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Everything posted by clipclicmusic

  1. Hello I wanted to read currentTime in order to imageTimeline.getLabelBefore(imageTimeline.currentTime); But I took a while to figure out that I could, because I read the docs too carefully - the docs say that currentTime is write only ! A tiny error in your docs. Not wanting to be fussy, but might save someone a few minutes someday. Jason
  2. I see your point. As usual, you are the voice of reason ! Best Jason
  3. Hi Jack wondering if you could add the option to cache a loaded SWF as bitmap. cacheAsBitmap seems to be something that may be useful to more than one... I am loading swf images, then using them with the transformManager (it IS worth it !!!!), and a cacheAsBitmap option on the LoaderMax would make the two seamless... Thx Jason
  4. Hi I just used the MP3Loader for the first time. Groovy and quick. Is there a reason it doesn't have functionality like volume, pause, stop, play ? Or should I use a loaderMax instance and use getCOntent ???? Thanks Jason
  5. Hi Jack I didn't ask for your opinon. But I think everyone would agree that it is always welcome ! I agree with what you say. I am going to have to think of something else Thx Jason
  6. Hi I would like to prevent the user dropping a dragged item onto other elements on the stage ( ie the item must be dropped on "empty" space). Is there an easy way to do this when using TransformManager ? Thanks JAson
  7. Hi I would tend to agree.... I don't build enormous apps, so this is maybe lazy on my part... I use LoaderMax to load stuff in the background, then use the cache of the browser to reuse it when the user needs it. A memory problem occurs if I do that and use dispose int he class, as it were Perhaps the best bet is ANOTHER config option whereby the loader AND the content is disposed of once loaded ? I suspect these Background Loaders are more common that we all think ? Best Jason
  8. 1. I agree. Filesize is fine. Any smaller, and it wouldn't do anything 2. Easy to use, docs are clear. More examples are always useful - shortens the learning curve for non-techies. 3. CHILD_* is fine (I can spell it, unlike DEESENDENTS_*) 4. I used this for a job and it does everything I need (and more) 5. No. Couldn't live without it. 6. I no longer worry about loading. Leaves more time for me to work on the interesting aspects of a job.
  9. Dear all, I sat down this morning with a set of functionalities to add to an app for a client. I expected to spend at least a day... even with Transform Manager. It took me 30 minutes ! Thanks to Jack, I'm off to the beach for the day Jason
  10. For anyone who needs the info : That seems to be good. I looped 296 sounds with crossfades toggling between two channels (I went to bed and slept while it played) At launch it was using 22 MB of mem, next morning, 296 tracks later (I'm a big sleeper if anyone was counting !), the app was using 29 MB So we can assume that "sound to null, stopping the SoundCHannel and deleting the SoundCHannel" is enough for garbage collection
  11. I think I'll try to convince the client to go with a trash can !
  12. At the moment I am setting the sound to null, stopping the SoundCHannel and deleting the SoundCHannel I was hoping that you could tell me off the top of yer head... Will do some CPU / mem tests tomorrow... and update. Groovy Jason
  13. Hi Jack I am finding fun ways to use your classes in all my projects... I have been playing around with TweenMax for crossfading tracks on an MP3 player. Works a treat. Question : Am I right in thinking this will get rid of the Sound object and free up RAM ? I need to be sure that the Sound takes up no resources after the fade out, since there may be a hundred tracks playing one after the other... TweenMax.to(root["sndChann" + activeSoundChann], 4, {volume:0,onComplete:fadeOutCompleteHandler}); function fadeOutCompleteHandler() { delete root["snd" + inactiveSound]; root["snd" + inactiveSound] = null; } Thnaks Jason But the
  14. Hey If anyone does find a great slution for this, I am interested in any pointers. I have developed a 'snap to sides' system... want some elemens to snap to the side (walls of a kitchen) and some to snap to grid. Tx Jason
  15. Hi Michael Have downloaded FlashDevelop. Thanks for the tip. I already have all the docs... The thing I (and most other non-coders) have found hardest is getting our heads round AS3 - I skipped AS2 completely... so it was a bit of a shock ! If you are interested in dynamically loading fonts and using themm, I posted a work-in-progress in the TransformManager forum best Jason
  16. PS : I also spent a few hours trying to get the name of each font in the combo box written in the font itself I only managed to get the entire list in any one font, not a different font per item... Any snazzy out there can help ?
