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Everything posted by Kutomba

  1. Hi I have found this example on codepen: https://codepen.io/winterlion/pen/qBdZGGb?editors=0010 Now I need the same effect but with gsap 3 timeline , here is what I have tried so far HTML <h1 class='texta'>GreenSock Starter Template</h1> JS var split = new SplitText('.texta'); var timeline = gsap.timeline(); function random(min, max){ return (Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } $(split.chars).each(function(i){ timeline.from($(this),{ duration: 0.1, opacity: 1, x: random(-500, 500), y: random(-500, 500), z: random(-500, 500), scale: .1, }); }); I am not getting the same effects , as the sample I found on code pen, what do I need to change to get the same effects? Thanks Kutomba
  2. Hi I am trying to create a simple typewritter effects with gsap 3, here is my solution $('.button-li').on('click', function(){ $(".textbox").addClass('anim-typewriter'); $(".textbox").addClass('line-1'); var activeData = $(this).attr("data-active"); switch (activeData) { case 'typing': console.log('Typing animation'); var fieldTimeline = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, }); // letter animation fieldTimeline.fromTo('.textbox', 8, { width: "0", }, { width: "20.18em", /* same as CSS .line-1 width */ ease: SteppedEase.config(37) }, 0); // text cursor animation fieldTimeline.fromTo('.textbox', 0.5, { "border-right-color": "rgba(255,255,255,0.75)" }, { "border-right-color": "rgba(255,255,255,0)", repeat: -1, ease: SteppedEase.config(37) }, 0); break; } }) Unfortunaatelly this is not working, what is wrong here? https://codepen.io/makumba/pen/LYNRvQr
  3. Hi I am learning how to synchronize animation with video time line here is my solution based on information provided in gsap forums const fade = gsap.to(".textbox", { opacity: 0, duration: 1, easing: "linear", repeat: -1, yoyo: true, paused: true }); const scale = gsap.to(".textbox", { scale: 2, repeat: -1, ease: "circ.in", yoyo: true, paused: true }); const split = new SplitText(".textbox", { type: "chars" }); const splitAnim = gsap.from(split.chars, { opacity: 0, y: 50, ease: "back(4)", stagger: { from: "end", each: 0.05, }, immediateRender: false, paused: true }); var vid = document.getElementById("myVideo"); console.log('myvideo', vid); function Update(){ fade.progress( vid.currentTime/vid.duration ) }; vid.onplay = function() { console.log('onplay') gsap.ticker.addEventListener('tick',Update); }; vid.onpause = function() { gsap.ticker.removeEventListener('tick',Update); }; $(".button-li").on("click", function () { fade.pause(0); scale.pause(0); splitAnim.pause(0); const activeData = $(this).attr("data-active"); switch (activeData) { case "default": console.log("no animation needed"); break; case "fade": console.log("fade animation"); fade.play(); break; case "scale": console.log("scale animation"); scale.play(); break; case "split": console.log("split animation"); splitAnim.play(); break; } }); So I started with fade animation so far, but unfortunatelly no errors and its not working, what is wrong here? Thanks Kutomba
  4. Very good article , I love it , again thanks, by the way thanks to that articale I solved my problem using option number 8, now everything works like cham
  5. Hi bro, its weird, when I create on code pen everything works fine, the same on my project when I remove the true to false I see its animating but otherwise when I want to play it on click its not animating , thanks for help, is there any way to change this state from true to false on click and the adding play() ?
  6. Hi Guys I have one element with multiple animations eg scale, fade, split etc , I am adding these animations on click , all other animations works fine except split text , Here is my split text animation const typingText = new SplitText(".text-box"), { type: "chars" }); const typing = gsap.from(typingText.chars, { autoAlpha: 0, duration:1, visibility:"hidden", repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 1, stagger: 0.1, immediateRender: false, paused: true //changing this to false it animate but I want to animate only click with play method }); Here is click button $(".btn").on('click', function(){ ....... switch (data) { case "typing": console.log("typing animation"); typing.play(); console.log('yoyo', typing.paused()) break; } }); Now when I click a button to add split text animation , animation is not playing, so checking typing.paused() state I get the following result on console Note: When I change parameter paused to paused:false it animate the text after loading the page , I want only on click with play method to add animation to my text , but its not playing the animation ? What is wrong here ?
  7. Thanks man , exaclty what I was looking for , God bless ya
  8. Paul do I need to include tl.kill() or is not needed in that if?
  9. Hii Greeen sockers I have created a tex , I would like on click to animate this text with different animations based on animation clicked , so if user clicked button fade it should animate a text with fade animation, if clicked button scale it should animate a text with scale animation, Problem: How to remove the previous addded animation ? eg user clicks scale animation button it animate the text and if user decide to change animation to fade in it should remove the previous added animation etc Here is my codepen : Animating one element with with different animation on clik Here is how I tried to solve the problem based on docs using kill() methods on click to remove tweens (animations) so that I can add new one if(tl !=null){ console.log('Yes') tl.kill(); }else{ console.log('no') } Unfortunatelly this is not working, what do I need to to do make this working as expected? Thanks Kutomba
  10. Hi Zach, I am trying to synchronise with my video timeline, I learned it's possible to synchronise gsap animation with video timeline, So Is it possible with this kind of animation to animte using timeline if yes what is missing?
