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Lucky Fox Design

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Everything posted by Lucky Fox Design

  1. Thanks for your hard work! The default settings for a timeline have been most wanted feature for me recently. Thanks for all other features, I'll test them in near future) Keep up the good work!
  2. It really was a problem with overwriting between tweens. I resolved this problem with delay parameter and timings for a timeline and for a tween and with deleted overlap position parameter. Next time I'll think before using this parameter. Thanks a lot for your help.
  3. I have a single load for all animations where i assign this animations to the variable. var animations = { all: [{ anim: returnADAnimation() }, { anim: returnCLAnimation() }] } All svg files for different animations hosted in one page, but i see only one svg file with his animation. All others located outside window viewport. To see other animations and its svg i have created a carousel. When i switch to next svg, i pause the current animation for current svg and play next animation. When i return to the previous, i pause current animation and restart previous. So in this step i have a big problem. First animation play: When i restart it i have different play behavior, (all the wheels jumps at the wrong time, and jumps more sharper than in the first play): ---------------------------------------------------- Pause and restart: animations.all.map(el => { if (el.anim.animationId === menuItemId) { let anim = el.anim.animationTl anim.pause(0) } }) animations.all.map(el => { if (el.anim.animationId === id) el.anim.animationTl.restart() }) I have a different timelines for all wheels and one main timeline for all of them. Second wheel let wheel2Tl = new TimelineMax() .set('#wheel2', { y: 0 }, 0) .to('#wheel2', 0.4, { y: -6 }, 0.5) .to('#wheel2', 0.1, { y: 0 }, 0.7) .to('#wheel2', 0.4, { y: -6 }, 1.4) .to('#wheel2', 0.1, { y: 0 }, 1.6) Main timeline: let mainDroidTl = new TimelineMax() ... .add(wheel3Tl, 0) .add(wheel2Tl, 0) .add(wheel1Tl, 0) .add(wheelsTl, 0) ... And i return in function this main timeline. ---------------------------------------------------- I don't know how to fix wheels timeline problem. I tried everything and I don't know what else I can do.
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