inner page is less compare to the home page. Barba hooks are not handy in this situation because the footer is not included in the Barba container. Can you guys help me?
  21. Hi Avabrooks, Thanks for the info... I usually don't rely on 'plugins' as they do often cause more problems than good. Luckily, I'm fully able to design and code for WP - I've recently updated a bespoke core theme I built using Bootstrap 4 to now include GSAP + Barba. The gallery that prompted this post was an issue specifically at a client's request and I've now built it. Personally, I hate the result and I'm hoping for him to realize how horrible it is and use the alternatives I've shown him using GSAP.
  22. Thanks, Zach I tried using barba, the leave animation worked great, but the enter never worked. Again, I read there are issues with Oxygen builder and tried the remedies i found in those forums, but no good.
  23. That question doesn't make much sense. ScrollTrigger is for scroll-based animations. That's it You can create the effect that you see on the Meiomi site using GSAP + ScrollTrigger without issue but GSAP and ScrollTrigger don't have any built-in functionality to dynamically load new content and replace the current content. You can use a different library (like Barba or Highway) for that part. When the new content loads you can then use GSAP and ScrollTrigger to animate things as you want to. Or you could have all of the content on the same page and just use GSAP and ScrollTrigger to animate it. Does that make sense?
  24. Hi there, I've completed a project with GSAP + Barba.js before. Here it is: https://hyphenco.com Here's another project I did that has many scroll-based animations https://www.overlapassociates.com I can do unconventional animations based on your needs. Please email me about the details to balapa95@gmai.com Looking forward to hearing from you, Bhakti
  25. We are looking for some assistance on an internal site rebrand, with a tight deadline and innovative scroll-triggered animations. Essentially, we would like to work with someone to handle the animation portion of the site which would involve full-screen sections of the site that would animate in when the user scrolls. These animations would be triggered by classes that I can set to sections to indicate whether they are an animated section and then to elements in that section to determine the animation and some parameters. I'm not 100% sure if this is a job for Greensock, or if that would be overkill, but there are some aspects of the animation and transitions we want that are unconventional. We also are looking to have a page-to-page transition which would be a wipe from the content on one page to that of the other. Something like Barba.js may be useful in this regard. I can't post publicly our designs, but please respond here and I can email you the spec docs for the animations, designs, and motion demonstrations. Budget is 2-3k, with flexibility. Deadline is Jan 26, need to start right away.
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