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Everything posted by swingingtom

  1. Thanks @OSUblake for the advice, thats the first thing I did after posting. It can according the to scale demo codepen from documentation page : https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/vYBVQap But I guess not in a cubic way. The modifiers plugins seems way better than my workaround.
  2. It wasn't easy for me to understand the composition of a MotionPath path:[] property when type:cubic Especially the following statement confused me : I wasn't able to correctly identify the sequence. Especially that the first anchor is always the StartPoint(M moveTo). I was able to produce a single curve : M+C ( 4 items array ) But attempts to produce more complex path : M+C+C led to animated object to disapear. No hints from the console. Even if the provided points length was invalid ( If correctly understood, a valid length for a cubic motionpath is always 3n+1 ) And to be fully honest, Once understood, we see how much a conversion is easy. Just like a no-brainer : <path d="M0,0 C50,0 100,50 100,100"></path> // "M0,0 C50,0 100,50 100,100" // simply remove letters from svg data path // " 0,0 50,0 100,50 100,100" // and that's it, make points objects //[{x:0,y:0},{x:50,y:0},{x:100,y:50},{x:100,y:100}] No matter how long the path is, it's simply follow the sequence defined in the svg. That's brilliant. But it seems I wasn't prepared for such easy stuff. So a cubic motion path array is : StartPoint(anchor), Curve1(controlPoint1,controlPoint2,anchor),Curve2(controlPoint1,controlPoint2,anchor),etc... At least now, this is written here for future me.
  3. Hi GSAP Team & Contributors, I've had hard times to make "1D cubic path" working. According to the following codepen, simply extracting the y property of a working curve data doesn't produce the same tween : let points = [{x:0,y:0},{x:50,y:0},{x:100,y:50},{x:100,y:100}]; // Reference Y let yValues= [{y:0} ,{y:0} ,{y:50} ,{y:100}]; // Not the same tween/smoothing GreenBall is 2D cubic path, as BlueRect is 1D cubic path using the same values https://codepen.io/swingingTom/pen/qBPBQQP A workaround a could have imagine is to tween another fake property in order to have a two-dimensional properties let points = [{x:0,y:0} ,{x:50,y:0} ,{x:100,y:50} ,{x:100,y:100}]; // Reference Y let yValues= [{y:0,foo:0},{y:0,foo:50},{y:50,foo:100},{y:100,foo:100}]; // Not the same tween/smoothing But according to this codepen, it won't work : https://codepen.io/swingingTom/pen/NWaWOXX I start to believe that `type:cubic` require both `x` and `y` property to produce the cubic smoothing. For now, my only working workaround is to animate a proxy target, that only reports "y" property on the real target to be animated. https://codepen.io/swingingTom/pen/GRMRYav gsap.to(proxyTarget, { duration: 3, ease: "none", repeat: -1, yoyo: true, motionPath: { path: cubicPoints2D, type: "cubic" }, onUpdate: function () { gsap.set(realDisplayTarget, { y: proxyY.y }); } }), I know that looks more like I should use CustomEase for the prodived cases, but I would like to know better the cubic motionpath features and its limitations.
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