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Billy Bacon

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  1. Thank you for the replies here, I really appreciate. To the first responder, I provided a link to the site instead of the codepen because breaking up the site to a minimum would potentially not give the entire picture of what's going on in the event that something unrelated to gsap is faulting the behavior I'm looking for. Ezra Siton - I'm not sure why you indicate that this is not a GSAP question, the GSAP plugin is used to launch the modals and provide the animation for opening and closing the modal. Rodrigo - thank you for the codepen, I see your sample is using the gsap.to() functions from the plugin. Your example and the behavior it demonstrates is exactly what I'm looking for. I will try to incorporate what you've done in your javascript and see if I can get the issue to go away. Thanks again. Billy
  2. I'm trying to help a colleague with an issue he's encountering, I've read through many posts, includes (Learning GSAP 3: 2 FAQs Using Timeline with 2 Scenes and Modal Popup from text link), some of the docs and I'm at a loss as to why his implementation in not working as desired. I tried some javascript additions to force a button close event to close the active popup but nothing is working so I'm obviously fighting against the framework and need to leverage the internal events. If you go to the following URL, at the bottom of the page, there are two footer links. Clicking About Us will make that popup active, but when you click Lawyer Up link next to it, it does not close the original popup so it stacks these modals. If you then click the X, it closes both of them which gives a slightly weird user experience. If you perform those steps in the other order, click Lawyer Up first, then About Us, it doesn't close Lawyer Up but pops up the About Us behind it, then clicking the X to close closes both of them. http://rangelaw.nichez.com We just want the links at the bottom of the page to close any existing popup that might already be open and replace it with the one clicked. Is this something anyone here can help with by inspecting the developer tools at our test site URL above? Thank you for any help you can provide. Bacon
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