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  1. There seems to be a problem with yarn and package aliases (More info here: https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/8584) So, if you really need to deploy with yarn to netlify/vercel then you need to try either of these workarounds: 1. Delete yarn.lock file from the project and deploy or 2. add registry=https://npm.greensock.com/ to the npmrc file of the project. Note that this will fetch all packages from greensock private registry. or 3. Do not use package name alias. Install the package using `$ yarn add @gsap/shockingly` and use it as `import gsap from `@gsap/shockingly` Feel free to comment on the above github issue so that the maintainers of yarn releases a bugfix soon.
  2. I have a working setup using yarn and vercel for anyone struggling to get it to work. yarn -v 1.22.4 In .npmrc file always-auth=true @gsap:registry=https://npm.greensock.com //npm.greensock.com/:_authToken=YOUR-TOKEN //registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=YOUR-TOKEN In package.json "dependencies": { "@gsap/shockingly": "^3.6.0", ... "gsap": "npm:@gsap/shockingly", ... } In your vercel project setting, go to environment variables and copy exact lines in the .npmrc file, see attached screenshot I hope that helps ?? supwill.dev
  3. Hi People, I have some weird issues with a page I created. The animations are an important part and unfortunately its very laggy on some computers. I tested it already on 10 devices (Linux, OSX, Windows different hardware etc). Testing is kind of hard since all the computer I'm using at home for programming the application runs well. Also, the performance test seems to be good. The typical issues like using x and y instead of left and right positioning, and skew and scale instead of transform are correct. I also use canvas instead of a div. Attached is a video how it looks if it's laggy. Under the link you can open the page on Vercel and also see a short video how it looks if its laggy. I didnt created a CodePen demo yet, since it seems to refactor a lot. Maybe it's enough if I post here the code. Let me know please! I use React and Styled Components. Laggy: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o8nz4qd5emuu251/VID_20201119_155301.mp4?dl=0 Application on Vercel: https://kh-version2.vercel.app/feed Thanks in advance!
  4. Hey Zach, thanks for getting back, much appreciated. Yeah, I've watched the video and followed the docs (did that first) and I've added the token to my production env vars as well, still no luck. There is some additional info on the Vercel docs regarding installs from private repos as well, no luck either. It worked totally fine locally, just did not manage to run it on Vercel. Anyway, a bit pressed for time on this project, so will follow the "don't touch if it works" credo for now Will go with GSAP (as a sidenote, I am switching back from Framer Motion, no offense on FM here but maybe it's nice to hear for you) in my next project again and will try to get the private repo running, will report back on this if you want me to.
  5. Hey all! Just posting this here, because it could come in handy for people desperately trying to get the club packages running in production with Next.js deployed to Vercel. I tried all the things from the install docs and everything I found in this forum (1), nothing worked until I simply tried to deploy the gsap-bonus.tgz) and install it from there. Now it works like a charm, preferred to have it from NPM, but did not manage to do so unfortunately. Maybe I missed sth important along the way, but almost gave up. If this is an issue your familiar with I highly recommend mentioning this in your docs! (Apologies if it is included and I did not saw the forrest for the trees after spending so much time). Btw — I love GSAP, and after using it for years I finally joined the Club (ShockinglyGreen). (1) Things I did / tried: Added the repo token to my environment variables on Vercel Installed next-transpile-modules to include the packages inside my next.config.js Assigning SplitText to a const to avoid tree-shaking (in addition to registering the plugin) Tried to check if the process is running on the server or the client
  6. Thanks for your quick reply Zach, i read those post but i i don't know what's making my scroll fail, i tested on Chrome and Firefox on Windows 10. I setup another example here https://nextjstest-jf6ccnyrh.vercel.app/ if you scroll down and them you go up and click on hello it's going to send you to another page where you can't scroll down, but if you go back the scroll behaves weird. The code is still the same that on the codesandbox
  7. Thanks for the prompt response and warm welcome! Yes, I definitely understand your concern and agree with your position. I am currently deploying with a private repo and everything works as expected. However, since this is part of a portfolio project, I am keen on exposing the source code. This would work since Vercel has support for private NPM packages without exposing the keys (more info here: https://vercel.com/knowledge/using-private-dependencies-with-vercel). Please let me know when this feature is released and thanks again.
  8. Good Day All! I am writing because I have recently ran into a problem with the Club Greensock plugins in a project. Basically the story is as follows: I have a React project that is running on Next.js and is deployed on Vercel. Their pipeline is integrated to GitHub and all you have to do is push changes to your remote repo and it is built and deployed automatically by Vercel. As a side note, the flow is quite amazing and it is worth checking out... So I have recently added the Club Greensock plugins to the project and they are working like magic on the local server, the plugins really are amazing! However, whenever I deploy I am getting the following error since I am git-ignoring the tarball as I have read a couple of comments by the GSAP team asking not to upload the files to GitHub: error "./gsap-bonus.tgz": Tarball is not in network and can not be located in cache (["/vercel/3c5442f4/gsap-bonus.tgz","/vercel/.cache/yarn/v6/npm-gsap-3.4.1-b86fc24265bbb3738ad1efb8f7bd4b2aa4a38a20/node_modules/gsap/.yarn-tarball.tgz"]) I have read some posts in the forums but the suggestions and fixes don't seem to apply to this particular case. I am thinking that a quick fix could be if by any chance the plugins are deployed as a private NPM package. I really don't have any other ideas at the moment... Please, please, please let me know if anyone else has run into a similar issue and what solutions have you devised/come across!
  9. I'm working on a little animation at the moment and I have it working pretty nicely when it's running locally. When I package it and deploy it however I'm hit with errors. I thought this might have something to do with gsap trying to interact with the page before it had loaded and it throwing an error, but that doesn't explain why one of the animations is actually working fine (but the others aren't). Here's the bugged production version; https://hult-network.vercel.app/ And a link to the code; https://github.com/chrish-d/GSAP-Connected-Nodes If you pull the code, this should get you going; npm install && parcel index.html Lastly I've attached a screenshot of what it should look like. Thanks for any help
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