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  1. Hi, I've been fiddling with your codepen example for a bit and this seems to do the trick: ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".images", start: "center top", markers: true, onEnter: self => { let state = Flip.getState(images); images.forEach((image, i) => slots[i].appendChild(image)); gsap.set(images, {xPercent: 0, rotation: 0}); Flip.from(state, { duration: 6, overwrite: true, // <- HERE ease: "power1.inOut" }) } }) Since the first ScrollTrigger instance you're creating for the images has once: true, it doesn't really matter if the Flip animation overwrites those. In the tests that I've ran seems to work as expected: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/ZEMeBKR Hopefully this helps. Let us know if you have more questions. Happy Tweening!
  2. That's because you created conflicting animations - you've got your motionPath animation first in the timeline that controls the x/y position, and then you ALSO have another one that's affecting x to go in a completely different direction. So they're both fighting for control. If you do overwrite: "auto" (or true), all that does is basically KILL the overwritten part (so of course you won't see it affecting things after that point at all). You definitely should not be creating conflicting animations like that. The reason it looks different when scrolling forwards vs backwards is because the rendering order inverts in reverse. In other words, when moving the playhead forward, the LATER tween would render last whereas when moving the playhead backwards, the EARLIER tween would render last. That's exactly how it's supposed to work. Possible solutions: Don't overlap the animations. https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/dyqNQRR?editors=1010 Use a different (invisible) motionPath that has the shape you want. Basically copy the path you have now, but add that extra part at the top that's curved in the way you want your objects to travel. You can still leave the red stroked path as-is. Everything would look the same visually, but you'd just use one motionPath tween where the path actually has the shape you're going for. You technically could write a bunch of extra JavaScript to force things to render in a particular order no matter which direction the playhead travels, but honestly that seems quite hacky and unintuitive to me. It is doable, though. If you need help with that, we're available for paid custom consulting - just reach out directly to explore those options. I hope that helps!
  3. Hi, I'm in this situation and I don't know how to manage the fact that MotionPath animation takes control on the translateX property when reversing the scroll ( go to the very end of the scroll animation, then reverse scrolling back, you will see the circles going to the straight right instead of doing the bending curve as they did in forward mode ). `overwrite:auto` does not seem to help, and `overwrite:true` breaks the animation. TIA.
  4. It looks like you just had your toggleActions wrong: // BAD toggleActions: "play none reverse none" // GOOD toggleActions: "play none none reverse" And this is not a valid start value: // invalid start: "-=200top top" I'm not sure if you meant "top top" or "200 top" or something else. But actually, if I were building this I'd approach it in a very different way: Put the color/backgroundColor into a data-color attribute on any element that I want to have this effect (a space-delimited value like "blue white") Grab all the elements that have that data-color attribute, loop through them and create a ScrollTrigger for each. When it activates, create a new tween that animates to its colors. Here's a demo with my strategy implemented: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/OJoROgY?editors=0010 Benefits: You can easily add as many sections as you want - just slap a data-color value on it in the markup and BOOM, it works. It works more smoothly if you scroll very quickly. With your previous strategy, you had one animation for each section, and you were calling play()/reverse() on them when necessary...but they were controlling the same properties of the same object. Imagine a scenario where the user scrolls quickly, so one animation starts and is midway through when the other animation gets triggered. Now you've got two animations fighting for control of the same properties. Plus you may see a jump because let's just say (to make it simpler) we're animating a number from 0 to 100 in the first one, and 100 to 200 in the second animation. If the first animation is at 50 when the second one starts playing, you'd see it jump from 50 to 100 instantly (and go to 200). With my strategy above, a new tween gets created each time so that it's just taking the value from whatever it currently is to the new value. So everything is perfectly smooth every time. No fighting for control (it has overwrite: "auto"), no overlapping. I hope that helps.
