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  1. Don't use yarn. ?‍♂️ It sounds like it's trying to install from a local cache or mirror. Searching for that error on Google is probably your best bet. Maybe these might offer some help. https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/2861 https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/2920 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67479816/deploy-gatsby-to-vercel-with-local-package-dependency
  2. Hey! There is no problem in codepen or codesandbox. But I have the problem in my locale project and live website with the same codes. When going all the way down in page and pinned elements end point crossing viewports end point, then scroll up again and when plus svg icon gettin smaller, you can see a glitch with left and right side of the svg. I think svg gets more shrink than it needs to be and gets back to correct width while cointinuing to shrink. You can see the problem at: osmanthewho.vercel.app By the way normally there was much more element on the page. And before removing them I had one more problem. After setting ScrollTrigger pin: true The animation works but in another viewport size (on mobile for example), pinning breaks the whole page scrolling behavior and I can't scroll through page even when pinned element not on the viewport. But I can hit space/shift+space to scroll up and down and animation works also. Why is this happening? Thanks in advance! https://codesandbox.io/s/small-fog-gonju?file=/pages/index.js
  3. By the way, this issue report indicates onLoad isn't supported in Next.js: https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/20368 But maybe you need this: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next/image#onloadingcomplete
  4. Another thing with next. It doesn't seem to work with ES modules, so you may to have import the UMD files. import { gsap } from "gsap/dist/gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger"; https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/706
  5. I really like Algolia's API Reference documentation. They explain in details each options quite a clear way. https://www.algolia.com/doc/api-reference/widgets/instantsearch/js/ They also have a guide section with different use cases. Nextjs example folder in their Github is also such a good one. It helped me a lot to get started. I know you are using Codepen but perhaps having a single place with all the examples would be amazing. https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/examples Stripe is also a really great one https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_methods Perhaps the main thing is the navigation. In this page for example https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger All the keys you can add inside a scrollTrigger object is not part of the left navigation. The other day I couldn't remember how you named 'scrub' or 'markers' and because it was not part of the left navigation, it took me some time to find it. I ended up watching again the video. Lodash is also really useful. I always find the information very fast. https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15 Also maybe something that could help having a faster and more delightful experience would be to remove the animations on the left navigation sidebar in the docs. It feels a bit clunky. ---- For the list of tutorials, that's such a great idea. Perhaps having a voting system for people to choose what tutorial they want next would be great. For me, having multiple tutorials or code examples on react would be amazing. Perhaps few examples using ScrollTrigger in all its glory.
  6. I'd bet there's a misconfiguration of the authentication token then. What's your server environment like? Are you using something like Netlify or Vercel?
  7. There seems to be a problem with yarn and package aliases (More info here: https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/8584) So, if you really need to deploy with yarn to netlify/vercel then you need to try either of these workarounds: 1. Delete yarn.lock file from the project and deploy or 2. add registry=https://npm.greensock.com/ to the npmrc file of the project. Note that this will fetch all packages from greensock private registry. or 3. Do not use package name alias. Install the package using `$ yarn add @gsap/shockingly` and use it as `import gsap from `@gsap/shockingly` Feel free to comment on the above github issue so that the maintainers of yarn releases a bugfix soon.
  8. Thanks for your quick reply Zach, i read those post but i i don't know what's making my scroll fail, i tested on Chrome and Firefox on Windows 10. I setup another example here https://nextjstest-jf6ccnyrh.vercel.app/ if you scroll down and them you go up and click on hello it's going to send you to another page where you can't scroll down, but if you go back the scroll behaves weird. The code is still the same that on the codesandbox
  9. I'm working on a little animation at the moment and I have it working pretty nicely when it's running locally. When I package it and deploy it however I'm hit with errors. I thought this might have something to do with gsap trying to interact with the page before it had loaded and it throwing an error, but that doesn't explain why one of the animations is actually working fine (but the others aren't). Here's the bugged production version; https://hult-network.vercel.app/ And a link to the code; https://github.com/chrish-d/GSAP-Connected-Nodes If you pull the code, this should get you going; npm install && parcel index.html Lastly I've attached a screenshot of what it should look like. Thanks for any help
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