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Everything posted by friendlygiraffe

  1. oh I see. I imagine if it were to be used in a Google DoubleClick project, the js library would have to be included in the upload. There is no Google hosted equivalent?
  2. It's for a banner in DoubleClick, which I couldn't find a google hosted link for CustomEase. I noticed you use this URL in your CodePen: //s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/CustomEase.min.js?r=2 Is that because it's exclusive for Club GreenSock?
  3. Thanks Jack - Yes Power4.easeInOut is pretty near on close inspection. Almost identical in fact. I have been using that, but I was just looking for a straighter middle part (without constructing a custom version):
  4. Hi, i'm looking to create an ease that would look exactly like the inverse of a SloMo: It starts off slow, speeds up in middle, then slows down. Is there an easy way to switch this? so, instead of the original curve on the left, it would look something more like the curve on the right: Thanks
  5. Thanks Mikel, nearly - I need the text be static Here's a better example of what I mean. Have a look at the red version for what I'm trying to achieve (without having to animated the text):
  6. Thanks Sahil, I couldn't see a solution on that thread that kept the contents (text) static
  7. I'm trying to animate a div (mask) from left to right using width, keeping the text static. I have tried to achieve this using transformOrigin & marginLeft Any other suggestions welcome Thanks
  8. It seems to work when specifying #background_exit as z-index:-1; Would be good to find a more flexible fix though
  9. Thanks, any clue why is the button no longer clickable ?
  10. Might not be specific to GSAP, but: You'll notice when the button is clicked and the function is fired, it seems to remove it's functionally. See in example Thanks
  11. Thanks a lot. @PointC That works, but the circles need to be set as relative, not absolute Is there a way of setting a relative div to an absolute position ?
  12. Is it possible to staggerFrom the same point on a relative positioned div? The Circles all start from 200px from their individual positions, whereas I'd prefer them to start at left:200px in absolute coordinates. Thanks
  13. immediateRender:false worked a treat. Many thanks!
  14. Hi, I wondered why the only way I can trigger a quick reveal in Nested Timelines, is by using a duration longer than 0. As you can see in the CodePen example, the Blue, Green and Yellow circles should reveal themselves halfway through the Red circle's Timeline, but .set and a duration of 0 trigger initially, whereas the only way round it is to use 0.00001
  15. Thanks Jonathan, that's really handy I am actually using it within a nested Sequence, and I noticed the onRepeat method doesn't behave correctly when nested TweenLite.defaultEase = Power0.easeNone; var textAnims = new TimelineMax({ repeat:-1, onRepeat: seek2 }); textAnims.to(".red", 0.5, {x:400, autoAlpha:0.3}) .to(".red", 0.5, {x:0, autoAlpha:1}) .to(".green", 0.5, {x:400, autoAlpha:0.3}) .to(".green", 0.5, {x:0, autoAlpha:1}) .to(".blue", 0.5, {x:400, autoAlpha:0.3}) .to(".blue", 0.5, {x:0, autoAlpha:1}) function seek2(){ textAnims.seek(1.5); } var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.add(textAnims, 0.0)
  16. Hi, I want a Timeline to skip to half way through on repeat So the first play through starts from 0, but on every play through after that, I want it to start form halfway Is that possible? var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1, repeatDelay:2}); tl.to("#circle", 4, {x:400}) .seek(2)
  17. Actually, I marked that as solved, but what I really wanted was the repeatDelay to be the duration the object is not visible. Not the duration of the object staying visible. Would I have to use a timeline for that ?
  18. I'm trying to create a simple looping fade, without using a timeline or onComplete function calls. is this possible? This doesn't work, but I'd like something similar to this. Fade from 0 and then back to 0 with a 2 second delay?: TweenMax.fromTo("#circle", 0.5, {autoAlpha:0}, {autoAlpha:0, repeat:-1, repeatDelay:2}); Thanks
  19. Hi, I'm working on a creative that requite no external Javascript, so I was looking at maybe including the parts of TweenMax that I need in a <script type="text/javascript"></script> tag Is this something that has been done before? Or is it a bad idea? Thanks
  20. Thanks, it is a lot of extra lines of code, but yeah that works.
  21. Yeah I wanted to avoid complicating it any further, just thought Greensock might have an inbuilt method for this. Thanks anyway
  22. Thanks Dipscom, I just wondered if there was a more elegant solution?
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