  5. Hello, i have tried the official codepen demo with the horizontalLoop: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/gOvvJee Thanks for this awesome slider. But I run in some troubles with the dragging. I could fix some problems by myself but with 1 problem i have my troubles Scenario: - Open the page and drag much, so the slider its moving. - When it comes nearly to the end (but it has not stopped yet) please press the active button with the white boarders. - It now jumps a lot. Do you know why? Thanks a lot! Other bugs i could solve (but its ugly ? Scenario 1: - Open the page and drag just some pixels on the active button (Button number3) and release the mouse. - Then click a few times on the button 3. - Now it jumps some boxes. I tried to fix it in the "toIndex" function before line 150. It works better. vars.overwrite = true; if (index === curIndex) { return; } curIndex = newIndex; gsap.killTweensOf(proxy); return tl.tweenTo(time, vars); Scenario 2: - Drag a lot, so that the slider is moving. - While the slider is moving please press the "wrapper" (the grey lines above or below the boxes) - Now it jumps a loooot. I fixed this with adding a new var isNowDragging (true when the user drags) and change line 182. Seems to work now. if (!isNowDragging) {gsap.set(proxy, {x: startProgress / -ratio});} Thanks a lot for your help.
  6. Hi, Maybe you should take a look at ScrollTrigger's batch method: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger/static.batch() Here is a live example: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/NWGPxGZ In the case of your last codepen example it would be as simple as this: gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.set(".grid-i", {y: 50, opacity: 0}); ScrollTrigger.batch(".grid-i", { onEnter: batch => gsap.to(batch, {opacity: 1, y: 0, stagger: 0.15, overwrite: true}), }); Hopefully this helps. Let us know if you have more questions. Happy Tweening!
  7. @GreenSock How do I use this but with a scrolltrigger? I need to animate items per row, but it seems that when I use the row as a trigger it doesn't work. This is what I added to it: ``` rows.forEach((GridItems) => { let tl = gsap.from(GridItems, {opacity: 0, yPercent: 80, stagger: 0.05, duration: 0.7, overwrite: true}); ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: GridItems, start: 'top 70%', end: 'bottom bottom', markers: true, onEnter: () => tl.play(), onEnterBack: () => tl.restart(), onLeaveBack: () => tl.pause(0), }); });
  8. Hello @amitr95 I think the problems you are having might just be related to the general processing of the code's logic you run inside your function, and not really to GSAP measuring the height incorrectly. Here is an approach, that is a bit different on the logic side of things, which works fine for me with regard to the height. I also added overwrite: 'auto' to the tweens, so GSAP can sort out conflicting tweens that might be created along the way. [Note: this approach is not meant to be 100% bullet-proof. It is mainly to show, that the height gets tweened to the proper value.] https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/VwBqJmj Edit: Since getting the logic right for something like this can become a bit tricky, here's another example of your setup, using an approach by OSUBlake - which works a lot better. Hope that will help. https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/BaPvXQM Based on this demo. https://codepen.io/osublake/pen/JYQqZr
  9. I'm not completely sure what you're asking. But I think your problem is that you have one element that is controlled by two ScrollTriggers and they will fight for control if the first one is not yet done and the other one is starting, so you either have to make sure the other one is done when the next one starts or make it one big ScrollTrigger that just triggers over the whole duration (this seems like the easiest solution) https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/GRBPbgr?editors=1010 You could also look in to the overwrite property https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/Tween/vars If true, all tweens of the same targets will be killed immediately regardless of what properties they affect. If "auto", when the tween renders for the first time it hunt down any conflicts in active animations (animating the same properties of the same targets) and kill only those parts of the other tweens. Non-conflicting parts remain intact. If false, no overwriting strategies will be employed. Default: false.
