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Oliver16Years last won the day on January 15 2017

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Posts posted by Oliver16Years

  1. Yeah, it's unfortunate that the backup now counts against the ad size.  


    I asked my office's Sizmek contact if there's a way around that and he said no; with Sizmek, the backup image sets the size of the div (expanded) in which the ad will be displayed.  But you can compress the image down significantly, or if you are not concerned with the backup image you can just upload a single color jpg or gif.

    Really??? They need a separate asset to set the ad's dimension? I is an extremely weird idea. Why don't just they add a meta tag like adWords and other ad providers?


    Anyway, thanks for the idea. I will compress the backup to 1% quality then :D

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  2. It's probably just the backup image being counted; that was what I discovered when the file size of one of my ads was too big.  The backup image gets added to & counted in the final package.


    If you compress your backup images more it should help.

    Fine, thanks! I dind't noticed it. Yes my backups are quite big but earlier that din't counted. I have to read the small text more carefully :)

    By the way. I stll don't understand this "backup image" thing. This is a separate ad. It wont be served along with the Html, only for those who don't have an html capable device. Which is weird in 2016.

  3. After a few ad campaign made with GWD i have decided not to use it anymore. It has a weird and slow interface, generating huge, redundant code, producing random errors. Pain in the *** to make modifications on the timeline. And finally and most importatntly it ruins it's source code sometimes. Rendering whole finished files unmodifyable, or unplayable. It's a JOKE.

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