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Everything posted by HaunGo

  1. Hello.. I'm using the VideoLoader class to play .mp4 file. It works great locally, both from flash and from local browser... .. but when i publish to server, it throws an error. It says that it cannot find the file. I know that it's there. "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" Do I need to set permissions for the server to allow this file type? The .flv version works fine. Thanks,
  2. Cool.. I got something working. I uploaded the demo for the community to play with. and here's the code: I'd like to do without the enterframe loop though.... maybe onMouseMove ? hrmm package { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; public class btnPicBgMove extends MovieClip { var _isOver:Boolean = false; var _isOverProxBtn:Boolean = false; public function btnPicBgMove() { //trace('btnPicBgMove()') btn.bg btn.img.mask = btn.masker; btn.buttonMode = true; btn.useHandCursor = true; btn.mouseChildren = false; proxBtn.buttonMode = true; proxBtn.useHandCursor = true; proxBtn.mouseChildren = false; btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, btnOVER); btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, btnOUT); proxBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, btnOVER) proxBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, btnOUT) addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop); } private function btnOVER(e:Event) { //trace('btnBGMover()'); if (e.target == btn){ TweenLite.to(btn.img, .3, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, alpha:1}); _isOver = true; } if (e.target == proxBtn){ _isOverProxBtn = true } } private function btnOUT(e:Event) { //trace('btnBGMover()'); if (e.target == btn){ _isOver = false; TweenLite.to(btn.img, .3, {scaleX:.8, scaleY:.8, alpha:.7, x:0, y:0}); } if (e.target == proxBtn){ _isOverProxBtn = false TweenLite.to(proxBtn.btn, .3, {x:20, y:10}); } } private function loop(e:Event) { //trace('loop()'); if(_isOver) { var xDist:Number = btn.mouseX/btn.bg.width; var yDist:Number = btn.mouseY/btn.bg.height; TweenLite.to(btn.img, .1, { x:-xDist * (btn.img.width - btn.bg.width) , y:-yDist * (btn.img.height - btn.bg.height) , ease:Linear.easeNone , overwrite:false }) } if(_isOverProxBtn) { var xDist2:Number = proxBtn.mouseX / proxBtn.prox.width; var yDist2:Number = proxBtn.mouseY / proxBtn.prox.height; TweenLite.to(proxBtn.btn, .1, { x:xDist2 * ( proxBtn.prox.width - proxBtn.btn.width ) , y:yDist2 * ( proxBtn.prox.height - proxBtn.btn.height) , ease:Linear.easeNone }) } } } }
  3. The sort of sticky proximity buttons on the very beginning intro of the site, after the preloading: http://ten.propaganda3.com/ Any thoughts? -HaunGo
  4. Yea.. that was a typo mistake on my part: It should have been: var targetTime:Number = _myTimeline.getLabelTime(_targetLabel); TweenMax.to(_myTimeline, 1, { currentTime:targetTime}); [[[[[ edited ]]]]] I edited the original post too. Thanks, -B
  5. ok, so for reference.. // THESE DO NOT WORK: TweenMax.to(_myTimeline, 1, {frameLabel:_targetLabel}); TweenMax.to(_myTimeline, 1, {currentLabel:_targetLabel }); // BUT THIS DOES WORK: var targetTime:Number = _myTimeline.getLabelTime(_targetLabel); TweenMax.to(_myTimeline, 1, { currentTime:targetTime}); [[[[[ edited ]]]]] I hope this helps someone. -B
  6. Can I not do this to a TimelineMax sequence?: TweenMax.to(_myTimelineMax, 1, {frameLabel:_targetLabel}); I just want to set a framelabel, and have it animate, either forward to backward, directly to the label.. .. .. .. just like how the FrameLabel Plugin works for regular Tweens. Thanks, -B
  7. Weeeeeelllll that's too bad. Would it be worth experimenting with pauseing the video every half second or so? ? I wouldn't expect that to feel nice and smooth. Thanks for reply, -B
  8. Video in slow motion & double speed ? Hello.. so, I've skimmed through the interwebs looking for a proper method to play a videos at different speeds, but haven't found any real solutions. Does anyone know anything about how to do this? (Sorry if this is a strange place to post this question?) Thanks, -B
  9. Thanks Snorkle.tv, love your tuts by the way.
  10. Im trying to load video in a dern banner ad.. stupid AS2! Can I use the Loader class? It doesn't look like it.
  11. Fan-FLIPPIN-tastic Jack.. Thank you! It works beautifully. In the end it's pretty simple... Record the original locations.. then adjust using AutoFitArea() but only to record the new positions, instantly reset to the original positions, then tweenLite.to() the new positions... and presto! The Matrix class stores all of that location info? waaaaay cooool I'll have to look more into that. Here is the functioning part of the code for reference: var area:AutoFitArea = new AutoFitArea(this, 0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); function focusOnSection(section:Object):void { var originalMatrix:Matrix = desktop_mc.transform.matrix; //stores the original position/scale/rotation area.attach(desktop_mc, {scaleMode:"proportionalInside", customBoundsTarget:section}); var targetMatrix:Matrix = desktop_mc.transform.matrix; //store the destination values area.release(desktop_mc); desktop_mc.transform.matrix = originalMatrix; //return it to its original position/scale/rotation TweenLite.to(desktop_mc, 1, {transformMatrix:targetMatrix}); } Thanks again!