  10. Well, as with everything, the devil is in the detail, which is why it is very hard to give general recommendations for a more complex scenario like yours. Since you are concerned about things not working when reloading the page when it's scrolled down, you might want to reconsider the general approach of how you implement the change of the backgroundColor, too, because the way you are doing it in the demos you posted, things will not work as you might intend in that case. One logical problem is the following: You are changing the playstate of pre-built timelines with.to() tweens in callbacks of ScrollTriggers, when the page is loaded at the very bottom, ScrollTrigger will make sure that those callbacks get called. So now you have multiple tweens being called quickly one after the other, which are all tweening on the same property of the same element, so you are creating conflicting tweens. When you scroll back up then, the .to() tween is supposed to be reversed, but it will probably reverse back to the color that it was at the time when that tween was being created - which very likely is not the color you'd expect but some value of a color in between all those colors. Creating your tweens upfront can be quite the tricky scenario to begin with, when you are going to tween on the same property of the same element with multiple different instances. So one way you could prevent all those logical hurdles, would be to create the tweens in the callbacks directly instead of pre-building them. Then you could either use .fromTo() tweens to make sure you always tween from one specific color to another specific color, when the callback runs, or .to() tweens with overwrite set to 'auto' to prevent conflicts I mentioned above. In this pen with the lottie-scrolltriggers handling the pinning themselves, things seem to work fine even if I create those ScrollTriggers before all the lottie-scrolltriggers, but your mileage may vary. https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/gOjKLqy
  11. Hi, i'm not exactly sure what effect you are going for. FWIW it seems a bit disorienting to move something down to a y:200 while scrolling up. That aside I would avoid creating 2 timelines initially time that control the same properties of the same thing. To avoid conflicts I would suggest creating these animations fresh when you need them inside your callbacks sort of like: ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".top-page", start: "top-=100 top", end: "top+=200 top", markers: true, onEnter: () => {let tl1 = gsap.timeline({}) .fromTo("header", { y: 0, overwrite: 'auto' },{ duration: 2, y: 200, ease: CustomEase.create("custom", "0.5, 0, 0, 1"), overwrite: 'auto' })}, onLeaveBack: () => {let tl2 = gsap.timeline({}) .to("header", { scale: 1.2, y: 200, }) .set("header", {y: 200,scale: 1,},"hide") .to("header", {opacity:1},"start2") .to(("header"), { y: 0, duration: 1, ease: "power4.out" }, "start2")} }); I would also remove locomotive scroll until you know things are working fine without it. Hopefully this set up will allow you to remove some of redundancy between the 2 animations like tweening and setting y:200 multiple times. If you need more help please try to simplify the animations as much as possible in a fork of the original pen.
  12. I got animation like in the video attached that is triggered via the code below: // tab is the html div object of the clicked tab button // blue line is the html div object of the line below the buttons gsap.to( blueLine, { duration: 0.5, left: tab.offsetLeft, width: tab.offsetWidth, overwrite: false, lazy: false } ) As you can see on the video it looks like gsap is resetting the "left" property to 0 and animates it from there. Is there a way to not reset the value and instead animate from the current property value? I couldn't find anything about it in the docs or forum. Screen Recording 2023-01-24 at 00.43.10.mov
  13. Hi In my codepen example, when mouse enters the red area, I start 5 tweens, one on each grey bar in the green area. When mouse leaves the red area, I kill all the tweens. Each bar is supposed to grow/shrink to a random value (height css prop), and then when it's finished, repeat this to another random value. It is working almost correctly. The only thing that bothers me is, when you leave the mouse in for a few iterations, sometimes a tween will randomly change his From value before going to his To value. This is making some of the bars randomly "jumping". I am using repeatRefresh: true, and from what I understand, it is supposed to force the next loop using current values as From values. So why are some of these animations still "jumping"? I also tried to use immediateRender: true and overwrite: true, but it changed nothing. Any idea?
  14. I saw a few problems: You're setting the width/height in the same gsap.set() call as the transformOrigin, and in this very rare edge case that's actually a problem because it just so happens that in the for...in loop through the properties, transformOrigin happens BEFORE the width/height. So when it tries to calculate the percentage-based origin offsets, your <rect> literally has no width or height at all, thus it gets positioned in its upper left corner. The solution: set the width/height FIRST. You could just separate those out into their own gsap.set() that you put first. You're creating conflicting animations. If you click again before the first set of animations completely finishes their 4 repeats, you'll be creating new ones that are also fighting with the old ones for control of the same elements. Make sure you kill() the old animations before you create new ones. Or you can just leverage the overwrite feature (overwrite: true here). Just so you know, the smoothOrigin does absolutely nothing in this line: gsap.timeline({ smoothOrigin: true, yoyo: false, repeat: 4 }); Timelines don't have a property like that. Maybe you intended to pass that down as a default for all child tweens?: gsap.timeline({ defaults: {smoothOrigin: true}, yoyo: false, repeat: 4 }); https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/NWBaLOd?editors=0010 Does that clear things up?
