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  1. Great, I tried it and it worked - a solid tween of a Matrix, without the annoying skip. I will try to create an example at some point, but for now I am jammed and working to get caught up. I'm replacing Tweensy with TweenMax in my project for now, I haven't tested them both a ton yet (beyond what my immediate needs are) but given the level of response and support you provide I'm certainly going to go as far as I can with TweenMax I will post any more issues I run into, but things are working great. Will the TransformMatrixPlugin with with color matrix-based transformations as well?
  2. Well I found a way to solve my issue. The real problem I was having wasn't so much the wobble, as it was the fact that when I tweened the large symbol, if I have detail within the circle, at the end of the tween, if it lands at certain spots (I think anywhere other than 180 or 0(360) there is a gradual slow down based on easing, then the last frame is an abrupt jump - either in scale or in x/y position. I can't post an example of that behaviour now, I will try to create an unbranded example at some point to illustrate the problem. I think the wobble bug, combined with a tween of the rotation property causes this to happen, because it happened regardless of whether I was using a standard Flash tween, or any tweening library I could find and try (although admittedly the cleanest one I could create was with TweenMax) To resolve this "step" issue I wanted to try tweening a Matrix Transformation - but no libraries that I could find would do this. I did finally - after MUCH digging, find that I was able to use Tweensy (sorry@greensock) to perform a Matrix-based transformation and the 'step' problem was resolved. Now I have a nice smooth tween with easing, and no annoying step at the end. I would be curious to know if you have a way to do that with TweenMax. I've been very interested in using TweenMax to do this, since your support and documentation seem excellent. Let me know what you think. Best regards.
  3. So after more testing, it appears that in Flash, if you have a symbol, and it is fairly large (say over 500 x 500) - when it rotates you can see a definite wobble. I am attaching a bare-bones, non-TweenMax version to illustrate this, and you can see the result in action here: http://www.daharsh.net/flash/360.swf My question is this, I have tried using the TransformMatrixPlugin - but it yields a way worse problem due to the known flash "issue" (some call it a bug) of the bounding box changing sizes as the object rotates. Here is how I used the TransformMatrixPlugin in the production attempt at this: import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.TransformMatrixPlugin; TweenPlugin.activate([TransformMatrixPlugin]); var _toAngle:Number = 90; TweenMax.to(rotator,1,{transformMatrix:{rotation:_toAngle}}) Is there then a way to use the TransformMatricPlugin to cleanly rotate something without the unwanted scaling?
  4. It is a vector drawn in Illustrator, it almost seems like Flash is scaling it, because as I rotate it it has a definite wobble. It is a very large symbol (3600 x 3600) I don't think it is a tweenmax problem, because it happens regardless of what tween engine I use. I was just wondering if the transformAroundPoint plugin would actually work and resolve my problem or not. I am working on creating an example, yeah I can't post the production file. Thanks, John
  5. @greensock I'm brand new to tweenmax and tweenlight (yesterday was the first time I'd tried it). All the examples look great, but I'm having and issue with rotation - since this thread deals with transform.matrix I thought I would post here rather than starting a new thread. I am able to do a standard flash tween on a rotation, but my very large, very intricate symbol seems to jump a few pixels at the end of the tween. I used several libraries, including tweenmax and tweenlight just to rotate the symbol with the same result, although it is a little better, but the jump is still there. So I almost tried an Event.ENTER_FRAME - MatrixTransformer.rotateAroundExternalPoint - based solution, but I want to do something more elegant so I tried this: TweenMax.to(rotator,1,{transformMatrix:{rotation:_toAngle}}) and it mostly works, but because the bounding box width changes as the rotator rotates, the scale also changes making this essentially useless (unless there is some way to compensate for the bounding box width change during the course of the animation - if so please help) SO I read your upsell below, which is perfectly valid, but I don't want to drop $100 just to see if transformAroundPoint works without the ending jump. What do you suggest?
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