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Posts posted by anteksiler

  1. Hi there,


    Using defaults to add easing to all animations:


    	ease: Power4.easeOut

    However, when we want to cancel this on ScrollTrigger plugin:


    gsap.to(this.content, {
    				clipPath: `inset(0px 4% 0% round 64px)`,
    				inherit: false,
    				ease: "ease",
            scrollTrigger: {
    					trigger: this,
              scrub: 1,
              start: () => 'top bottom',
              end: () => 'bottom bottom'

    The animation is not happening.


    EDIT: Updated codepen. "inherit: false" breaks the animation

    See the Pen rNrdMyV by anteksiler (@anteksiler) on CodePen

  2. We are using GSAP on a user-facing UI, so there are cases where there are no elements to animate. We do our best to check for elements before hands, but there are various possibilities.


    I would like to silence these errors on console, on production sites:

    "GSAP target [object Object] not found"

  3. 2 minutes ago, OSUblake said:

    You can put callbacks inside the stagger object.



    gsap.to(elements, {
      x: 100,
      repeat: -1,
      stagger: {
        each: 0.1,
        onComplete() {
          console.log(this.targets()[0]); // <= the current target



    Oh wow! This is super useful! I don't think this is on documentation.


    Thank you @OSUblake

  4. 2 hours ago, GreenSock said:
    function onRewindComplete(timeline, callback) {
      var time = 0;
      timeline.to(callback, {
        duration: 0.0001,
        onUpdate: function() {
          var t = this.time();
          (!t && time) && callback.call(timeline);
          time = t;
      }, 0);



    I am confused here as you using "callback" as a timeline selector, and the using "callback" as a timeline "callback.call(...)".

  5. On 12/8/2019 at 8:32 AM, Hil said:

    Here is an easy work around

    function toggleClass(s,n) {	
     .call(toggleClass, [searchBlock, "nav__search--active"],"+=1.5")


    This method is not working for me because call is trigger twice when using timeline.

  6. On 11/17/2019 at 8:07 PM, GreenSock said:

    Yes, as mentioned in the release notes, GSAP 3 doesn't support className tweens because they're just generally a bad idea in most cases:

    1. From a performance perspective, they require looping through every single CSS property available to find which ones change between the start and end, and then isolating those for the tween. It's just a lot of work that could be avoided by simply being explicit with your animations about which properties you want to animate.
    2. From a code perspective, being explicit about which properties you're animating helps to make your code more maintainable and aids in troubleshooting/readability. 
    3. Dropping className support saves valuable kb in the engine. 

    We may consider a separate ClassNamePlugin down the road if there's enough demand from users, but I think it's better in most cases to just nudge users toward writing cleaner animation code that doesn't rely on things being defined in CSS. If you have a certain use case that helps make the case for a ClassNamePlugin, definitely let us know.


    If you just want to add a class at the end of an animation or something, that's easy to do in an onComplete callback. And of course you can use simple CSS transitions if you're looking for basic CSS state changes.



    As far as I can see, just adding classes is not working either:

    tl.set( search_window, { className: '+=search-active' } , "start")

    It replaces all the classes even though "+=" is used.

  7. So I am running timeline to show sub-menus:

    var tl = gsap.timeline( { paused: true } );
                .to( cc, { duration: 0.5, autoAlpha: 1 }, "start")
    						.to( menu, { display: 'block', duration: 0.5, autoAlpha: 1 }, "start")
    						.to( li, { duration: 0.1, opacity: 1, stagger: 0.03 }, "start");

    Menu is set to display: none; by default. The "display:block" is applied at the end of the animation.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Yes, but my question is related to this code:


    	.add(animation1.play(), "position")
    	.add(animation2.play(), "position");


    They start together when using (mainTl.play()), but when reversed (mainTl.reverse()), they don't start together.

  9. Well, I am using a regular scrollto function:


    container.on('click', function(){
    					TweenMax.to(win, 1, {scrollTo: { y: 0 }, ease:Quart.easeOut});
    					return false;


    I don't think you understand me clearly, I am not using any other function on that button.


    How can "scroll-behavior: smooth;"  stop the javascript?

  10. Thanks, I have moved my timelines into a master timeline, and it's easier to control. However, I have an issue with position parameter of nester timelines.


    	.add(animation1.play(), "position")
    	.add(animation2.play(), "position");


    Now, when playing mainTL,  both animations start together, however, when using mainTl.reverse(), they are staggering. 


    mainTL, animation1 and 2 are all paused.

  11. Is there anyway we can omit some tweens when doing reverse() ?


    I have this code

    					.set($('.header_overlay_padding', header), {marginTop: $('.logolink', header).outerHeight()})
    					.to(header_overlay_menu, 0.3, { y: 0 }, "start")
    					.set(header, {className: '+=light-header'})
    					.staggerFromTo($('.thb-header-menu>li>a', header), 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1 }, 0.1, 'color')
    					.staggerFrom($('.thb-header-menu>li>a', header), 0.3, { color:'#fff', clearProps: 'color' }, 0.1, 'color+=0.5') ***
    					.to(bar, 0.5, { cssRule: { scaleX: 1, opacity: '0.1' } }, '-=0.5' )
    					.staggerFromTo($('.thb-secondary-menu-container a', header), 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1 }, 0.1, 'subcolor')
    					.staggerFrom($('.thb-secondary-menu-container a', header), 0.3, { color:'#fff', clearProps: 'color' }, 0.1, 'subcolor+=0.5'); ***


    I would rather not animate the lines marked with *** when doing reverse.

  12. I am trying to achieve a similar effect on the menu elements on this site: http://www.kikk.be/2016/


    As you can see, the text scrambles, and goes back,


    This is my code here:

    $('h1').each(function() {
    	var _this = $(this),
    			mySplitText = new SplitText(_this, {
    			  type: "chars"
    			newchars = '*?�><[]&@#)(.%$-_:/\\;?!azertyuopqsdghjklmwxcvbn'.split(''),
    			randomchars = shuffleArray(newchars),
    			letters = shuffleArray(mySplitText.chars),
    			tl = new TimelineMax({ paused: true });
    	$(letters).each(function(index, element){
    	  	.to(letters[index], 0.02, {scrambleText: randomchars[Math.floor(Math.random() * newchars.length)]}, index*0.02);
    	_this.hover(function() {
    	},function() {
    function shuffleArray(array) {
        for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
            var temp = array[i];
            array[i] = array[j];
            array[j] = temp;
        return array;

    I am getting close, but it's taking some time :) Any help is appreciated.

    See the Pen zoJLZN by anteksiler (@anteksiler) on CodePen

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