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Thomas James Thorstensson

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Everything posted by Thomas James Thorstensson

  1. --- Thanks Jack that fixed that! +1 Barcelona beer owed ! Thomas
  2. Thanks! As that did not change anything I will provide a demo tomorrow morning! But thanks for taking your time with the arrow call!
  3. Hello fellow Green sockers! Sorry for not providing a CodePen, up against it today.? I'm trying to get this to randomize; .fromTo(".exclam", { y: 5 }, { duration: .2, y: gsap.utils.random(-5, 20), yoyo: true, repeat: 20}, "<") But it is not working! It seems to stop at same value each time. I been away from the green a while and must be missing something obvious. I've set repeatRefresh to true like so const tL = gsap.timeline({ repeatRefresh: true, defaults: { ease: "Circ.out", duration: 1 } }); Any help and I owe you a beer here in Barcelona, ? Thanks, Thomas
  4. Replying to myself here as I found the solution I think. The below works ? .call(() => { this.imageTiler.doFadeOut(1) //Call the fit function again as action box size is variable and brand area may have been re-sized/hidden },[1], 3)
  5. Hello fellow Greensockers! Here is my little question. I'm calling an instance method of a Typescript class from my class Banner.ts .call(this.imageTiler.doFadeOut,[1], 3); In ImageTiler class I have doFadeOut(imgIndex) { this.tileCreatorArr[imgIndex-1].doFadeOut(); } Now of course, ''this" in ImageTiler will refer to the Tween I'm calling from in Banner.ts, so the tileCreatorArr is undefined. How do I best bind this up so that I can call doFadeOut and get this to refer to ImageTiler class ? Thanks in Advance ? "S"
  6. Hi fellow Green Sockers, A small question. I have Animation.masterTL = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, repeat: AnimationSettings.loops, repeatDelay: AnimationSettings.loopDelay }); Animation.masterTL.stop(); This throws the error that stop is not a function of the timeline. Ok so the stop is called further down in the code after that the timeline starts. Is stop not part of GSAP 3+; I cannot see it in the documentation for 3+ This works fine: Animation.masterTL.paused(true) Thankful for help, well I guess I sorted it anyhow, so now this is just on "curious" flag level (orange with a tint of green). Thomas
  7. Hello Thanks. The last two blocks of code made me realise what the difference is! I felt like I was driving down a murky rainy road in Montana in a jaguar, then looked up through the autumn trees and saw the sun, and the road cleared ahead. Thanks again! Thomas
  8. Hello Greensockers of Iceland and other green areas of this planet I'm a bit confused about what the difference is between the two below. From GSAP 3 Release notes : ">" references the most recently-added animation's END time .to(..., "") //starts immediately after the previous tween's end time (sequenced) Is not the most recently added animation the same thing as the previous tweens end time so aren't the two above the same? Thanks Thomas
  9. Ahaaaa. Thanks for clarifying. Yes I can see the point now and it makes sense to me. Thanks for taking time! Thomas, over a cup of coffe!
  10. Hello, It seems to set timeScale I can not set it as creation parameter. Maybe I forgotten something here as I think I've done that before: this.tl = gsap.timeline({ repeat: defaultValues.customVariable3, repeatDelay: 2, // THIS DOESNT WORK timeScale: defaultValues.customVariable5 || 1 // * this will later be defaultValues.animationSpeed }); // THIS WORKS! this.tl.timeScale(defaultValues.customVariable5 || 1) Not a biggie as the second works but just checking if any fellow GSAP Mphil could advise me on why the first does not. Stay green, stay alive Thomas
  11. Hi Thanks Sorry really under it in the office all week meetgings etc. I got it working fine now, but will post when I have time. Again thanks Jack for always helping out it is much appreciated Thomas
  12. Sorry, It works! I was over stressed and of course just needed to access it as this.message see it say it sorted! Thomas
  13. Okay, roger that, I will do that when I have the time but it will be EOP today I think. I have to push on into the mist as they say in the movies! Thanks Thomas, Greensocker
  14. Ad.prototype.animateThreeFrames = function() { this.tl.set("#message5, #message4 ", { autoAlpha: 0 }); this.tl.to(".gwd-page-wrapper", { duration: .2, autoAlpha: 1 }, "+=0") this.tl.to("#cta", { duration: .2, autoAlpha: 1 }, "+=0") //1 .to("#baseImage", { duration: 1, autoAlpha: 1 }, "+=0") .from("#message1", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0,x: 100}) .to("#message1", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}, "+=2") //2 .from("#message2", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0,x: 100}) .to("#message2", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}, "+=2") //3 .from("#message3", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0,x: 100}) //if legal then show legal if (!defaultValues.legal == "") { this.tl.to("#message3", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}, "+=2") this.animation = this.tl.from("#legal", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0, onComplete:this.legalLoopCount, callbackScope:this}) this.message = this.message3; }else { this.tl.set("#legal", { autoAlpha: 0 }); } }; Ad.prototype.legalLoopCount = function (el) { console.log("value of element is now" + this.animation.message) if (this.loopIncr == defaultValues.customVariable3) { gsap.to(this.animation.message, {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0, delay:2}) gsap.to(this.animation.message, {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 1,delay:2}) } this.loopIncr +=1; } Hi, this is the best I can do at moment as I have to push on with work here in office sorry. I tried the above which is as close to the video example I could get but hmm value is undefined. Thanks
