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Everything posted by chagui

  1. Thats a good version too.. welldone
  2. @ jamie exactly , conerning the this.lasthited element(see post above ) , we'll retalking about after my sleep(really need it i guess)
  3. @Diaco thx for ur input, ur example ilustrate pretty much my ask concerning this.lasthited element ! Here you have to loop for test if anyone hitest anything but i guess the API actually doing this in backend, so why not getting this value from source because its ever calculated;
  4. @jamie thanks , very helpfull indeed
  5. @rodrigo, Actually ur example is a very good illustration of ones of pb i encoutered, see, you cannot have the corect direction of the drag with this, see logs http://codepen.io/anon/pen/GrtEv ; down, up without release and ur direction detection will wrong suprisingly because infact your Y position is > 0 but..you reffer to your starting position instead of the actual position
  6. @blake , see my edited post , its more than returning true when hitest..
  7. What i mean by " this.hitest() " , lets say you have a collision betwean two elements A and B, you have all information about A with " this " and " if (this.hitTest("#B")) " will return you true . well #B is the hited element here , and i want to take easely more than a true collision , lets say the lasthited element .. In a list of sortable example, this.lasthited could return the last hited element immediatly directly from API(without need extra loop), then we could just replace the this position(A) by this.lasthited(B here) , and the sortable code is pretty made, there are so much case who thats could be usefull.. hope u understand my example.. Anyway , Thanks for you input ,You are a greensock guru thats sure , for a 10min work(really??),thats works pretty good(at least)
  8. @jamie Actually you cannot get the y position of the hitest element, you can set an action if this histest but you have not any control of the hitest element... I spent time to make a try with GSAP because i like this library qnd i'd like to see them bigger tomorow, thats the opensource spirit thats all..
  9. Hi rodrigo and thanks for your input, Unfortunatly , you don't get the really direction with this kind : we don't know what element will be drag in first, we will don't know his future position direction, use y position will be a fake solution and simply doesn't work for a sortable feature i guess... Really, now immagine we can have the hitest element position with a this.hitest() method, the whole feature will be finish in hour.. So are you agree to say , this method to take the actual element hitest position lacking here... I love draggable but it need more flexibility here. I just try to achieve this with GSAP because i love ur library and i 'd like to enlarge some building plugin.. This king of feature is actually achievable in hour with pure javascript, so , for a draggable plugin i guess it should be easier, its the plugin idea i think. anyway, ur library is very good and i discover it each day, but something lake here, im pretty sure.. Now after some hours spent to perform that, i am very curious and open to see anyone achieve this feature with draggable; i will love to see someone show me how many lines you need to do it., im not sinic, its just an objective things. gui
  10. ok, i'm sorry so say, i resign lol ; I took many time, and my think is some option with hitest will be warmly welcome... i mean i easely know how to achieve it if you give me something like this : this.hitest.y ! Here one of the bigger pb is , how do you know the actual direction of draging element ?! i am very curious to know.. i can doing work in one direction only. i attach my try, all advises and/or eplanation are welcome. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/rlyEh?editors=001
  11. im sorry i edited my post because i asked question who i finally find the answer, i'm working on the things, its not so easy as we think.. I will post the final result for sure
  12. thx for this piece of code, im gona give another try
  13. hi, no i didn't able to make any progress, i dont want to work with jquery, im focusing on greensock draggable; I am cusrious to know if anybody built this with GSAP , as i said i didn't find the way to achieve it, but peraps there are some greensocks guru on this site, i dont give up to see a new starting example for a sortable features
  14. Hi, It could very usefull to enlarge the ui form capabilities of draggable, after input range, i was trying to make a sortable list elements with draggable but it seems difficult infact, i attached a codepen find on this forum , i have really no idea to perform that..seems doesn't work at all.. a good exemple is the jquery ui sortable viewable here : http://jqueryui.com/sortable/ I'm very open to any advises or others strating exemples.. gui
  15. chagui

    Animation not fluid

    perhaps put pure javascript variable external + make only one animation who contain all div could help..
  16. chagui

    Input range slider

    @osublake see my exemple i guess a simple div into another should solve ur pb , unset knob width and putt an absolute div in it
  17. chagui

    Input range slider

    Hi all, It sould be great to set a simple auto scale function with draggable...I didn't see any scale function in the API to perform what i did in my codepen example bellow with a min value at left left:0 of the div..( seems not possible with minX ) . The width div have now no more dependance with the scale you 're choosing, play with the 5 variable at top of document , there is a randonCSS variable to test autoscale(disable auto update and hit the script) http://codepen.io/anon/pen/IqlGh?editors=001
  18. chagui

    Input range slider

    good work warrior , if you achieve to make cursors movable by clicking anywhere on the slide, u'll be the king if not , i 'll take some weak (at least ) to share that with us ; many thanks to you gui
  19. chagui

    Input range slider

    Hi AncientWarrior Thanx for that , i was thinking in this kind. But how do you make for fixing begin strating points position and min/max values in this logic ?! lets say we need a slider 0 min 100max and a starting position with firstpoint at 55 and second point at 80 guess itsnot so easy ! it take me 12hours to generate my poor try : http://codepen.io/anon/pen/tkbui?editors=101 , but i like this library so i don't givup... i have taken all my afternoon for trying to move cursors slider by clicking.., no way for me at this moment ..lol gui
  20. chagui

    Input range slider

    Input type range slider in progress...come soon nice day, gui
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