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paulfitz99 last won the day on December 1 2016

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Everything posted by paulfitz99

  1. Is there anyway to access the element current element being 'tweened' in a timeline? in the example below, i want to be able to access the currently tweened element on the `onComplete` callback. so on the first line where the element is `#first` I want to be able to set the current `Draggable.zIndex` value var tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true}); .to('#first', 0.15, {scale: 0, onComplete: paused, onReverseComplete: paused }); .to('#fourth', 0.15, {scale: 1, onComplete: paused, onReverseComplete: paused }); function paused() { tl.pause(); //looking for a way to access the current element here //something like $(this).css('z-index', Draggable.zIndex); }
  2. Got it! Draggable.zIndex returns the value.
  3. I am using draggable allowing me to drag around elements. On each click the z-index of the item being dragged increases by one. This means that the item dragged is always shown above other elements. I have other elements that are not draggable but I want to be able to reference the current z-index and set it on these non-draggable elements. Does this make sense? Basically I want to access the current zIndex value. http://greensock.com/docs/#/HTML5/Drag/Draggable/zIndex/
  4. I am trying to use Greensock's split text plugin to animate text in on one click and out on another. It is animating in as I want, and working perfectly. However, I am having difficulties animating the text out. It is animating out as I want, however, when the animation is complete, and i try and animate the text back in as originally it no longer works. I have created a code pen here to demonstrate the issue I am having. I have attempted to use the invalidate method http://greensock.com/docs/#/HTML5/GSAP/TweenLite/invalidate/ however it didn't work. I also tried clearProps: all, which didn't work either. https://codepen.io/Pau1fitz/pen/bwvyBr
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