  12. OK.. thanks again for trying to help.. I wish I could explain it better. I've attached an updated .fla and .swf for your inspection. I hope I'm not overlooking something obvious. The file is mostly doing what i want now, except it still requires two clicks to align correctly. (?!?!) * Click the blue blocks to AutoFit that area into the visible screen. Click the paperBG to recenter the whole thing in the visible screen. Thanks,
  13. Thanks for helping.. So let me share a more specific example.. I've attached an example swf, and pasted the functioning code for it. (I'll be surprised if there's not a better way to do code it.) The various focus areas within desktop_mc may shift or change, so no, we may not know specifically where to tween it.. we don't want to hard code, it should be dynamic, which shouldn't be a problem. This is also indeed a full screen project. ALSO, with the current example, I don't understand why it take two clicks to perfectly re-center. dtSizer.mouseEnabled = false; dtSizer.alpha = 0; dtSizer.width = desktop_mc.width; dtSizer.height = desktop_mc.height; dtSizer.x = desktop_mc.x; dtSizer.y = desktop_mc.y; desktop_mc.button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btn_CLICK); desktop_mc.button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btn_CLICK); desktop_mc.button3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btn_CLICK); function btn_CLICK(e:MouseEvent):void { trace("btn_CLICK("+e.target.name+")"); if (e.target == desktop_mc.button1) { focusOnSection(desktop_mc.area1) } if (e.target == desktop_mc.button2) { focusOnSection(desktop_mc.area2) } if (e.target == desktop_mc.button3) { focusOnSection(desktop_mc.area3) } } var area:AutoFitArea = new AutoFitArea(this, 0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); function focusOnSection(section:MovieClip):void { area.attach(dtSizer, {scaleMode:"proportionalInside", customBoundsTarget:section, roundPosition:true, hAlign:"center", vAlign:"center"}); //area.destroy(); TweenLite.to(desktop_mc, 1, { z: dtSizer.z , x: dtSizer.x , y: dtSizer.y , width: dtSizer.width , height: dtSizer.height }); }
  14. Hello.. So, this is a sort of follow up to my last post: http://forums.greensock.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5640 So now, I want to animate between the states. When the AutoFitArea updates, i need it to tween to its new position, instead of automatically snapping to it. I've read up on the documentation, but haven't found precisely what I'm looking for. The instructions I found for enableTweenMode() don't exactly apply, unless I don't understand something: http://www.greensock.com/as/docs/tween/com/greensock/layout/AutoFitArea.html#enableTweenMode%28%29 TweenLite.to(myArea, 3, {x:100, y:50, width:300, height:250, onStart:myArea.enableTweenMode, onUpdate:myArea.update, onComplete:myArea.disableTweenMode}); To do it that way, I'll need to get the destination x, y, width, & height coordinates, THEN TweenLite.to() them. How can I do that? without it instantly snapping to it? should i use a TweenLite.from()? I've tried creating a reference object of the same size, and using it's size & position... .. but I don't like this solution, and it actually takes 2 calls to get exactly right into position (which I don't understand). function focusOnSection(SECTION:MovieClip):void { var area:AutoFitArea = new AutoFitArea(this, 0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); area.attach(REFERENCE_OBJECT, {scaleMode:ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_INSIDE, customBoundsTarget:SECTION}); area.destroy(); TweenLite.to(CONTAINER_mc, 1, {x:REFERENCE_OBJECT.x, y:REFERENCE_OBJECT.y, width:REFERENCE_OBJECT.width, height:REFERENCE_OBJECT.height}); } To sum it up.. .. .. i want to tween between various AudoFitArea updates. Thanks!
