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Everything posted by HaunGo

  1. Hello GREEN-SOCKED PEOPLE! I'm trying to rotate a custom cursor to the direction that the cursor is moving. I've got the enterFrame loop keeping the cursor on point, and now I need to track the cursor_mc.x and cursor_mc.y from the previous frame, and compare that to the current frame cursor_mc.x and cursor_mc.y, then do some fancy math to determine the direction to rotate. I'm apparently not a Mathematician, so i don't even really know where to start and cannot seem to find examples on the inter-web. Please and Thanks! -HaunGo
  2. It's me again.. this is what i'm currently doing: It's recycled from years ago, so it's probably out dated somehow.. Is there a better way ? public function LookAroundActivity():void { addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, lookAround) baseLoc.visible = false; } function lookAround(event:Event):void { var x1:Number = baseLoc.x; var y1:Number = baseLoc.y; var easeSpeed:Number = 5; baseLoc.x = baseLoc.x - Math.round((baseLoc.x - mouseX)/easeSpeed); baseLoc.y = baseLoc.y - Math.round((baseLoc.y - mouseY)/easeSpeed); panBG.x = -x1 + 970; //(970 is stage width) panBG.y = -y1 + 450; //(450 is stage height) }
  3. Hi.. a few years ago, I made this: http://www.haungo2007.haungo.net/look-a ... index.html That was AS2, and now everything is newer and better! How can I use TweenLite/Max to recreate the looking-around motion? I assume an Event.ENTER_FRAME listener... .or is there a MOUSE_MOVE listener that would be better? or or or or could I use the DynamicPropsPlugin to do it better??? I am ( or at least used to be) in Club GreenSock. Essentially, I want to create a mouse around discovery environment with a sense of depth.. foreground and background. What is the best way to make the different layers tween that way when the mouse moves this way? Thanks in advance GreenSock forums people! ! -HaunGo
  4. PERFECT! I KNEW IT! Thank you!
  5. Hello.. is there a better, simpler way to do the following? TweenLite.to(obj, .5, {autoAlpha:1, onComplete:remove, onCompleteParams:[obj]}) function remove(_thisObj):void { TweenLite.to(_thisObj, .5, {autoAlpha:0, delay:1}) } It seems there would be a way to fade in, then fade out.. from within a single Tween command. Is that what yoyo is? or repeat?
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