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Everything posted by TheBluerock

  1. Thank you! It is the first time I see this pattern. You touch me a lot. Thank you so much!
  2. Hi guys. I am trying to achieve an overlay menu animation using this stack: React, styled-components and gsap. I made a simplified example of my code in here: https://codesandbox.io/s/young-wildflower-ld94q The main overlay animation plays smoothly, but the menu items dont. I am trying to create a stagger effect for each MenuItem component. As you can see using useRef() hook only works only for the last component. When Iterating an array of components useRef() is not the right choice since the same ref has been passed to multiple objects, but still I have no idea how to get a progressive fade for each component and I'm not even sure I'm using gsap in the correct way. What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance, Matteo.
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