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Everything posted by TyZ

  1. Thanks for the quick answer. Your solution means a different way of doing tweens, which would be hard (or even impossible) when working on a big project with a lot of developers and frameworks. The problem now is that a tween can kill the logic of an other tween without warning. If this occurs it's very hard to find or debug. It would be really nice if we could at least get some feedback (like a trace warning or something) that TweenLite killed a tween with an onComplete callback. This can be something which is disabled by default, but could be turned on (during development). So a developer knows why his project is broken.
  2. (See: http://forums.greensock.com/topic/7184-oncomplete-event-does-not-fired/) "If you create a competing tween of the same object that's tweening the same property, it will overwrite the previous one by default, and if that previous one has no tweening properties left, it will also kill the tween so that its onComplete doesn't fire." Sometimes this can be very annoying and can (potentially) break your project since there can be a lot of logic dependent on the onComplete call of a tween. Could you please add the following overwrite options: 1. Don't kill tweens that doesn't have properties, but still have an onComplete (or an other method) handler. 2. Throw an error when you create a second tween on an objects, when the first isn't finished yet.
  3. The VisiblePlugin set the visibility at the end of a tween. But shouldn't it make more sense if this would only occur if you want to set visible to false? If you set the visible to true it should be set at the beginning of the tween (but after the delay). Example: Note the following tween: mc.visible = false; mc.x = 0; TweenMax.to(mc, 1, {delay: .5, x: 300, visible: true}); What I expect to happen: - mc is not visible at the beginning - after 0.5 seconds the mc appears and tweens from x 0 to x 300 in 1 second. But what does happen: - mc is not visible at the beginning - after 1.5 seconds mc appears at x 0 I also already discovered a workaround for this: mc.visible = false; mc.x = 0; TweenMax.to(mc, 1, {delay: .5, x: 300, autoAlpha:1}); This does exactly what I need. But I think this should also happen when you use the VisiblePlugin.
  4. Thanks for this clear explanation. I totally understand your points. But since I am still need something like this, I'll try to build it myself. I'll let you know if I have something.
  5. Okay, clear. What should be the best way to go? Create a plugin for every propName and create 1 "main" plugin which automatically actives the other plugins when it's activated?
  6. I want to create a Tween plugin that handles more than one propName. Is that even possible or should I create a plugin for every propName?
  7. I already figured out I could do something like that. The problem is that is doesn't work for plugins. And that is exactly what I need. So how can I do something like that?
  8. I have this object that can have multiple tweens over time. But I want to go back to his original state at any time. I also want to store the current tweenvars of the object at anytime, so I can tween back to that state. So I need somthing like: var tween:TweenMax = TweenMax.to(object, 1, {...}); this._startVars = tween.startVars; after some time do some more tweens. (Could happen more than once) var tween:TweenMax = TweenMax.to(object, 1, {...}); var currentStartVars = tween.startVars; // and now append the currentStartVars to my _startVars (maybe I am tweening different properties in my seconds tween, so we need those in my _startVars as wel) Maybe the OverwriteManager can do something like that? OverwriteManager.appendVars(this._startVars, currentStartVars); And than I want to go back to my orginal state: TweenMax.to(object, 1, this._startVars); The other thing I want is to get the current tweenvars at any time (also when tweens are running) this._currentVars = TweenMax.getCurrentVars(object); So at anytime I can go back to that state I just saved in the _currentVars: TweenMax.to(object, 1, this._currentVars); Is something like this possible?
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