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Everything posted by noviedo

  1. Hey @ZachSaucier thanks! yes, I tried using an array but my question is, how can I to set a specific position for each one?. For example, if I use a timeline I can use the .tweenTo() to reach a specific position, but doesn't available for tweens. In my challenge I need to have paused the line at the load, so when you do a hover, this line moves forward, but when you leave the hover I need to reverse to the first position. (I leave here some images to try explain) Initial Position & Mouseleave: Hover:
  2. Hi folks! I need help to implement a new timeline from tweens that are building into a loop. (btw, I use as a base this pen https://codepen.io/osublake/pen/ExPMgQq, credits to Blake Bowen) If is use a gsap.exportRoot() into a const, I have control over the timeline (but there isn't apply to use into a component) . So but I use tl.add(tween) into the loop I can't reach the same result . Also I tried with tl.add(tween, 0) but isn't work for me. Surely I'm doing something wrong, but I can't discover what, so if you can help me I will be appreciated. Thanks. ?
  3. Hey, @GreenSock thanks so much! I totally forgot to use the AttrPlugin. You are right in all, I just applied your feedback, and works fine for both browsers. Thanks again!
  4. Hey guys, I´m having an issue on Safari when I try to transition some properties into a <linear Gradient>. I'm using Next.js, but I leave here a minimal codepen to replicate the issue. Also, I leave some videos to show the error. In Chrome and Firefox works fine, just fail in Safari (Version 13.1.1). I'm getting this error (TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.) Maybe anyone who had this error can help me! thanks in advance. chrome.mov safari.mov
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