  15. Holy Shnikeys! That exactly does what I want to do ! Perfect.. thank you! GREENSOCK once again comes through with ease and grace! var autoArea:AutoFitArea = new AutoFitArea(this, 0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); autoArea.attach(CONTAINER_mc, {scaleMode:ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_INSIDE, customBoundsTarget:CONTAINER_mc.AREA1_mc}); Cool
  16. Hello.. I'm hoping the AutoFitArea can conveniently handle this problem I've got. I want to resize a movieclip so that a particular child element is actually shown to fit in an area. (the area is the screen) For example: Imagine a movieclip named "CONTAINER_mc", and it has three areas of interest: "AREA1_mc", "AREA2_mc", "AREA3_mc", which are not the same size and are scattered around the stage. I want to be able to click on one of the child AREA#_mcs, and have its parent CONTAINER_mc re-size and position to show the selected AREA fully and proportionally on the screen. I know this doesn't work because they don't share the same parent: var autoArea:AutoFitArea = new AutoFitArea(this, 0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); autoArea.attach(CONTAINER_mc.AREA1_mc, {scaleMode:ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_INSIDE}); I understand why that doesn't work, and it makes perfect sense.. .. .. but is there are a way? with certain parameters? Does that make sense? Any help is greatly appreciated.. THANKS!
  17. Thank you JamJef for your words of wisdom! There's some good info in the Tweening Tips and Tricks page. ~H
  18. How can I make this full screen tween smoother and more efficient? consume less processer usage? less choppy! smoother! needs to glide nice and smooth. The demo swf is here: http://www.haungo.net/_temp/arrowShooterTest.html The zipped source fla is attached for those who choose to dive in: (classes are not included due to very green status) http://www.haungo.net/_temp/arrowShooterTest.fla.zip It's a part of a large site that I'm building, this is the basis of the exploration based navigation system. There's alot going on in this.. alot of calculations onEnterFrame .. by the time it's full screen with BG Music and rollovers, ect .. It starts to get choppy and sluggish, and I desperately want to refine it if at all possible. DESPERATELY ! !! is there a better way ? Here is the isolated code for the basic exploration functionality: import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.geom.*; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.plugins.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; TweenPlugin.activate([Physics2DPlugin, TransformAroundCenterPlugin, TransformAroundPointPlugin, ShortRotationPlugin]); var _lines:Array = new Array(); var _isExploring:Boolean = false; var _doAdjust:Boolean = false; var _downX1:Number = 0; var _downY1:Number = 0; var _downX2:Number = 0; var _downY2:Number = 0; var _lineAngle:Number = 0; var _ring:Shape = new Shape() _ring.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xBCA281, 1, false, "none", null, null, 3) _ring.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 50); var triangleHeight:uint = 10; var _pointer:Shape = new Shape(); _pointer.graphics.beginFill(0xBCA281); _pointer.graphics.moveTo(0, -triangleHeight); _pointer.graphics.lineTo(triangleHeight, 0); _pointer.graphics.lineTo(0, triangleHeight); _pointer.graphics.lineTo(0, -triangleHeight); _pointer.graphics.endFill(); _pointer.x = _ring.width/2 - 2; _pointer.alpha = 0; var _masker:Shape = new Shape() _masker.graphics.beginFill(0x000000) _masker.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 50); _masker.graphics.endFill() desktop_mc.lines_mc.mask = _masker; var _explorerCursor:Sprite = new Sprite(); _explorerCursor.alpha = 1; _explorerCursor.addChild(_pointer) _explorerCursor.addChild(_ring) _explorerCursor.addChild(_masker) desktop_mc.addChild(_explorerCursor); _pointer.alpha = 0; stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, stage_MOUSE_DOWN) stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_MOUSE_UP) stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameLOOP); function stage_MOUSE_DOWN(e:MouseEvent):void { trace("stage_MOUSE_DOWN") _isExploring = true; Mouse.hide(); TweenMax.to(_ring, .5, {alpha:1}); _downX1 = mouseX; _downY1 = mouseY; desktop_mc._PREVx = desktop_mc.x; desktop_mc._PREVy = desktop_mc.y; // These are used to draw the line on_MOUSE_DOWN. _downX2 = desktop_mc.mouseX; _downY2 = desktop_mc.mouseY; var dot:Shape = new Shape(); dot.graphics.beginFill(0xE4D9C5) dot.