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Everything posted by prabhath

  1. Hi Mikel, Thank you very much, This is grate..
  2. Thank you.. This is I trying to tell you please refer link https://jsfiddle.net/prabhath/3xjsqde1/15/ you see last slide and first slide not overlapping.
  3. yes it is thank you. and 1 thing, how can I animate last to fist slide? Thank you again for your help
  4. Hi I create sample. please check https://jsfiddle.net/prabhath/3xjsqde1/1/ Thank you.
  5. sorry for my English, I have 5 slides animated using timelinelite. I want to those all animated slides combined tougher . Ex. I want to play slide one after slide 3 like that. let tm1 = new timelinelite(); let tm2 = new timelinelite(); let tm3 = new timelinelite(); let tmArr = [tm1,tm2,tm3 ] how can I play this array. please help
  6. I'm google certified google banner animator, how many banners do you have.
  7. Hi I heave animated banners template list create using timelinelite. I want to select some banners as preview and edit text then add to timelinelite after that play all selected banners how can i do that. please help Thank you
  8. you can use Google Web designer tool for that i think. its helps adword and Doubleclick
  9. Hi Carl, Thank you very much your answer. I add code in to codepan please refer to get some idea. The filter animation not happening. please help Thank you
  10. Hi I create TlimeLineMax image gallery animation. refer below code. "tl.add(TweenLite.to(img1, 1, {delay:1, css: { 'filter': 'grayscale(0%)','-webkit-filter': 'grayscale(0%)' },ease:Linear.easeNone}));" animation was work perfectly. but grayscale is too fast. how can i slow this grayscale aniamtion. Thank you.
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