  17. Hi Jack I blush like a schoolgirl ! I spent a whole day getting this far with fonts and text... The connections var in LoaderMAx is great - setting it to 1 means that the fonts load onde by one in the correct order... and don't hog the bandwidth (Elsewhere in the app I am loading images using LoaderMax). So... cool Now I have the scale set correctly (soooooo simple when you know how !), I also see that the problem with the center handle is due to my code, not yours : manager.hideCenterHandle = true; Is there a way to set it on an item-by-item basis ? Obviously, I could create two Transform Managers, but that is untidy. Next question is : Is there an easy way to ad a delete handle to one corner of the items ? The only way I can see it to get the top right hand coordinates and manually add it on each update... Thanks Jason
  18. Hi I load fonts dynamically (using LoaderMax !), and all the user to creat text fields that can be manipulated using the TransformManager. Once a field is created, the user should be able to edit it (up to here, all is good) Now, here is where I am almost certainly asking too much of TransformManager Ideally I would like to 1 - Have the central handle so the user can drag easily 2 - Have the text become bigger when the TramsformItem is scaled 3 - Be able to delete using backspace I imagine that 3 is undoable since there is a confusion between deleting a letter and deleting the item... But 1 and 2 seem doable, I just can't figure out how !? Thnaks Jason
  19. Hi Michael Thanks for the support Jack is rather helpful, isn't he ? I think the problem is the same for everyone - getting your head around AS3 is a BIG, slow deal... but once you 'get it', I get the feeling, all of this seems really obvious. Give me another year or two, and I might have 'got it'. I am using a LOT of trial and error - tyring to avoid bothering everyone. Another cup of coffee for me Best jason
  20. Hi Jack Flat apologies, as the French say... no excuses. Just dimwittedness (and an interesting sense of spelling) Have seen what you mean and all is well Thnaks for your help Jason PS - as a fairly novice AS3 user, could I encourage people to post examples ? Please ?
  21. Hi Jack Have done tests... and it seems that AVM1 swfs give a generic AVM1.swf url as the url property e.target.loaderInfo.url Whereas AVM2 swfs give the correct value (ie their own) BUT... when I use currentTarget, both AVM1 and AVM2 swf report a generic AVM1.swf url I am completely lost here. Seems illogical to me. Is this a glitch. Or am I missing something ???? In the (more complex) app I am working on, the AVM1 swf gives the 'root' url, which is even weirder.... but have been unable to reproduce in simplified version. Any ideas ? thanks Jason
  22. Hi Jack This is a request for the best solution, rather than a bug or feature request... Using the info you gave I can get the Loader from the queue, which is great. If I then want to reload that same swf in another container, I cannot see an eay way to do so. The easiest way I see is to read the url property (which I can see in the trace action, but cannot find a way to access) How can I read the url value in the loader ? var loader:SWFLoader = clipArtQueue.getLoader(e.currentTarget.name) as SWFLoader; trace(loader) Thans Jason
  23. In fact, if anyone DOES download the source file and try to use it, then the best code is LoaderMax.getLoader(e.currentTarget.name) Give me another year and I'll maybe make a good beta tester... Sigh !
  24. Thanks Jack I was a bit confused. That is clearer. I have been digging my own hole... If anyone else reads this, then the code is LoaderMax.getLoader(e.target.name) as opposed to LoaderMax.getLoader(e.target) Jason
  25. Hi Jack When I finished up last night (when I wrote) I was sooooo tired that I couldn't get my head round anything more than where my bed is ! I have worked again and found lots of interesting stuff along the way - like your extremely complete code commenting... not that I uderstand it all Here is the FLA. It loads two US flags. Click on one to move it to the second blue box. Basically, the coffee effect this morning is that I can move loaded objects if I cast them as DisplayObject and move the loader... If I try to move the content, I get the error mentioned. If I try to move rawContent, I suppose the security error kicks in, and it has become a Loader (or am I still confused ?) Finally, a little help - in this scenario, when clicking on the flag, what is the easiest way to get the url (and any other info) for that object (see last line of code) ? Thanks Jason
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