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  1. It is Linear, I edited just in case. I could live with 40k gripped, making the whole thing a lot easier to manage.
  2. Thanks Carl! I have not tried your suggestion, but I tried: import {TweenLite, Linear} from "gsap";When I only want to import TweenLite, I do not use TweenMax. However, it doesn't work, when I inspect my bundle, I see TweenMax being included even I do not use TweenMax anywhere. I think I will leave TweenMax as you suggested so. It is only 113k anyway, smaller than most of my images lol.
  3. With Angular-cli, this works for me: npm install gsap --save npm install @types/greensock Add types in tsconfig.app.json under "compilerOptions": "types": ["greensock"] The last step is import GreenSock in main.ts: import 'gsap'; After the above steps, I am able to start using "TweenMax" everywhere in the app. However, there is one problem, I could not find a way to include TweenLite only in my final production bundle, for smaller production size. I hope someone could post their solution here.
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