  15. I spoke to early, sorry, I tried this line, but it didn't work. I will do a workaround now and pass a label! this.tl.from("#legal", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0, onComplete:this.legalLoopCount.bind(this), callbackScope:this, onCompleteParams:this.message3})
  16. Oh great Thanks Carl I thought this was removed in the new flavour of GSAP! I must have misread that part Yes I did here I see the fine comment: “scope” values at all (except callbackScope). So no onCompleteScope, onUpdateScope, onStartScope, etc. Okay, well this will fix it Thanks! Thomas
  17. Hello again Fellow Socks of Green! Wondering what the best approach is for this. I cannot bind the onCompleteParams but I cannot figure out how to do it with a string say onCompleteParams:"#message5" Silly, I shold be able to figure out how to rewrite the gsap bits in legalLoopCount to work with string as argument but can't. Hmm. this.tl.from("#legal", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0, onComplete:this.legalLoopCount.bind(this), onCompleteParams:this.message5}) /** * @param {*} elStr The element we are hiding when showing legal */ Ad.prototype.legalLoopCount = function (el) { console.log(el) if (this.loopIncr == defaultValues.customVariable3) { gsap.to(el, {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0, delay:2}) gsap.to(el, {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 1,delay:2}) } this.loopIncr +=1; }
  18. Hello here is the full code, and this works. As Long as I use an instance of gsap instead of timeline in legalLoopCount(), it works. If I instead use timeline, same timeline, in legalLoopCount, it no longer works. This works: "use strict"; /** * * Is initialized from the GWD default HTML document */ function Ad() { this.loopIncr= 0; this.tapArea = document.querySelector("#tapArea"); document.querySelector("#page1").style.opacity = 0; // GSAP ! // repeat: sets number of loops this.tl = gsap.timeline({repeat: defaultValues.customVariable3, repeatDelay:2}); this.tl2 = gsap.timeline(); // Init // this.setAnimationDefaults(); this.startAdLib(); this.callGWDPlayPause(); setTimeout(this.startAnimation.bind(this), 1000); } /** * !TODO It is not clear if this init is needed since we are using gsap.timline * */ Ad.prototype.setAnimationDefaults = function() { this.tl.set("#baseImage", { autoAlpha: 0 }); this.tl.set("#message1, #message2, #message3, #legal", { autoAlpha: 0 }); } /** * One method for each frame count */ Ad.prototype.animateThreeFrames = function() { //* See GWD html page where ad is opacity:0 from start this.tl.to(".gwd-page-wrapper", { duration: .2, autoAlpha: 1 }, "+=0") this.tl.to("#cta", { duration: .2, autoAlpha: 1 }, "+=0") //1 .to("#baseImage", { duration: 1, autoAlpha: 1 }, "+=0") .from("#message1", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0,x: 100}) .to("#message1", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}, "+=2") //2 .from("#message2", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0,x: 100}) .to("#message2", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}, "+=2") //3 .from("#message3", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0,x: 100}) //if legal then show legal if (!defaultValues.legal == "") { this.tl.to("#message3", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}, "+=2") this.tl.from("#legal", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0, onComplete:this.legalLoopCount.bind(this)}) }else { this.tl.set("#legal", { autoAlpha: 0 }); } }; Ad.prototype.animateFourFrames = function() { }; Ad.prototype.animateFiveFrames = function() { }; Ad.prototype.legalLoopCount = function () { if (this.loopIncr == defaultValues.customVariable3) { gsap.to("#legal", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0, delay:2}) gsap.to("#message3", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 1,delay:2}) } this.loopIncr +=1; } /** * !TODO Needs to change to defaultValues.numberOfFrames later * Maybe Ill end up making these methods into regular functions no hoisting can be annoying */ Ad.prototype.startAnimation = function() { switch (defaultValues.customVariable1) { case "3": console.log("CASE THREE"); this.animateThreeFrames(); break; case "4": console.log("CASE FOUR"); this.animateFourFrames(); break; case "5": console.log("CASE FIVE") this.animateFiveFrames(); break; default: console.log("something gone wrong") break; } }; /** * Default event handler */ Ad.prototype.handleEvent = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); switch (e.type) { case "click": break; case "webkitTransitionEnd": break; default: break; } }; /** * * Ad-Lib * Helper methods * * Reflection: we should be fine calling them from inside class */ Ad.prototype.startAdLib = function(e) { adlibStart(); }; Ad.prototype.endAdLib = function(e) { adlibEnd(); }; Ad.prototype.callAdlibScreenshot = function() { takeScreenshot(); console.log("screenshot!"); }; Ad.prototype.stopAdlibScreenshot = function() { this.endAdLib(); console.log("end screenshot!"); }; /** * * GWD * Helper methods */ Ad.prototype.callGWDPlayPause = function() { gwd.auto_PauseBtnClick = function(event) { TweenMax.pauseAll(true, true, true); console.log("Pause Timeline"); }; gwd.auto_PlayBtnClick = function(event) { TweenMax.resumeAll(true, true, true); console.log("Play Timeline"); }; }; /** * Start ad */ function initAd() { window.ad = new Ad(); } Thanks
