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ohem last won the day on April 23 2017

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Everything posted by ohem

  1. When I paste text from Illustrator into Animate, it still ends up being "static text" in Animate, but it sounds like for you it's being converted to "dynamic text". Are you able to convert it back to static text within Animate? If it's a logo, you could also create outlines in Illustrator first, to be sure that it maintains the exact same appearance in Animate. Not sure why you're experiencing a different behavior than I am though; you can also report bugs to Adobe here: http://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html
  2. Edge is no longer being developed by Adobe. If you're just starting out, it would be best not to invest time learning an outdated program.
  3. Like, an actual functional calculator? You can Google "Javascript calculator" or check Codepen for examples: http://codepen.io/search/pens?q=calculator&limit=all&type=type-pens
  4. That's for DoubleClick Rich Media, not DCM (DoubleClick Campaign Manager). DCM is for standard banners only, and has a hard file size limit of 200k. Seems like you already have the information you need for how to set up polite loading (not just pre-loading) for either DoubleClick Rich Media (using the enabler) or DCM. This thread was originally asking about polite loading not specific to any platform, which is why the initial answers didn't have a way to communicate with the parent window when an ad is live, since that ability would be dependent on the ad platform used.
  5. It's normal for sprite sheets to fail locally (mainly in Chrome) due to browser security settings. Does it work when you preview directly from Animate using Test Movie (Ctrl+Enter on a PC or Command+Return on a Mac) or if you upload to your own server? Same issue discussed here: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2070547
  6. That's a help page for DoubleClick Rich Media. With DCM, you don't need to do anything special in your HTML or JS file to add a polite load. A polite load image can be uploaded/specified during trafficking, and DCM will display it until the parent window is fully loaded. https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/6279526?hl=en Polite load file Upload a polite load image so that you have something to show if there are delays loading your primary HTML5 asset in a browser. When your creative is delivered, the polite load asset loads first before each impression, followed by your primary asset. This way, if the user's browser experiences a delay loading your primary asset, the polite load image will be there until everything else finishes loading. We recommend that your polite load asset matches the first frame of your asset so users don’t experience any interruption between the two assets loading. File type: Add an image file that is under 40 KB. It can be the same asset as your backup image. If you upload multiple image files, choose the one you want in the Polite load file menu. Dimensions: The polite load image dimensions should match your backup image dimensions. (This means they will also match any non-flexible HTML5 dimensions.)
  7. Have you tried asking on the Adobe forums? https://forums.adobe.com/community/edge_animate
  8. Try adding a slight rotation to the tween. This is a common issue: https://greensock.com/forums/topic/12760-animation-slowjerky-not-smooth-in-firefox/
  9. Unless that banner was posted on Codepen or somewhere open source, you shouldn't take other people's work for real world projects. If you do, you may be violating copyright, plus it's not really an ethical thing to do. It's totally fine to learn from other people's files, but not to take/use/profit from them without permission. In terms of downsizing though, the example you posted is all vector & super lightweight; something similar to that shouldn't be an issue to traffic through Adwords.
  10. I usually use Animate CC because it's a faster workflow for me; especially, like Davi said, when it comes to fonts, masks, and QA; and also when it comes to positioning things. The ability to import custom HTML templates has also expedited my workflow. In some situations, if I need to use SVG or 3D transforms, or if I can use Google Fonts, or if it's such a simple banner that it doesn't make sense to load the whole CreateJS library, I do hand code with HTML/CSS/GSAP. I probably use Animate 85% of the time though.
  11. This example by Diaco is also helpful: http://codepen.io/MAW/pen/MYdwRP
  12. If you have to do an animated gif and not HTML5, you would need to simplify. Try reducing the frame rate in After Effects, so you have less total frames.
  13. If you can't do a Rich Media banner and use your actual video footage, you will need to recreate your animation to meet standard specs. If you don't know how to code, you can use Adobe Animate (formerly Flash Pro) to do timeline animation. (HTML5 Canvas has been supported in Flash since the release of Created Cloud.) The other alternative would be just doing a static banner.
  14. Have you tried getting rid of the blur filters? I know animating filters can often cause lag.
  15. Is it just me, or do canvas masks look fine in Chrome now? I remember they used to look terrible & jagged in Chrome for the longest time, but I'm not seeing that issue in Chrome 55 on my Mac. Not sure when it was fixed but this is great!