  15. Right here: gsap.utils.toArray("#menu a").forEach(el => { let linkTo = document.querySelector(el.getAttribute("data-link")), st = ScrollTrigger.create({trigger: linkTo, start: "top top"}); // create a ScrollTrigger just to track the location of the linkTo element, including pinning, etc. el.addEventListener("click", event => { event.preventDefault(); // don't let the browser jump to the link gsap.set("body", {overflow: "scroll"}); gsap.to(window, {scrollTo: st.start, overwrite: "auto"}); }); }); Jack is creating a ScrollTrigger instance for each section and then getting the start value of that particular ScrollTrigger instance. Finally it passed that to the ScrollTo plugin which creates the scroll animation. I updated the codepen example in order to close the menu as well: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/MWBvVKa Let us know if you have more questions. Happy Tweening!
  16. Hi @aileen-r and welcome to the GreenSock forums! The reason for the different speed is beacuse you're setting the timescale of each animation on the mouse leave event to be 2 and is never reset to 1, that's why is faster after the first mouse over event. If you want to keep the same speed on both events just remove that and make the duration of the animation half the current time: reactions.forEach(reaction => { const action = gsap.to( reaction, { scale: 1.2, margin: '0 30px 0 20px', duration: 0.25, ease: 'power2.inOut', overwrite: 'true', paused: true } ); reaction.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() { action.play(0); }); reaction.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() { action.reverse(); }); }); Now if you still want the leave animation to be faster, then keep the timescale setter on the mouse leave, but add one to the mouse enter as well: reactions.forEach(reaction => { const action = gsap.to( reaction, { scale: 1.2, margin: '0 30px 0 20px', duration: 0.25, ease: 'power2.inOut', overwrite: 'true', paused: true } ); reaction.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() { action.timeScale(1).play(0); }); reaction.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() { action.timeScale(2).reverse(); }); }); You can learn more about timeScale here: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/Tween/timeScale() Finally if you want to prevent the bounce effect in the reactions container, that's a bit more tricky since you need to get the current active element check in the array, see if there are elements before and move all those a specific amount of pixels and do the same for the elements after the active one. Finally when leaving the reactions container tween all the reactions back to their original x position. Avoid using margins for this if you can for that scenario. But I must say as a user I would be totally fine with the way things are, just speed up the animation and keep the timescale, no need to change it IMHO. Hopefully this helps. Let us know if you have more questions. Happy Tweening!
  17. Thanks for your further help @Rodrigo, I added overwrite, and it seems that the bubbling is stopped, but it still doesn't work correctly. When I scroll, sometimes it works but sometimes does not. How it doesn't work is that the scroll goes to the next panel and back. https://codepen.io/haruka1234/pen/eYjgGvW?editors=1010
  18. Hi @Haribo, Yeah I see the issue. It seems that adding overwrite into the onLeave an onLeaveBack scroll tweens seems to fix the problem: onLeave: () => { if (i !== panels.length - 1) { let nextPanelId = `panel-${i + 1}`; gsap.to(window, { overwrite: true, scrollTo: { y: ScrollTrigger.getById(nextPanelId).start + 1, autoKill: false }, }); } }, onLeaveBack: () => { if (i) { let prevPanelId = `panel-${i - 1}`; gsap.to(window, { overwrite: true, scrollTo: { y: ScrollTrigger.getById(prevPanelId).end - 1, }, }); } }, From the DOCS (https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/Tween/vars) : overwrite If true, all tweens of the same targets will be killed immediately regardless of what properties they affect. If "auto", when the tween renders for the first time it hunt down any conflicts in active animations (animating the same properties of the same targets) and kill only those parts of the other tweens. Non-conflicting parts remain intact. If false, no overwriting strategies will be employed. Default: false. Hopefully this helps. Let us know if you have more questions. Happy Tweening!
  19. Hi, This should work: const roll1 = roll(".rollingText", {duration: 10}), roll2 = roll(".rollingText02", {duration: 10}, true), scroll = ScrollTrigger.create({ onUpdate(self) { if (self.direction !== direction) { direction *= -1; roll1.timeScale(direction * 3); roll2.timeScale(direction * 3); gsap.to([roll1, roll2], {timeScale: direction, overwrite: true, duration: 1}); } } }); Happy Tweening!
