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Everything posted by ginphreak

  1. No, unfortunately the problem was only partially resolved. Unfortunately I don't have time to put together a demo. In any case I would only need to know how to update the fromVars at the start of the trigger.
  2. Thank you for the reply but i solved the problem with this code: gsap.fromTo(modelCoords,{ rotZ: -0.3, rotX: 0.25, rotY: function(){return rY}, }, { rotZ: 0.5, rotX: 0.8, rotY: 3, scrollTrigger:{ ... } });
  3. Hi Forum!! How can I update the "from" values in fromTo() dinamically? Es: gsap.fromTo(modelCoords,{ rotZ: -0.3, rotX: 0.25, rotY: rY, }, { rotZ: 0.5, rotX: 0.8, rotY: 3, scrollTrigger:{ ... } }); rotY is update in an animationFrame, so on trigger star I would that rotY starts from its instant value to 3. Can you help me please?
  4. I tried using Observer but nothing: I always have a certain unnatural effect different from what I get by deactivating ScrollSmoother. Other Ideas?
  5. Unfortunately with ScrollSmoother active it doesn't work
  6. And a solution that work fine with ScrollSmoother enabled?
  7. https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/YzyaKrq This is the result I try to achieve but horizontally
  8. Hi forum, I have a problem with an animation very similar to the one in the example. What I would need is to change panels on every single scroll, without interludes. Can you give me some advice? Let me explain better: in the example the horizontal part does not change as if it were a slide.
  9. Thank you mvaneijgen but i have to repeat this alternate mouvement for all sections an this solutions (i think) is valid only for 2 sections. Or not?
  10. Hi forum, i have a stupid question, bu i spend much time on it: i want to move a fixed div (a simple square div) on page from center to right and from right to left. But with this code second .to() starts from center and not from last position. Ho can i start from last position? Thank you and sorry for the stupid question.
  11. Thank you very much, it worked very well. I would just like to make a small change: I would like to change the top margin of the header. When the page is just loaded it should be 50px from the top, while throughout the page it should be 20px from the top. https://codepen.io/Giuseppe-D-Manzavino/pen/NWevKNG
  12. Ok i have create a demo, you can see it on my server url: https://ilabserver.com/demo user: user_demo password: pass_gsap I commented the sticky object in the source. As you can see, when you start scrolling it makes a horrible click. But then continuing to scroll the animations of entry and exit of the black bar work great.
  13. Hello everyone, i have a problem with scrollSmoother plugin and sticky objects created with uikit (https://getuikit.com/docs/sticky with show-on-up parameter active). I take the object I want (the header in this case) out of the "smooth wrapper" and the animation works fine except at the beginning (when the page has just loaded). Has anyone already found themselves in this situation? Any suggestions? Thank you all!
  14. Thank you OSUblake, I hoped there was a quick solution
  15. Tnx Carl, i have posted the question in this forum because i found this code here. I hope that someone can help me
  16. Hi to all, i want create an animation based on this script But I would like to add a function that dynamically changes the number of sides of the geometric shape along which the particles rotate (morph?). It's possible? Can you help me?
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