  16. I was curious how they do it, so I viewed the source code of one of my live DCM ads when I saw it in the wild. When the ads get trafficked, this automatically gets injected into the head of the banners: <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var relegateNavigation = ''; var handleClickTagMessage = function(e) { try { var eventData = JSON.parse(e.data); } catch (err) { return; } if (eventData.isInitClickTag) { if (eventData.clickTags) { for (var i = 0; i < eventData.clickTags.length; i++) { var clkTag = eventData.clickTags[i]; window[clkTag.name] = clkTag.url; } } else if (eventData.clickTag) { window.clickTag = eventData.clickTag; } relegateNavigation = eventData.relegateNavigation; } }; if (open.call) { window.open = function(open) { return function(url, name, features) { if (relegateNavigation === 'parent') { var message = {'clickTag': url, 'isPostClickTag': true}; parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), '*'); } else { var args = [url, name]; if (features) { args.push(features); } open.apply(window, args); } }; }(window.open); } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener( 'message', handleClickTagMessage, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onmessage', handleClickTagMessage); } })(); </script>
  17. You do need to know how your ads will be served to set them up properly, but if they're not rich media, there's no reason to use studio.
  18. Yeah, this is all that's needed. It's what they recommend in their support docs, and the clickthrough URL is updated during trafficking which is standard for any ad server. https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/6279525?hl=en Sample click tag using JavaScript Here's an example of a click tag inserted in an HTML document: <html><head> <meta name=”ad.size” content=”width=300,height=250”> <script type="text/javascript"> var clickTag = "http://www.google.com"; </script> </head> [The rest of your creative code goes here.] </html> Make sure your creative uses the click tag variable as the clickthrough URL: <a href="javascript:window.open(window.clickTag)"><img src="images/dclk.png" border=0> </a> Sample with multiple click tags using JavaScript Display creatives support multiple click tags. Here's an example of multiple click tags inserted in an HTML document: <html><head> <meta name=”ad.size” content=”width=300,height=250”> <script type="text/javascript"> var clickTag = "https://www.google.com"; var clickTag1 = "https://www.doubleclickbygoogle.com"; var clickTag2 = "https://www.google.com/doubleclick/studio"; </script> </head> [The rest of your creative code goes here.] </html> Make sure your creative uses the appropriate click tag variable as the clickthrough URL: <a href="javascript:window.open(window.clickTag)"><img src="images/dclk.png" border=0> </a> <a href="javascript:window.open(window.clickTag1)"> <img src="images/dclk.png" border=0> </a> <a href="javascript:window.open(window.clickTag2)"> <img src="images/dclk.png" border=0> </a>
  19. I recently came across this site: https://vendordb.com/ but I haven't used it myself.
  20. I don't use GWD, but this might help you with implementing a rollover state: https://support.google.com/webdesigner/answer/6179124?hl=en
  21. In HTML5 Canvas documents, there is less control over the filters than there was with ActionScript. I also see that changing the strength doesn't work, however one workaround is that you can change the alpha when setting the color of your shadow. You can also adjust the blurriness. Alternately, for what you want to do with a simple button, you could just make a dark rectangle on a layer behind your button, and use a blur filter on that to get a similar effect.
  22. Box shadow is a CSS property which will not work in canvas. In Animate CC, you can use a filter: https://helpx.adobe.com/animate/using/graphic-filters.html
  23. The default code from Sizmek is this by the way: var adDiv; function initEB() { if (!EB.isInitialized()) { EB.addEventListener(EBG.EventName.EB_INITIALIZED, startAd); } else { startAd(); } } function startAd() { adDiv = document.getElementById("ad"); addEventListeners(); } function addEventListeners() { document.getElementById("clickthrough-button").addEventListener("click", clickthrough); } function clickthrough() { EB.clickthrough(); } window.addEventListener("load", initEB); (The template you're using didn't come directly from Sizmek and the visibility styling isn't required or part of their API.)
  24. Interesting. I always just do a simple window.onload to start my timeline & make my content visible (separate from the EB init code) and have no issues viewing in an iFrame when it's set up like that.
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