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shiphter's Achievements

  1. I really appreciate your reply. Tried commenting the code as you suggested and found the issue, which wasn't related to GSAP.
  2. I have a long ScrollTrigger timeline that plays other mini timelines(not ScrollTriggered) on onStart /onComplete and onReverseComplete events. Once one of these mini timelines are executed, they animate(in and out) some SVG elements and display a button which if clicked opens a modal with scrollable content. So when the modal is visible, I use: ScrollTrigger.getById(<id>).disable(false) to pause the ScrollTrigger timeline to prevent the animations. Once the modal is closed, I use: ScrollTrigger.getById(<id>).enable(false) to resume it. As soon as it resumes, it plays from the point where it was paused but it immediately executes all the mini timelines which were executed previously. What can I do to prevent that? Thank you!
  3. Hello everyone, First time using this, so please excuse my terminology. I'm doing a THREE.js animation loop, where a bunch of textGeometries animate forming a box, sphere and cone. I'm using two timelines since I don't want the first transition(from initial state to forming a box) to repeat. So when restarting the second timeline on `onComplete`, it isn't doing a smooth transition. I'm unable to track down what's causing this, could anybody please help me figure out why the restart isn't smooth? Below is the logic, followed by a codepen demo: for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++) { var initialMorphTL = new TimelineLite(); var morphTL = new TimelineLite({onComplete:function(){this.restart()}}); const child = children[i]; initialMorphTL.to(child.position, 1, { ease: Elastic.easeOut.config( 0.1, .3), x: pointsInsideBox[ index ++ ], y: pointsInsideBox[ index ++ ], z: pointsInsideBox[ index ++ ], delay: .1 }).to(child.material.color, 1, { ease: Linear.easeNone, r: boxColor.r, g: boxColor.g, b: boxColor.b, }, "-=1"); morphTL.to(child.position, 1, { ease: Elastic.easeOut.config( 0.1, .3), x: pointsInsideSphere[ index ++ ], y: pointsInsideSphere[ index ++ ], z: pointsInsideSphere[ index ++ ], delay: 5 }).to(child.material.color, 1, { ease: Linear.easeNone, r: sphereColor.r, g: sphereColor.g, b: sphereColor.b, }, "-=1").to(child.position, 1, { ease: Elastic.easeOut.config( 0.1, .3), x: pointsInsideCone[ index ++ ], y: pointsInsideCone[ index ++ ], z: pointsInsideCone[ index ++ ], delay: 5 }).to(child.material.color, 1, { ease: Linear.easeNone, r: coneColor.r, g: coneColor.g, b: coneColor.b, }, "-=1").to(child.position, 1, { ease: Elastic.easeOut.config( 0.1, .3), x: pointsInsideBox[ index ++ ], y: pointsInsideBox[ index ++ ], z: pointsInsideBox[ index ++ ], delay: 5 }).to(child.material.color, 1, { ease: Linear.easeNone, r: boxColor.r, g: boxColor.g, b: boxColor.b, }, "-=1"); }
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