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Everything posted by davidsantas

  1. Thank you very much @mvaneijgen! Sometimes to find the appropriate resource as a starting point is the hardest part. Your example is very easy to understand.
  2. Hi everybody! I'm trying to reproduce this parallax images example inside a mask container: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/XWMPLQg, I thought that I was understanding the functionality but after some time reading and trying to understand the example with 2 images I'm lost. There is something that I'm not getting because when I add more images to html and make a loop to iterate through them the example gets broken. I'm frustrated because it seen very easy to do, can anybody help me? Thanks!!
  3. Thank you very much, with Scrolltrigger and this solution I can do what I need. However I have use my scroll trigger animation and everything works fine but when I drag the container and then I scroll, the Scrolltrigger animation jumps, and restart the animation of the circle. How can i get a continuos rotating animation? I mean, the scroll animation would start at the same rotation point that the draggable has left the circle without jumps. Is it possible? Do I need a timeline to achieve this? This is my scrolltrigger code: gsap.to(".container", { rotation: 30, duration: 8, scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".wrapper", start: "-50% center", end: "bottom center", scrub: true, markers: true } });
  4. This is a very good approach thanks, it will help me! But in this example i can't imagine how to detect which box is in top of the circle with the class 'active' and i need more info about how to execute the animation in scroll up and scroll down like I had in my initial cards carrousel. Any extra info is wellcome!
  5. Hello! I am using this useful resource https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/JjZdPWj to create my custom circle cards slider. I'm triying to spread all the cards around the main circle with a small rotation to get an effect like the image provided, because my cards are overlaping in both sides of the window, but I don't know how to approach this, it would be necessary to animate the rotation of the cards when the animation of the carrousel is executed to keep cards circle. Anyone could help me? Thanks!
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