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Everything posted by Azizbek

  1. How to stagger elements after fetching data from api?
  2. I have a gatsby project where I used TimelineLite.staggerTo animation When I run my project in development mode everything works normal. But when I build my project and open it in the browser elements are being animated after they're displayed. Here's in the first video how animation behaving itself in production mode: The second video is taken from development mode. production_raisense.webm development_raisense.webm Source code one of my component where I used animation. import React, { Component } from "react"; import Layout from "../components/layout"; import Row from "react-bootstrap/Row"; import Col from "react-bootstrap/Col"; import SEO from "../components/seo"; import facebook from "../images/icons/facebook.svg"; import linkedin from "../images/icons/linkedin.svg"; import github from "../images/icons/github-sign.svg"; import { TimelineLite, CSSPlugin } from "gsap/all"; import gsap from "gsap/gsap-core"; export const c = CSSPlugin; export const query = graphql` { allPrismicMembers( sort: { order: ASC, fields: uid } filter: { lang: { eq: "en-us" } } ) { nodes { data { avatar { alt copyright url localFile { childImageSharp { fluid { srcSetWebp srcWebp sizes } } } } job { html text } name { html text } social { facebook { link_type url target } github { link_type url target } linkedin { link_type url target } } } lang } } } `; export default class OurTeam extends Component { GSAP = gsap.registerPlugin(TimelineLite); cards = []; tl = new TimelineLite({ paused: true }); componentDidMount() { // This is where animation is happening this.tl.staggerFrom( this.cards, 0.5, { opacity: 0, autoAlpha: 2, y: 40 }, 0.1 ); this.tl.play(); } state = { members: this.props.data.allPrismicMembers.nodes }; render() { this.tl.kill(); return ( <Layout> <SEO title="Our Team" /> <div className="team"> <h1>Our Team</h1> <Row> {this.state.members.map((member, index) => { const fluidImages = member.data.avatar.localFile.childImageSharp; return ( <Col xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={3} key={index} ref={(div) => (this.cards[index] = div)} > <div className="card"> <div className="card-img"> {fluidImages ? ( <img src={fluidImages.fluid.srcWebp} srcSet={fluidImages.fluid.srcSetWebp} sizes={fluidImages.fluid.sizes} /> ) : ( <img src={member.data.avatar.url} /> )} </div> <div className="card-desc"> <div className="desc-info"> <p className="card-name">{member.data.name.text}</p> <p className="card-job">{member.data.job.text}</p> </div> <div className="extra-info"> <div className="social-item"> <a href={member.data.social[0].facebook.url}> <img src={facebook} alt="" /> </a> </div> <div className="social-item"> <a href={member.data.social[0].linkedin.url}> <img src={linkedin} alt="" /> </a> </div> <div className="social-item"> <a href={member.data.social[0].github.url}> <img src={github} alt="" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </Col> ); })} </Row> </div> </Layout> ); } } Is it greensock problem or React?
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