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Everything posted by ukla

  1. Nice work. Both are incredible. On the Android site, I don't get the intro model / animation when I refresh. I saw it the first time, but I can't get it to show again.
  2. Cool. Was hoping that you developed a perspective shadow class!
  3. Nice looking presentation. Good work! Tell me ... how are you applying the perspective shadows?
  4. New "temporary" site for our interactive agency. http://www.blueion.com/ We will be developing a new site next year ... once we move into our new office. Thanks again GreenSock!
  5. In order to get the bottom bar to anchor at the bottom of the stage and span the width of the stage, you need to add a listener to the stage. stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeStage); private function resizeStage(e:Event):void { bar.width = stage.StageWidth; bar.y = Math.ceil(stage.StageHeight - bar.height); } I won't go into detail on the video. Essentially it is a video that is being scaled based on browser resizing. You will apply any code to resizing the video in the resizeStage function.
  6. http://www.newburymarket.com/ (just the home page flash) Uses some TweenProxy3D stuff combined with a parallax effect ... all built into a carousel. Perhaps the biggest help was the shortRotation method. HUGE time saver. Thanks GreenSock!!
  7. "TimelineLite and TimelineMax make it surprisingly simple to create complex sequences or groups of tweens that you can control as a whole. play(), pause(), restart(), or reverse(). You can even tween a timeline's currentTime or currentProgress property to fastforward or rewind the entire timeline. Add labels, gotoAndPlay(), change the timeline's timeScale, nest timelines within timelines, and lots more. " Where is the reverse() method in the documentation for TweenMax?
  8. Did you check the flash player version for each browser?
  9. Don't you need to use TimelineMax or TimelineLite for the reverse() function?
  10. Well, for "ah1" you only have two tweens - alpha and x. Which one isn't working? I cut and pasted your code for "ah1" and it works properly. The flash is the quick alpha change from 0 to 1 in 0.5 seconds. When the repeat occurs "ah1" alpha goes to 0 and tweens to 1 over 0.5 seconds.
  11. I used the trace statement with Tweener revisions. And here is why .... I have 130 clients that have flash on their site. Each client may have several flash projects - all done over the course of years. So when I have to make an update to a flash file that was done back in 2005, it is easy for me to immediately see what version of tweener was (is) being used. Due to various revisions, it is very difficult to stay on top of deprecated methods and properties. Then, add in the fact that I upgrade my Flash version every couple of years. You have to set the class paths for each version. Then there was the migration from AS2 to AS3. Etc. etc etc. Over time all of this can get confusing. Trace statements are essential to me. In no way do I find them to be annoying ... instead they are highly useful. Thanks for pointing out that I can use TweenMax.version ... didn't even think to look for that. I'll use that in my Main class.
  12. Ah ha! It is "repeatDelay" .... not "repeatdelay".
  13. One other thing ... It would be nice to include a trace statement in the constructor function that outputs the current class revision. I could go and do this manually ... but that becomes cumbersome considering the amount of revisions being done.
  14. Doesn't work for me either. There is no repeat delay ... once the alpha reaches 1 it repeats immediately. I just updated all of my plugins and classes. Funny, but the revision date in TweenMax.as reads * VERSION: 11.12 * DATE: 11/25/2009 Yet tweenmax.com says it was updated on 12/09/2009.
  15. I see that TweenMax was updated yesterday (tweenmax.com). I purchased the bonus plugins and classes. As a result, I was given a url (.zip) where I could grab the files. This was a few months ago. Is this .zip file updated every time as well? Is it kept current?
  16. Is it bad to use a tweening function in a loop event? I have never had an issue with doing it this way. Just curious to know if it is a bad practice. addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop); private function loop(e:Event):void { var distx:Number = (mouseX - stage.stageWidth*0.5)/100; var disty:Number = (mouseY - stage.stageHeight*0.5)/100; TweenMax.to(_currentitem, 1, {rotationX:-disty,ease:Expo.easeOut }); TweenMax.to(_container, 1, {shortRotation:{rotationY:_roty + distx},ease:Expo.easeOut }); sortZ(); }
  17. Nice job. I like the cause too. Very cool. Added it to the showcase online. Awesome! Thanks a ton! It is a good cause and we were happy to be a part of it. If you get a chance, check out the video. Much of it was assembled using a series of images rather than video. Has a cool impact. Thanks again for your work on the tweening engine. I thoroughly enjoy using it. I love having this forum, the documentation and the swf examples. Really speeds up the learning curve. Cheers, Craig
  18. http://www.madaktari.org Nothing super special. But it is my first full flash site using GreenSock after switching from another popular tweening engine. Baby steps ...
  19. Great! Actually you aren't "wrong" by having the map image centered in the map movie clip. Most of the time I do the same thing whenever I need to zoom. You would only have to modify the code slightly to make it work (map.width * 0.5 ... stuff like that). Glad it worked out for you.
  20. Let's start simple. Attached is how I do a "drag pan" with tweening. You can see how it would become complicated to add zoom functionality to that. You would have to calculate width/height based on scaleX/scaleY.
  21. Post your fla. It is hard to know exactly what is going on just by that code snippet. When zoooming AND panning you need to carefully consider scale and registration points. Also want to have some sort of clamping function that prevents the map from beeing dragged past certain x/y coords.
  22. Your question is difficult to answer without actually seeing the full code. There are many ways to skin this cat. It all depends on how you are setting up the panning movie clip. Post code and we will see if we can help.
  23. Here is the rough code: var _loader:Loader = new Loader(); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteListener, false, 100); _loader.load(new URLRequest(IMAGE YOU WANT TO LOAD)); function loadCompleteListener(e:Event):void { e.target.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteListener); var bitmap = Bitmap(_loader.content); bitmap.smoothing = true; // SET BITMAP SMOOTHING }
  24. Yes, I have that email and used the link to update my files.
  25. Version 11.104 works fine (latest). Version 11.1 was giving me the problem. Thanks!
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