  19. I got no clue why but if I replace the legalLoopCount code with this, so I run gsap instead of timeline in legalLoopCount it works Ad.prototype.legalLoopCount = function () { if (this.loopIncr == defaultValues.customVariable3) { console.log("END") gsap.to("#legal", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}) gsap.to("#message3", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 1}) } this.loopIncr +=1; } Now it works. The other method is unchanged. I must be missing something. But I cant see what. If i put the "tl" back in it no longer works it is as if the timline looses track of the time once I jump into legalLoopCount
  20. Sorry for no code pen a bit too busy at work at moment sorry. Well the reason for that is that if final loop it should fade out legal and show last message again (message3) But someohow the timing seem to collide at that point. But I mean just because "tl" is in a second method should not mess up the track of the timeline should it. If I take exactly the same two lines from legal loop count and drop them after the on complete in animateThreeFrames it works (if i make legalLoopCount blank and instead put the could right after the onComplete) Thanks
  21. Hello Feelow Green Socks! I have the below code. The second bit of gsap code in the method legalLoopCount, behaves oddly but if you put the same animation lines into the top method, it behaves correctly. Instead of ending at the first loop, when you have it in the second method, legalLoopCount, it fades in out and in again. If I lift the same finishing lines into top it works. I put the code in a second method since onComplete is the only way I can execute this action. Maybe I should do the looping manualy instead though and put the logic in one method, that way I can increment the loop counter without waiting for onComplete. I am sure I'm missing something obvious but it seems to me that somehow when the last bit of code resides in legalLoopCount, that GSAP somehow looses track of the timeline. I'm sure I missed something in my Brain. Code: Ad.prototype.animateThreeFrames = function() { //* See GWD html page where ad is opacity:0 from start this.tl.to(".gwd-page-wrapper", { duration: .2, autoAlpha: 1 }, "+=0") this.tl.to("#cta", { duration: .2, autoAlpha: 1 }, "+=0") //1 .to("#baseImage", { duration: 1, autoAlpha: 1 }, "+=0") .from("#message1", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0,x: 100}) .to("#message1", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}, "+=2") // .from("#message2", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0,x: 100}) .to("#message2", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}, "+=2") //3 .from("#message3", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0,x: 100}) //if legal then show legal if (!defaultValues.legal == "") { this.tl.to("#message3", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}, "+=2") this.tl.from("#legal", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0,x: 100, onComplete:this.legalLoopCount.bind(this)}) } }; Ad.prototype.animateFourFrames = function() { }; Ad.prototype.animateFiveFrames = function() { }; Ad.prototype.legalLoopCount = function () { console.log("___THIS LEGAL LOOP COUNT FIRES " + this.loopIncr) if (this.loopIncr == 1) { this.tl.to("#legal", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 0}, "+=2") this.tl.to("#message3", {duration: 1,autoAlpha: 1}) } this.loopIncr +=1; }
  22. Hi No errors, <script id="js-gsap" src="https://s0.2mdn.net/ads/studio/cached_libs/gsap_3.0.1_min.js"></script> I now got the from for x and y to work. Just not for autoAlpha, I think it is GWD doing something odd in its rendered CSS will investigate meself thanks anyhow! Thomas
  23. Hello Great job on GSAP 3. I'm working for a client setting something up in Google Web Designer (unfortunately but they like it) with the great GSAP 3+ I can get .to to work like usual but .from won't work: var tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.from('#baseImage', {duration:1, autoAlpha:0}) Hmm, I wonder why, hmm. Something to do with GWD timeline hmm. Thankful in advance for any ideas. Meanwhile I will use tl.set to set initial states and then .to since that works. Thanks
  24. Hello There , Swedish London based Rich Media Banner Developer & Designer, with experience of building banners for a vast amount of clients. Canvas or no canvas, no problem. Greensock or Pixie? Can do. Story-boarding needed? I'm your man. Video? You bet! Interactive Javascript or image slider? Consider it done! Can work over Zeplin or WeTransfer, whatever you prefer. Some of the companies I worked with: WWF, Ogilvy Gamesys, TBWA\Copenhagen, MRM Meteorite, McCann, The Two Marias, NKD Learning, DOOH, York Press, TAG Worldwide, Space66. Ad banner platforms I work with: Google Studio, Google Campaign Manager, Flashtalking, Celtra, Sizmek, AdForm, Admeto, + Yours (Send me the specs!) Contact me at hello@thomasthorstensson.co.uk for samples of recent work and a discussion of what you need done!
  25. Hey, its Snoop, Thanks for the article link. I was not aware that it too creates a compositing layer like the translate3d fix. Thanks for pointing this out. I think I'm gonna go and have some coffe now. Thanks
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