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Everything posted by andyr

  1. Is it possible to start a tween from x, y coordinates? I want to animate a box into view from where the user clicks. Thanks.
  2. andyr

    Modal windows

    Done Pause the timeline when creating it: tl = new TimelineMax({paused:true});. On button click, tl.restart() Thanks
  3. andyr

    Modal windows

    Thanks. Codepen: http://codepen.io/andyroutledge/pen/EjavPd Toggle button, reverse, click x to hide, but still can't get it to re-animate when clicking toggle button.
  4. andyr

    Modal windows

    I'm trying to mimic these CSS modal windows - http://tympanus.net/Development/ModalWindowEffects/. I've centered the modal in the stylesheet, on click, it appears, and I'm using 'from' to animate towards the center. However, I close, then re-open and it doesn't re-animate. Wanted behaviour - click button, slide in window. Click again, hide the window. Simple modal window, but can't seem to get the window to re-animate.
  5. Thanks. That clears the properties. Now I need to hide and reset, so that the animation plays again from the start. Edit: I'll start a new thread, as the original request was solved.
  6. Hello I've got a modal which appears on a button click. I use clearProps to remove inline styles. tl.add(TweenLite.from('.ng_modal_dialog', 2, {left: "30%", backgroundColor: "red", clearProps: 'all'})); Then I do reverse(). Which adds them all back again. Can I clearProps after I've done reverse()? Thank you.
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