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Colin Ochel

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  1. Hey, that worked. Thanks Davi! I had it as this.myClip at first but myClip worked. Thank you again.
  2. Thanks for the comment. Just to be clear, The TweenMax works if it sits outside of the function and the video works as well. (The video code is Sizmek code) So this works. this.c4.addEventListener("click", playvideo); TweenMax.to(this.c10, 1, {alpha:1, ease: Power2.easeOut}, "+=0") ; function playvideo () { //attach video element to body var bodyElement = document.body; bodyElement.insertBefore(videlem, bodyElement.childNodes[0]); videlem.play(); } --------------- This plays the video but not the TweenMax animation. (when the TweenMax is after the video code) this.c4.addEventListener("click", playvideo); function playvideo () { //attach video element to body var bodyElement = document.body; bodyElement.insertBefore(videlem, bodyElement.childNodes[0]); videlem.play(); TweenMax.to(this.c10, 1, {alpha:1, ease: Power2.easeOut}, "+=0") ; } --------------- This does not play the video so it appears that the TweenMax is throwing an error but why? this.c4.addEventListener("click", playvideo); function playvideo () { TweenMax.to(this.c10, 1, {alpha:1, ease: Power2.easeOut}, "+=0") ; //attach video element to body var bodyElement = document.body; bodyElement.insertBefore(videlem, bodyElement.childNodes[0]); videlem.play(); }
  3. Im leveraging Adobe Animate to build a banner. It works great except for one new issue. I have a video play when I click a movieClip (c4). The video plays but the TweenMax animation does not fire. In fact, if I put the TweenMax code before the video, the video does not play. Below is the focused code. this.c4.addEventListener("click", playvideo); function playvideo () { //attach video element to body var bodyElement = document.body; bodyElement.insertBefore(videlem, bodyElement.childNodes[0]); videlem.play(); TweenMax.to(this.c10, 1, {alpha:1, ease: Power2.easeOut}, "+=0") ; } ---- Does anyone have an idea why the animation does not fire? It fires outside the function. Cheers
  4. Hey Carl, I was hoping you could enlighten me how one would go about using the SplitText function in Flash's HTML5 Canvas. Cheers
  5. Thanks Diaco, I should have been more specific. I am leveraging Flash CC to export out a Canvas file. Cheers
  6. Hey Diaco, I was hoping you could help me as well. I'm trying to use SplitText with Flash CC. I tried calling the text with the format you had "#Stage_myText" .I am assuming that you have a dynamic text box on the stage named myText. It throws me an error and the banner does not run. Am I doing something wrong or is the naming different for Flash. I tried this.myText but no luck. Cheers
  7. Thanks Carl, Very helpful. I would like to point out something that got me hung up for a bit. If you start with a blank HTML5 Canvas, you need to add some code to the HTML if you uncheck the auto update. 1st, make sure all createjs files are linked. They are not turned on if you have nothing on the stage. <script src="http://code.createjs.com/easeljs-0.7.1.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.createjs.com/tweenjs-0.5.1.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.createjs.com/movieclip-0.7.1.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.createjs.com/preloadjs-0.4.1.min.js"></script> 2nd, make sure that the line below is not commented out. It was for me. createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage); After I did that, I was on my way. Cheers
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