  11. Hi, I am learning gsap, I found this example on codepen https://codepen.io/natewiley/pen/xGyZXp Now I would like to use gsap.timeline or gsap TimelineMax, I change it like this var text = $(".split"); var split = new SplitText(text); var tl = new TimelineMax(); // added timelinemax here function random(min, max){ return (Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } $(split.chars).each(function(i){ tl.from($(this), 2.5, { // and used it here opacity: 0, x: random(-500, 500), y: random(-500, 500), z: random(-500, 500), scale: .1, delay: i * .02, yoyo: true, repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 10 }); }); Unfortunatelly this is not animating as expected, what do I need to change here to get the same result but using timeline? Thanks Kutomba
  12. hej thanks for your explanation , I just needed a working demo as I mention above that am newbie, and its for learning purpose
  13. Here with splittext, but this split each char instead of word to word as I want , https://codepen.io/makumba/pen/PoNzxgV
  14. problem is I would like a user to insert text as he/she wants , doing the same as anime won't work (as for my understanding(newbie) , assume a user inserts a text like this <h1>You'd need to set up the HTML similar to the anime demo you linked<h2> thanks Kutomba
  15. Hi Zach, thanks for the example so if I have just one span with a text eg 'Welcome to the jungle' and I want the same effect what do I need to change? here is the code demo Fade a word after word using gsap Thanks Kutomba
  16. Hi Guys I am inspired by tobias from anime js , https://tobiasahlin.com/moving-letters/#15 is there any similar demo using gsap? if yes please povide link , I will appreciate Kutomba
  17. I am looking for simple typewritter effects with cursor using gsap 3 , I have found demo on code pen but its uses old sytantx , https://codepen.io/jonathan/pen/avXdvw can some one provide a demo using gsap 3 ? thanks
  18. ok, I have a div ,which dynamically I am generating the same div 4 times, but each div containts its own color , here is how its looks Now I would like to animate this div which have the following html <div class="container"> <div class="content-box"> <div class="textbox"> <span class="textclass letters">Your Text '</span> </div> </div> </div> when I animate using anime.js I use the following selector which works fine its animate as I want targets: text.tag.find(".content-box .textclass")[0], now when I try to animate with gsap I do like this assume I want reveal animation //Text reveal Animation using Gsap //append span for border line text.tag.find(".textclass").append($('<span class="reveal-line"></span>')); var duration = 1; var tl = new TimelineMax(); var revealLine = text.tag.find('.reveal-line')[0]; var blockText = text.tag.find('.content-box .textclass')[0]; tl.from(revealLine, 0.5, {width:0}) .to(blockText, duration, {clipPath:"inset(0px 0px 0% 1px)", ease:Linear.easeNone, repeat:3, yoyo:true}, "reveal") .to(revealLine, duration, {top:"104px", ease:Linear.easeNone, repeat:3, yoyo:true}, "reveal") .to(revealLine, 0.5, {width:0}) Unfortunatelly this is not working , what is wrong with my codes ? meaning no errors but its not animating
  19. I tested with ID now its animating , the problem was I have a 8 divs with the same class , I think that is why gsap was not animating
  20. I know that, I wish some one could help, I can share my screen if anyone willing to help , because its a huge project so I cant share it whatsoever online if anyone will be willing to help check me private I will share my screen, because I realy need help on this, thanks all
  21. Hi all Our company purchased gsap bussiness plan , and we downloaded the latest gsap here is folder . so far we are just testing , so I uploaded gsap.min.js and SplitText.js from folder minified to my server Now I created a simple animation for testing as follows gsap.to(".reveal-line", {duration: 2, x: 200, ease: "bounce"}); but its not animating at all and no errors whatsoever addition information: we have two domain : dev.xxxx.com and www.animation.com , animation is being used in dev.xxxx.com as iframe Note: all script in network are loaded Why gsap is not animating ?
  22. Hi All. I am a newbie to animation, I am using a green sock on my website for animation also am using createjs and node-canvas plus FFmpeg for rendering these animations to videos. but unfortunately, I have the following problems 1. Rendering green sock animation with node-canvas its not working 2. Rendering createjs with nodejs canvas works but its very tough to configure and it's very old it's not updated for a long time. Can someone please tell me which library I should use for rendering the animation to video via backend ?? Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.
  23. Hi Shaun. thanks for the help, I would like also to know how can I make them appear in sequence?
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