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Narendra Verma

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Everything posted by Narendra Verma

  1. @akapowl, I updated my code pen, Can you check it once. I know ScrollMagic is not GSAP product. Can you help me in GSAP script
  2. Hello, I am display the pre loader on my website. What I am doing is, I have to show background color from left to right slide and then display the progress bar with count and once count 100% done then my background color from will end from left to right and display my content which in s my website. I found the example here but it's using https://greensock.com/forums/topic/22912-just-want-to-share-a-preloader-progress-bar/ .
  3. @ZachSaucier, I got more than 5 code pen answer in this question but none of solved my issue. I don't understand if I shared my code pen link then why I am getting with different animation and code. Is there any issue with my explanation? I agree that you can't do it for me but at least suggest to me how you can solve this use.
  4. @ZachSaucier, Yes, I need to understand what code I have to use.
  5. @ZachSaucier I am really appreciate if you help me with this animation https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/zaBYoW with my location icon. I have to move my location icon when scroll. Your code pen answer is different. One more example, I need my location icon like this https://nobox.pt/en/about Please check the heart animation when I scroll bottom the heart going to up and when I scroll top then heart going to the bottom
  6. @mikel, Yes your code pen is good but I have to use $(this).find(".location");
  7. @ZachSaucier, Yes, I read the doc. I know I have to use CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".myClass::before"); Is this code is correct? var rule = $(this).find(".location:before"); var child = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(rule);
  8. @mikel There is a css called as .wrapper .location:before. So I want to know how can I target the location:before I know I have to use CSSRulePlugin.getRule() but how can I use when I am using find method? I found one website https://nobox.pt/en/about for reference. The heart and circle are animating when you scroll.
  9. @mikel I checked the @GreenSock code pan.
  10. Hello, I am using scroll magic, What I am doing is, I have to scroll the element on scroll. I fount the example here https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/zaBYoW and I try to understand the script but I am not able to use pseudo class with find method. Would you help me out this?
  11. @GreenSock, How can I remove the horizontal line which is coming? Also text is overlaying. Can you help me out in this?
  12. @ZachSaucier, Yes, I updated code pen, Now image is scrolling but it's going out of section.
  13. Hello, I am trying to set a parallax image while scrolling but it's not working. I refer the link form here but it's changing the position of my image and scrolling also not working. I am also getting some error on console like I am try to achive parallax something like background image which is in this link. https://www.ouiwill.com/about/ Note: Image is just for testing purpose. I will change it. Would you help me out?
  14. @mikel, I am appreciate your help and support and sorry for the late reply. Is there any way to use png instated of svg?
  15. @mikel, Thanks for the help, It's working for me.
  16. @ZachSaucier I have to animate only h1(This h1 tag is just an example. I will change the tag it ). Currently, the Whole div animating. I have to animate the only h1. I updated the white-space: nowrap; .wrapper h2 { padding-top: 50px; }
  17. Hello, How to marque text from right to left side I have a h1 tag which is above the column. What I am doing is I have to marque the h1 text but it's not working from my side. Also, I am getting the h1 twice records while scrolling. As per the code pen, all the divs are scrolling. I want only h1 tag marque. Would you help me out?
  18. @mikel, Sorry for miss communication. I updated the code here. What I am doing Is, on page load I have to display image from css(OR image tag) and once indicator start 1 cross the target then display the image form GSAP script and it will override the image which coming from the CSS and vise and versa This is my example link section "How it works" https://www.sketchdeck.com/ New code pen code here
  19. @mikel I tried your code pen with mine, but not working like a reference link.
  20. @mikel Thanks for the answer. Really appreciate your support. I think this is enough for me to implement on my project.
  21. Hi @mikel, Thanks for the code pen. The issue is if I go down and come back to top then it's not going to the previous one. I mean On page load 1 -> go down -> 2 2-> go up-> 1
  22. Thanks for the reply @ZachSaucier Yes images are only for testing purpose. I added both links again
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