  20. The live example you have and the demo you provided don't use either Draggable or the Inertia Plugin, so you can set the draggable option to false: let carousel = buildCarousel(items, { radiusX: 250, radiusY: 210, activeAngle: -90, draggable: false, onClick(element, self) { self.to(element, {duration: 1, ease: "power1.inOut"}, "short"); }, onActivate(element, self) { element.classList.add("active"); }, onDeactivate(element, self) { element.classList.remove("active"); }, // when a drag or animation starts (via the Carousel's to()/next()/previous() methods) onStart(element, self) { gsap.to(descriptions[items.indexOf(element)], {autoAlpha: 0, duration: 0.25, overwrite: "auto"}); }, onStop(element, self) { gsap.to(descriptions[items.indexOf(element)], {autoAlpha: 1, overwrite: "auto"}); } }); If you want to use the example with the red circles you can just offset the start and endpoints by minus 25%: gsap.set(items, { motionPath: { path: circlePath, align: circlePath, alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], start: -0.25, end: i => (i / items.length) - 0.25, }, scale: 0.9 }); The rest of the code should remain the same. Yet another option with the latter example (red dots) is to set the start point of the path to the top of the circle. Check this article by @PointC https://www.motiontricks.com/cut-your-path-start-points-in-adobe-illustrator/ Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
  21. Hey, folks! My team over at The DataFace has this nifty Svelte action powered by GSAP that we've been using for the past few projects. It blends a few approaches that we've seen in the forums. I thought we'd share the wealth with a few key examples in this repl. We have a more complex version that handles timeline positioning that I can share once it's refined. import { gsap } from 'gsap'; import { ScrollTrigger } from 'gsap/ScrollTrigger' gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); export default (node, { type, children, scrollTrigger, ...args }) => { let targets = children ? node.children : node; let timelineArgs = scrollTrigger ? { scrollTrigger: { trigger: node, start: 'top center', ...scrollTrigger } } : {}; let timeline = gsap.timeline(timelineArgs)[type](targets, { ease: 'power2.out', overwrite: true, ...args }); return { update(params) { timeline.duration(params.duration); }, destroy() { timeline.killTweensOf(targets); } } };
  22. Hi, The issue is not really about overwritting, that's a completely different situation. Basically what's happening here is that you have different event handlers battling for control to play/reverse the same GSAP instance, nothing more. A simple boolean and some conditional logic seems to solve the issue, in order to prevent ScrollTrigger's update callback from controlling the instance: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/Yzvdpog Here you can read more about overwrite: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/Tween/vars Let us know if you have more questions. Happy Tweening!
  23. Hi Everyone! I have a timeline that plays and reverses based on scroll direction. I also use a mouse enter/leave function to trigger/control the same timeline. When using ScrollSmoother the direction overrides the mouse enter/leave functions (the timeline won't play until the scroll is at rest, even when I trigger mouse enter/leave events). My question: Can I overwrite the scroll control to prioritize the "mouse enter/leave" functions? Thanks, as always.
  24. Hi @Fabian W and welcome to the GreenSock forums! First thanks for being a Club GreenSock member and supporting GSAP! ? What you are looking for is the invalidateOnRefresh configuration option in the ScrollTrigger configuration object: Boolean - If true, the animation associated with the ScrollTrigger will have its invalidate() method called whenever a refresh() occurs (typically on resize). This flushes out any internally-recorded starting values. https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/Tween/invalidate() This seems to work the way you intend: let t1 = gsap.to(c1, { scrollTrigger: { scrub: true, start: () => 0, end: () => 'max', markers: true, invalidateOnRefresh: true,// <- HERE }, y: () => document.body.clientHeight - c1.clientHeight, ease: 'none', overwrite: 'auto' }); let t2 = gsap.to(c2, { scrollTrigger: { scrub: true, start: () => 0, end: () => 'max', markers: true, invalidateOnRefresh: true,// <- HERE }, y: () => document.body.clientHeight - c2.clientHeight, ease: 'none', overwrite: 'auto' }); Hopefully this helps. If you have more questions let us know. Happy Tweening!
  25. I'm not entirely sure how you want it to work, but it may be as simple as: ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: el, start: 'top 50%', end: (self) => '+=' + el.offsetHeight, onToggle: (self) => { if (self.isActive) { gsap.to('body', { backgroundColor: color || 'transparent', duration: 0.6, overwrite: 'auto', }); } }, }); The way it was set up in Rodrigo's demo made the ScrollTriggers overlap which would cause the tweens to fight with each other during the overlaps.
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