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Oliver16Years last won the day on January 15 2017

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Posts posted by Oliver16Years

  1. Yes, exactly. If the legal text is too tall, it begin to scroll up slowly as seen in SW movies. I have a few variables: the height of the legaltext, the height of the ad, the top and bottom whitespaces. From these I can calculate the overhang and the duration of the scroll up tween. When the user mouse over the star, the box is coming in from a given direction. If the text need scrolling, the box is always tweening in from the bottom. On mouse leave, the whole stuff slips back to its original position, out of the ad.

  2. ...for this imbalanced library. Since the Flash disaster roughly 2 years ago, when we faced the invevitable and we had to touch again this ugly thing what is called HTML, Your lib is saving my butt, and more: easy, bug free, comprehensive, fast, reliable. My clients are astonished, pleased and want to work with me.  My success is partly - no, no - mainly Yours. Thanks, thanks, thanks...!

    • Like 5
  3. That 50k is for 300x50. Otherwise I don't se any interresting changes at first glance.

    Since the first IAB standard I had to make 3 ( Three ) IAB 'format' ads, because the media agency didn't provide the exact format. I thought if I make something which is standard, then they can't complain.

    So this is a ghost, exists on paper but ( at least in my region ) noone using it.


  4. SIZMEK is no problem if you:


    - Zip the ad's folder into a max 200k .zip.

    - Make a fallback.jpg and include it in the zip

    - Include GSAP from any secure CDN

    - Load <script src="https://secure-ds.serving-sys.com/BurstingScript/EBLoader.js">

    - Make a clickable area with <div id = "clickthrough-button" ></div>

    - and Include this snippet in Your HTML:

    var adDiv;
    function initEB()
            EB.isInitialized() ? startAd() : EB.addEventListener( EBG.EventName.EB_INITIALIZED, startAd );
        catch ( a )
    function startAd()
        adDiv = document.getElementById( "ad" );
    function addEventListeners()
        document.getElementById( "clickthrough-button" ).addEventListener( "click", clickthrough );
    function clickthrough()
    window.addEventListener( "load", initEB );

    But the most important is to beg for/steal a sizmek login to test Your ads in their fantastic MediaMind/Eyeblaster/ACM web app. :) 



    • Like 2
  5. Sorry ohem, I didn't want to steal Your solution. I was in a hurry and I thought Gumbo want something different when he wrote


    "Ohem, I need the image to stay where it is and for the mask to reveal it from the bottom to the top"

    I found a broken codepen in his post ( as I remember ) and forked it and fixed it which became almost exactly like Yours.

    My 2 likes goes to You :)

    • Like 1
    		"scripts": "SCRIPTS_CDN",
    		"assets": "ASSETS_ROOT",
    		"kilobytelimit": 200,
    		"zip": true,
    		"fallback": true,
    		"landingpage": true,
    		"engine": "<script src=\"https://s0.2mdn.net/ads/studio/Enabler.js\"></script>\r\n",
    		"clicktag": "\t<div id='clickTag-exit' style='position: absolute; cursor: pointer; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;'></div>",
    		"clicktagid": "clickTag-exit",
    		"postscript": "DOUBLECLICKSTUDIO@postScript.js"
    		"scripts": "SCRIPTS_CDN",
    		"assets": "ASSETS_AUTOINLINE",
    		"kilobytelimit": 200,
    		"zip": true,
    		"fallback": true,
    		"separateFallback": true,
    		"landingpage": true,
    		"engine": "<script> var clickTag = '{{landingpage}}';</script>\r\n",
    		"clicktag": "\t<a id = clickArea href = 'javascript:window.open(window.clickTag)' class = System ></a>",
    		"clicktagid": "clickArea"

    this is the last working adFormats.json of mine

  7. The time has came again to pour clean water into the glass.

    I have started to precisely unravel the mistery of Sizmek as size calculation method.

    I was unsuccessful.

    What is know at the moment from my experiments is they are definitely zipping and counting the backup image into the ad's size.

    But I still don't understand how they compress. I am using 7Zip with the default compression settings and my .zips are bigger than their calculated value. For instance: in case of an 213k .zip, they see 193k from it, which is a 20k difference. I have tried to delete the assest from the zip one at a time, to see what is causing this difference, but i haven't found any file which is adding 20k to the .zip. I don't think they have the ultimate comressor which is better than 7z or the default Windows zipper, this leads to the suspicion: they are excluding something.


    Could anyone can help me to assemble the right calculation formula?

    It gets even weirder when I am inlining all the assets into the .html. My .htm file is 217k, backup.jpg is 24k  which gives a 171k .zip. Their calculator is displaying ONLY 88k. ( Don't tell anyone but this way we can make huge ads in outstanding quality )


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