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Ezra Siton

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Everything posted by Ezra Siton

  1. Because for pure popup it is better to use accessible modal. Close by touch gestures, ARIA, back mobile button and much more (To show/hide DIV overlay by simple JS - its not enough). Technical yes - it is easy to build modal on GSAP (But this is not fancybox3 -or- vercel).
  2. This Q not related to GSAP. The best idea is to use some modal js libary (And you find `close()` API method + Accessibility). Or add custom JS code & click events. Example: https://micromodal.vercel.app/
  3. A1, A2, A3 looks like normal slider / or "tabs" (No related to GSAP). The best idea is to use swiper -or- splide (Very easy to bind custom navbar to slides by `slideTo(index)` idea). To control the show of A1 to A2 to A3 by GSAP - you could add some scroll animation related to this sections (And than use labels or scrollTo). The idea +-: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/bGVjLwG
  4. New option on GSAP 3.11 (Works like Magic): https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/gsap.matchMedia()
  5. Simple scrolltrigger v3 animation (The shoes moves on `Y` axis) - and I want to use snap. "my issue" - I want to snap to the next point only if the user very close to the end progress values(From 15 to 19.99999 => snap to 0.2). If not "do nothing". snap: { snapTo: [0, 0.2], directional: true, duration: { min: 0.5, max: 0.8 }, }, Any idea how to solve this (No examples out there related to this issue). Maybe it is not possible. Any related custom snap logic example could be helpful. **By default its snap to the closet point (So `0 to 0.09` snap to 0. `0.11 to 0.19999` snap to 0.2).
  6. Again. On webflow their is not deployment (Only Publish). I know to work with Webflow and GSAP (But how to handle this related to bonus plugins it is not clear). So the answer is to download the code and host this file somewhere? (Y/N).
  7. My basic Q is - I want to purchase Club GreenSock - For webflow builder I must use CDN for scrollsmoother. I read this docs: Where are the CDN links for bonus plugins? Bonus plugins are only available to Club GreenSock members, thus they're not on the CDN. You must download them from your account dashboard. How it's going to work?... . I download the bonus file and host the file by myself? (Where? On My own CDN?) I don't understand the mechanics (And how to avoid licensing warning "screen" on publish). Thanks
  8. Thanks. This is the output i want. Any idea how to get the same effect but without `height`? (beacuse this change the box-model of my page). See her (The "hello world" move up and down) - in my reference (https://www.yaroflasher.com/about/) only the image clip. I find a "middle" solution by extra overlay div (Less clean) - codepen example: https://codepen.io/ezra_siton/pen/gOPYRKP
  9. my codepen not working well (The image with distortion). https://www.loom.com/share/36a7900c2e084d49a9dc02875f223189 I saw this effect a lot of times (But its hard to inspect this effect) - (scroll down to team images) https://www.yaroflasher.com/about/ Related issue (I do not want Solution by `absolute` position). Any codepen -or- basic example of the trick behind. Thanks.
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