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Posts posted by omarel

  1. I think the issue is your viewbox in the SVG. I changed the SVG like so and it goes edge to edge


    <svg id="test-svg" width="50" viewBox="0 0 50 50">
        <rect height="50" width="50" fill="red"/>


  2. hmm, a search led me to a form answer explaining that initial delay goes away after it runs once so it won't come back.


    I'm wondering how to solve this. I guess I can add a delay to the first item in the timeline and the delay will happen all the time, but what if i want 0 delay when it first runs, and only that recurring delay on all repeated timelines...




  3. I have a timeline that runs. When you click a replay link the timeline reverses and then replays. I wanted to add a slight delay only right after the timeline gets reversed and the timeline replays. It works great when you click replay the first time, you can see the delay, but when you click replay one more time, the delay disappears and the replay happens instantly.


    How can I stop this delay from disappearing? 


    (Please click replay twice to see the difference) The delay is on the last line in my js file.

    function restartAnim() {



    See the Pen xMVbZR by omarel (@omarel) on CodePen

  4. Is it not compatible with previous versions of Safari?


    If not, is there a way to do a falback? This could be bad if the page simply doesnt load or the animation doesnt work on someone who simply hasnt updated to the latest browser version. Most common users don't bother having the latest browser.

  5. LOL I was just coming to post about a similar solution. I thought it was kind of hacky but I guess that's the right way. Was going to do:


    svg {


    and then jquery after the timeline


    var tl = new TimelineMax();



    BUT I prefer to use the tweenlite.set method. Thank you!!

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