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Everything posted by yulia

  1. Hi guys! If it is interesting to look at the result, here it is
  2. Hello! One more, I hope last, question. How to add autoplay the next part in such code? I found examples only for playing different timelines :( Please, help
  3. Hello! I had another question. Now the animation is playing on the scroll and on the click forward and backward. When clicking Prev btn animation plays reverse to the label, but the employer wants the animation to start play from the label. If I change reverse() to restart(), then when I click Prev btn, the entire timeline begins playing from the very beginning not from label. Please, help! This is how the project should look like And now it looks like that, but the slides are played incorrectly on the Prev btn. They show the animation in the opposite direction, and not from the beginning of the slide/ $('#next').on('click', function() { mainPage.play(); }); $('#prev').on('click', function() { mainPage.reverse(); }); $('body').on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { if (typeof e.originalEvent.detail == 'number' && e.originalEvent.detail !== 0) { if (e.originalEvent.detail > 0) { // Down mainPage.play(); } else if (e.originalEvent.detail < 0) { // Up mainPage.reverse(); } } else if (typeof e.originalEvent.wheelDelta == 'number') { if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta < 0) { // Down mainPage.play(); } else if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0) { // Up mainPage.reverse(); } } });
  4. @mikel I do not know, in my animation all these parameters work ? But thanks for another quick and useful advice! It was all about the infinite 'repeat: -1', I changed it to a limited number of repetitions and then the whole animation worked again. Love you! ?
  5. Dear @mikel, please help me with little problem ☺️ Animation stops working, if after this block .to('#railsanimate', 0.5, { animation: 'bgscrolling .1s infinite', ease: Power4.easeOut }, '-=3.5') add this block .to('#slide6train2', 0.2, { y: 2, repeat:-1, repeatDelay:0.5, yoyo: true, ease: Power4.easeOut }, '-=0.2') Somewhere here is a mistake, but I can not understand where exactly This animation stops working .to('#result', 0.8, { transform: 'scale(1)', ease: Power4.easeOut })
  6. @mikel hello again! I've redesigned my code according to your example. And I think that I understand how to do it, so that the animation is displayed smoothly in the opposite direction (prescribe all the states in the next .to after label). BUT I still do not understand how to correctly make the scroll. Please help!
  7. Hi @mikel Thanks for the answer! I already did something like that: My task is to switch between scenes by clicking on the button up and down, and also on the mouse scroll. The important part is that I animate the same element in different scenes. The animation in my code works well only Down. If you press Up, the animation is not played backwards, but restarts. I need the Circle to increase when you press the Down button and smoothly decrease in the opposite direction when you click on the Up button. And I do not understand why the scroll works as it works Can you fix my idiotic code? Thank you in advance
  8. Thank you! My employer does not care if I know how to do it or not?? This is how the project should look like as a result (these are three scenes out of six). And I did everything. I used tweenmax and scrollmagic in my project. The problem is that the animation is gradual (elements move one by one during the scene until it reaches the trigger). As triggers, I use invisible divs equal to 100vh (I understand that this is a dumb way to solve the problem ?) But I need to run the animation simply by scrolling event (Run all the animation of one scene at a time). That's why I found codepen example that we are discussing. How to use scrollmagic without trigger elements (using only the mouse scroll-event and click) I do not know ?
  9. Thanks for the quick response! I do not know what's the reason, but to make the element appear, you need to move the screen splitter. Then there will be an element that needs to be changed in different scenes, but inside the same window. http://prntscr.com/kauzbw
  10. Hello! I'm trying to apply an animation to the same element in different time lines. But it works in jumps - without a smooth transition between the states of the element. I have a task to do animation with many elements inside one screen. I have several scenes that need to be run by scrolling or clicking on the menu. Under the link all works approximately, as it is necessary to me. One problem is that the animation does not go smoothly from the first state to the second state and then to the third. https://codepen.io/yuliarushay/pen/PBjeyN Thanks!
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