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Narendra Verma

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Everything posted by Narendra Verma

  1. Thanks for the reply OSUblake, Trust me I am really confused. I commented getLineHeight(), createShapes, random. I also change the minY to minX and maxY to maxX and scroller.y to scroller.x I also change the wheelMultiplier: getLineHeight() to wheelMultiplier: 100. but still not able to access. Can you assist me with my code?
  2. Thanks for the reply OSUblake, Your solution looks good.I need the horizontal scroll. Something like this.https://jsfiddle.net/Narendra2015/3s5su2q3/ I update my code in the jsfiddle but it's not smooth like your output. Can you help me out in this?
  3. Thanks for the reply Carl, What I did in your jsfiddle code, I commented the line TweenLite.to("#gentags",2, {scrollTo:{x:400}}) because I don't need to scroll the right to left on page load. Now when I am scrolling the mouse wheel upside then animation is working from left to right. This is not a right. I need when mouse scroll wheel up then animates from right to left and mouse scroll wheel down then animate from left to right. I need a fast scroll. something like https://www.tentwenty.me/about-us Can you help me out in this?
  4. Hello I am able to scroll the div from right to left side but I have to display the div linearly when scrolling the mouse wheel.The current code is not displayed liner. I mean I have to display smoothly from right to left. TIll now I haven't used GSAP. Would you help me out in this? https://jsfiddle.net/Narendra2015/3s5su2q3/
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