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Everything posted by kmytor

  1. Hi, I'm really stressed, I don't know if you can help me. I tried everything but for some reason the menu keeps moving with respect to the size of the window, what can I do? if I disable the trigger the menu does not move, and also the rest of the panels do not move, the only one that changes is the pined one. can you help me
  2. Thanks, I think I have a big problem in my project. ?
  3. I am using the scrolltrigger to position a menu at the top, they work fine, but when I change the window size everything changes and it does not position under the top menu, what am I doing wrong it is supposed to be px from top to bottom it should not affect the window size. Thanks
  4. upps !!! hehehehe I'll try again, if it works I will not and come back hehehe
  5. Hello, I have an error in my code, something is wrong. am I doing something wrong with stagger? const triggerPhotos = document.querySelectorAll(".foto"); triggerPhotos.forEach(pyts => { const tlPhotos = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: pyts, start: "top 40%", scrup: 1, ease: "expo.out", toggleActions: "restart none none reverse", } }) tlPhotos .from(pyts, { duration: 1, stagger: 0.3, x: "-50%", opacity: 0, }) });
  6. Hi, I am using scrollTo() it doesn't animate, it makes small jumps, sometimes it works if it is animated and it jumps when it is immobile, I don't know what is happening.
  7. What happens now is with scrollTo() it doesn't animate, it makes small jumps, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. it's from the same project but it doesn't have to do with scrolltrigger. thanks https://codepen.io/kmytor/pen/OJZBMjj
  8. now I have another problem with the scrollTo, should I open another case or can you help me on this one?
  9. Great, I thought it was more complicated, I think I still need to understand a little more about gsap. thank you very much
  10. Hi, I am trying to use the pin for a menu, but it works fine when I start the scroll star, but two things happen. 1 does not reach the end (FOOTER), about halfway the pin is disabled and the menu jumps many times. 2 When returning to the start or return a weird error comes out and it looks very ugly and uncontrolled. I do not know what I'm doing wrong, someone can guide me or help me thanks.
  11. thanks if it's on that side, I will see the videos
  12. Perfect, perfect if it works for me. I have an other question How can I increase the size of the scroll or how can I duplicate the scroll? try to do this but it doesn't work, multiply the body trigger: "body" * 2, my my idea is that the scroll goes slower since it goes very fast. is there a way to do this? ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: "body" * 2, animation: photoOnly, start: '34% 35%', end: '45.8% 38%', scrub: true, markers: true, })
  13. Thanks I will try it, if I cannot upload the example, ]Thanks again
  14. Hello, I would like to know how can I calculate half of an object and center it with respect to the window? I tried to make this code but I think I am a little lost .to('.content', { width: '100vw', x: "-100%" / 2, duration: 2, }, "<")
  15. Hello, again me, A new question has arisen, I want to put animations on it but the way I approach it because it is not working, can you guide me? I don't know if I should do a foreach or something else ? https://codepen.io/kmytor/pen/morMqa?editors=0011
  16. I have a question where it comes from or just a name was put here: ScrollTrigger.addEventListener ("refreshInit", () => { ////// refreshInit is the name or does it mean something else?
  17. oh! excuse me forget to see console. but if that's what I needed, but wooow you changed everything hehehehe I think I should do more things, I'm a newbie, I hope to learn more
  18. Hi, again me and my experiences, hehehe How can I wonder what I'm failing I want to get the size of the hancho for the horizontal scroll to take I'm trying countSlideList take it as your high const slideList = document.querySelectorAll('ol.Slide li'); let countSlideList = slideList.clientWidth; gsap.to(".Slide", { x: () => -countSlideList, //add slideList ease: "none", scrollTrigger: { start: 0, end: countSlideList, //add slideList scrub: true, markers:true } }); https://codepen.io/kmytor/pen/gOPmOGN
  19. Perfect, Thank you very much, I think it was a cache problem, it works for me thanks for your help, I am going to investigate more about how to put animations since I have the scroll ready and working. Total thanks
  20. I think I am missing some of these libraries, should I put them all? shouldn't it only work with the core?
  21. well, if you can not this example as the attached image how can I make it work as in the example of the url that I sent in the first post? http://torola.fwp.fastwp.net/fwp_project/where-worlds-collide-4/ because the scrooll of my example does not work either
  22. Sorry, the first thing is that the scroll of the image gallery works for me, currently it does not work but I cannot understand why The second is that I would like to move the scroll to complete 100% of the window as in the image that I attach.
  23. HI, I tried to scroll the scroll guide, but I can't, I understand that my structure is different but it should work, there is some way that the images are placed on top of the written content or that the written content can also be run with the scroll and that the let gallery occupies 100%, currently it is 50%, neither, markers: true, is visible . which is recommended for this process, Thank you, I hope you understand me https://codepen.io/kmytor/pen/gOPmOGN?editors=0011
  24. Hello, I am learning something about the new scroll, which I think is great the fact that it has been implemented. but I would like to know if I can get this result as in the attached link the image adjusts according to the window with respect to the scroll. if possible? http://torola.fwp.fastwp.net/fwp_project/where-worlds-collide-4/ Is there an example of doing it?
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