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Everything posted by Kutomba

  1. I have a simple block which contains four buttons I want these buttons to disappear in sequence using tweenmax. Here is html <div id="video-content_btns"> <div id="video-content_home" class="video-btn video-btn_content"> <img style="width:41px; height: 40px; cursor: pointer;"src="images/domek.png" /> </div> <div id="video-content_list" class="video-btn video-btn_content"> <img src="images/lista.png" /> </div> <div id="video-content_left" class="video-btn video-btn_content"> <img src="images/lewo.png" /> </div> <div id="video-container_right" class="video-btn video-btn_content"> <img src="images/prawo.png" /> </div> </div> <div class="open">open</div> Here is js document.getElementByClassName(".open").addEventListener("click", showMainMenu); var showMainMenu =function(){ var i = 0; var step = 0.05; TweenMax.to(".video-btn_content", 1, { delay: i * step, opacity: 0, scale: 0.0, ease: Back.easeIn, onComplete: function () { var j = 0; $(".video-btn_content").each(function () { TweenMax.to(this, 3, { delay: j * step, opacity: 1, scale: 1, }); j++; }); } }); i++; } This hide all at once, what do I need to change to get what I want?
  2. Hii @mikel Thank you for the great answer, I am a newbie to tweenmax animation I have a few questions 1. How to stop that infinite iteration in tweenmax? , I just want to run it once because the effect will appear only after clicking some buttons, in css I will just remove this line to stop infinite iteration animation-iteration-count: infinite; 2. Lets us assume that we have two elements one is the sircle and other is square , is it possible to add that anaimation to these elements meaning starts from element1 which is sircle and finish with second element which is square? <div class="circle">I am circle</div> <div class="square">I am square</div> Any help or suggestion will be appreciated,
  3. I have simple css animation looks like this, pen circle to square using css I want the same animation using tween max. can someone help me to achieve this??
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