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Everything posted by marindee

  1. This is exactly what I need. Thank you so much! I am now happily tweening.
  2. I guess I'm not explaining this properly. It might help if I explain what I'm trying to achieve, visually. My tween shows an animation of a number advancing from 0 to 50. I want it to appear like it's "fading up" while it animates, so that the "0" will have an opacity of 0 at the beginning of the tween and the "50" will have an opacity of 1, at completion.
  3. Thanks for responding. I realize this is an old post, but I happen to be using this TweenMax exactly as stated here, except that I would like to add an "opacity:0" to the beginning value of "0" and "opacity:1" to the ending value of "50." I'm not sure if it needs to be a TweenMax.fromTo, but if so, I can't get that to work. I'm also enclosing this tween inside ScrollMagic, but that shouldn't have any bearing on the tween itself. If you can help I'd appreciate it, as I'm new to animating with GSAP. var obj1 = {value:0}, element1 = document.getElementById("countUp1"); countertimeline.insert(TweenMax.to(obj1, 1.4, {value:50, ease:Linear.easeNone, onUpdate:function() { element1.innerHTML = obj1.value.toFixed(0); } }) );
  4. Is there any way to add opacity to this animation? Such as, the number starts with opacity:0 and ends with the final number at opacity:1?
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