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Araf Hossain

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Everything posted by Araf Hossain

  1. I had made it. And you know that. It works fine in codepen. But not working on my site. ? I don't know why??????????????????????
  2. I don't know why "ScrollToPlugin" is not working, Everything is working fine. When I click on any Side navigation "a" , it's not working. Here is my live site link: http://araf.dynamicflowdev.com/ Before you gave me this solution I have tried this. https://codepen.io/arafnoob/pen/mdVROOX But I have tried yours. As your code everything is working fine. But when I click on any link. It doesn't move.
  3. Hey, Would you please tell me how to do the same thing when scroll and I setup the GSAP3. But I could not do this thing. I want as she wants. I solved the previous problem now I am facing with this problem. My codepen url: https://codepen.io/arafnoob/pen/Yzwpevj I have tried this links:
  4. Would you please tell me one thing? After going to another tab and coming back to my website, my scroll goes up automatically. Go here, http://araf.dynamicflowdev.com/ and after that go to another tab then come back again to this website. Scroll goes up automatically.
  5. I can't do this. Because my sections are bigger. And I used pin to stay the content as It is. Checkout this link https://nagama.digital/ they also used this plugin to do this.
  6. No worries I am providing you with a demo on codepen. Just a min
  7. Hi, I know how to do this. But I am using WordPress elementor where tons of css for singular design. i have done this with the demo. But When I am trying to implement in WordPress, lots of problems shown. For this reason I have shown this like this.
  8. Hello everyone I need a simple solution. This is my website http://araf.dynamicflowdev.com. I want to the parallax run with the sidebar scroller. Now what's happening now: When I scroll down full section goes up. But I don't want this. What I want: I want when user scroll, every section will go up as scroll. Not the full section. I don't want to scroll full section. I want something like this site https://nagama.digital/ On that website, scrolling is too smooth and works perfect. I want something like that. I want the smooth scroll. Here is my js code: gsap.to(".custom_panel:not(:last-child)", { backgroundPosition: `20% ${+innerWidth / 60}px`, yPercent: -100, ease: "slow", stagger: .5, scrollTrigger: { // markers: true, trigger: "#content", start: "top top", end: "+=300%", scrub: 8, pin: true } }); gsap.set(".custom_panel", {zIndex: (i, target, targets) => targets.length - i}); Here is my css code: #content { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; overflow: hidden; } .custom_panel { position: absolute !important; will-change: transform; min-height: 100vh; } Here is my view: http://araf.dynamicflowdev.com
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