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Everything posted by koldhands

  1. Hi guys, Firstly, thanks Carl for the example animation file... It looks similar to how I was doing things in Edge Animate so it's nice to see it working in Animate CC too. The issue I am having is, as a newbie to Flash / Animate CC, I can't get any tweens to work on a button hover or press using TweenMax. Here's the action I have on the timeline for my button: stage.enableMouseOver(); this.info_hover_1.addEventListener("mouseover", fl_MouseOverHandler); function fl_MouseOverHandler() { // Start your custom code // This example code displays the words "Moused over" in the Output panel. var tween = TweenMax.to(this.info_text_1, 2, {x:'-=100',ease:Back.easeOut}); // End your custom code } Any help guys would be much appreciate so I can start playing with and Animate CC properly! Thanks, Sean.
  2. Hi guys, Sorry for the newbie question here but I've been using GSAP with Edge Animate and have just switched over to Animate CC. Having issues getting anything to work so I was wondering....should I be using the Flash GSAP method or the HTML5 way? I want to create Canvas animations so I assumed it would just work the same way as Edge Animate by including the CDN version of TweenMax in the HTML file. Is this correct? Many thanks, Sean.
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