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Todd Shelton

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About Todd Shelton

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  1. Thank you @PointC and @mikel. That makes perfect sense. The solution you give makes perfect sense. Thank you again. Todd
  2. This is so simple that I have to be missing something easy. I'm setting the paragraph element to an opacity of 0; Then I'm splitting the text into words. I'm then just trying to stagger the words to an opacity of 1. I can't get this to work. I can make it staggerTo opacity of 0 but not the other way around. Here is my Codepen. http://codepen.io/trshelto/pen/YZQPwd/ TweenMax.set("p", {opacity: 0}); var text = new SplitText("p", {type: "words"}), words = text.words; var tl = new TimelineLite({delay: 1}); tl.staggerTo(words, 1, {opacity: 1}, 0.1);
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