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  1. I'm not sure the codepen makes it very clear, because it returns to the top of the page when refreshing, but hopefully it gives you a beter idea of what's going on. How would limiting callbacks work? I've tried implementing ScrollTrigger.config({ limitCallbacks: true }); but so far no luck...
  2. I'm using the ScollTo plugin to hijack the scrolling of the user: I've got multiple sections. Once the user scrolls a little bit the first scrollTo animation gets triggered and scroll the whole window to the second section. Once the user scrolls down more it automatically scrolls down to a third section. To achieve this I've use this code: let tlhomescroll = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.o-herotall__bg', start: "top top", end: "bottom center", autoKill: false, markers: true, pin: false, scrub: false, toggleActions: "restart none none none" } }); tlhomescroll .to(window, {duration: 1.5, ease: "power3.inOut", scrollTo: "#section2"}); using "o-herotall__bg" as a trigger on my 1st section it scrolls to section 2. I then do the same for section 2 to section 3. This all works fine, but the problem is: Once the user scolls down and reloads the page or comes back from another page to this on on a lower scroll position, the scrollTo is triggered and the window scrolls to section 3. How can I prevent the scroll event from triggering when the page isn't loaded at the top?
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