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Everything posted by ManuGarcia

  1. So sync gsap.ticker with aframe tick <script> AFRAME.registerComponent('fps30component', { init: function () { this.tick = AFRAME.utils.throttleTick(this.tick, 30, this); }, tick: function (time, delta) { gsap.ticker.tick(delta); } }); </script> <a-scene fps30component>
  2. I was able to debug it, it doesn't show errors, the timelines just don't run in vr mode. (Here they show how to debug quest browsers: https: //developer.oculus.com/documentation/oculus-browser/browser-remote-debugging/)
  3. You can test the page at the following link: https://storage.googleapis.com/webaframe/index.html here I call the library these lines move the totems up I had not noticed the error until today, I had been working with a htc ViVe, until they noticed the error, today I got the Quest to debug, but I don't know very well how to do it, I'm working on it
  4. I currently have the same problem, when I enter the VR immersion, the timelines stop and when I exit the VR immersion to the internal browser of the Quest these timelines continue playing, this does not happen if it is entered from the Firefox browser for quest. happens in quest one and two. look this videos:(Quest Broswer) https://youtu.be/Ajrj8TnF-mg (Filezilla Virtual Firefox) https://youtu.be/_asBfxb9xDk
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