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Posts posted by joxd

  1. Hello @iDad5 -thank you too. Where I am coming from:


    Here's the thing - my tone voice is often terse because we have an emergency situation with exclusion and exclusive design - exclusion is the opposite of inclusion and any inclusion and inclusive design starts with things like accessibility. This is way beyond seeing accessibility as people living with disability but.. Age, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Gender Attribution, Biological ***, Sexual Orientation, Emotional Attraction, Physical Disability, Tech, Psychological Disability, Race and Heritage, Location, Religion and Spirituality, Personality, Education, Marital Status, Political Affiliation, Nationality, Hobbies, Appearance, Social Class, Language, Culture, Income, Life Experience, HIV Status, Housing Situation, Ability, Experience of Trauma, Working Style, Attractiveness, COVID19 Stigma and more.


    And then there are intersections - for example living with disability, being trans and black and being included/excluded on all of those intersections. The question then is how can we include everyone into what we design and still make it delightful and functional with wonder and joy. I love reduce-motion and sure thing let's come with something on inclusion/accessibility j

  2. Thank you @GreenSock - there was a miscommunication as in the EU Accessibility is becoming compulsory and portrait/landscape matters with AA. I didn't switch to accessibility as I thought it was inferred that it's the same. User needs to be able to experience it on portrait and when they flip to landscape it should stay the same (as in the animation progress stays the same). The intention was to use GSAP and provide accessible experience. In the end I was going to promote GSAP. It's not personal and please do not take it personally. I also apologise for being frank and direct and if this comes across as rude, I apologise. What could help is maybe more curation - and topics that matter - accessibility could be one. Something that goes beyond engineering and how technology can help people and enrich their lives. Information being delivered to people in a way that is accessible, inclusive, green, sustainable, delightful and in ways that it helps people. Thank you.

  3. Thank you Cassie - exactly, your tone of voice is - the way it should be. Thank you. I was directly pointed at the door (to the three js forum) and guess what - threejs did the same on their forum - to come here. Isn't this the perfect example how inclusion and accessibility is holding you back to really go mainstream and large with adoption? I can tell you that the problem is at GSAP end - threejs is resizing and updating responsiveness for viewports but GSAP animations are off and are jumping. And @Cassie - yes but what is the purpose of such experimentation on here if it isn't accessible? Or thinking of accessibility as an afterthought - it shouldn't be just experimenting for the sake of experimenting but accessibility must always come first and then the fancy stuff imo. j

  4. What kind of UX is this - aren't you supposed to be helpful and empathetic towards (us) users - this is the GSAP related issue that is not accessible nor it is responsive because the above simply does not work. Is GSAP Forum not an inclusive space then? The above solution does not work and it should not be here if it does not help. 

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