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x938D81, 1, false, "none", null, null, 3) dot.graphics.drawCircle(_downX2, _downY2, 2); dot.graphics.endFill(); var line:Shape = new Shape(); // THE LINE STYLE IS SET IN enterFrameLOOP(); var triangleHeight:uint = 10; var lineArrow:Shape = new Shape(); lineArrow.graphics.beginFill(0x938D81); lineArrow.graphics.moveTo(0, -triangleHeight/3); lineArrow.graphics.lineTo(triangleHeight, 0); lineArrow.graphics.lineTo(0, triangleHeight/3); lineArrow.graphics.lineTo(0, -triangleHeight/3); lineArrow.graphics.endFill(); lineArrow.x = _downX2; lineArrow.y = _downY2; var arrowHolder:Sprite = new Sprite(); arrowHolder.addChild(line) arrowHolder.addChild(dot) arrowHolder.addChild(lineArrow) desktop_mc.addChild(arrowHolder); _lines.push(arrowHolder); desktop_mc.addChild(_explorerCursor); TweenMax.to(_explorerCursor, .5, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1}); TweenMax.to(_pointer, .25, {alpha:1, delay:.25}); desktop_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; } function stage_MOUSE_UP(e:MouseEvent):void { trace("stage_MOUSE_UP") _isExploring = false; Mouse.show(); TweenMax.to(_explorerCursor, .5, {scaleX:4, scaleY:4}); TweenMax.to(_pointer, .1, {alpha:0, overwrite:true}); TweenMax.to(_ring, .25, {alpha:.75}); var thisVelocity:Number = 800; //Point.distance(point1, point2) * 3; var thisOne:Sprite = _lines.shift(); TweenMax.to(thisOne, 1, {alpha:0, physics2D:{velocity:thisVelocity, angle:_lineAngle }, onComplete:function(){ desktop_mc.removeChild(thisOne) }}); } function enterFrameLOOP(e:Event):void { trace('~ enterFrameLOOP()'); _explorerCursor.x = desktop_mc.mouseX; _explorerCursor.y = desktop_mc.mouseY; if (_isExploring) { desktop_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; _lineAngle = Math.atan2((desktop_mc.mouseY - _downY2) , (desktop_mc.mouseX - _downX2)) * 180/Math.PI; if( _lines[0] != null) { _lines[0].getChildAt(0).graphics.clear(); _lines[0].getChildAt(0).graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x938D81); _lines[0].getChildAt(0).graphics.moveTo(_downX2, _downY2); _lines[0].getChildAt(0).graphics.lineTo(desktop_mc.mouseX, desktop_mc.mouseY); _lines[0].getChildAt(2).x = desktop_mc.mouseX _lines[0].getChildAt(2).y = desktop_mc.mouseY; _lines[0].getChildAt(2).rotation = _lineAngle; } var thisAngle2:Number = Math.atan2(desktop_mc._PREVy - desktop_mc.y, desktop_mc._PREVx - desktop_mc.x) * 180/Math.PI; _explorerCursor.rotation = thisAngle2; var dixtZ:Number = -((stage.stageHeight - mouseY) * .15);//-(dixtZ * .15) var TdistX:Number = _downX1 - mouseX; var TdistY:Number = _downY1 - mouseY; if(TdistX >= 100) { TdistX = 100; } if(TdistX <= -100) { TdistX = -100; } if(TdistY >= 100) { TdistY = 100; } if(TdistY <= -100) { TdistY = -100; } var distX:String = String(TdistX); var distY:String = String(TdistY); // DETERMINES IF THE DESKTOP_MC BOUNDARIES ARE REACHED.. // IF SO, DON'T GO ANY FARTHER. IF NOT, SET THE _PREVx AS A SAFE FALL BACK. if( desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).x > 100) { distX = "-5"; _doAdjust = true; } else if ((desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).x < -(desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).width - stage.stageWidth) )) { distX = "3"; _doAdjust = true; } else{ desktop_mc._PREVx = desktop_mc.x; } if( (desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).y > 100) ) { distY = "-5"; _doAdjust = true; } else if ( (desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).y < -(desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).height - stage.stageHeight) )) { distY = "5"; _doAdjust = true; } else{ desktop_mc._PREVy = desktop_mc.y; } // MOVES desktop_mc RELATIVE TO THE mouseX AND mouseY TweenMax.to(desktop_mc, 1, { x:distX, y:distY ,z:dixtZ ,onComplete:checkBounds }); }else{ } } function checkBounds():void { trace('checkBounds()'); var DX:Number = desktop_mc._PREVx; var DY:Number = desktop_mc._PREVy; if(desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).x > -50) { _doAdjust = true; DX -= 50 ; } if(desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).x < -(desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).width - stage.stageWidth)) { _doAdjust = true; DX += 50 ; } if(desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).y > -50) { _doAdjust = true; DY -= 5 ; } if(desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).y < -(desktop_mc.getBounds(stage).height - stage.stageHeight)) { _doAdjust = true; DY += 50 ; } if(_doAdjust) { _doAdjust = false; TweenMax.to(desktop_mc, 1, { x:DX, y:DY, ease:Strong.easeInOut }); } } There might be better ways to check the boundaries. (so that it doesn't slide off away into space.) (It certainly is breakable.) There might be a better way to put a max speed of the explorer/tween. Im at 45fps.. 30fps doesn't really help. Any help is greatly appreciated!.. Any links.. Any specific suggestions with code examples.. Any best practices tips.. Any anything. THANK YOU ALL, -HaunGo
  19. Very cool.. I've got it all figured out now. Additionally, I'm setting the velocity based on the length of the line: var thisAngle = Math.atan2((mouseY - _downY1) , (mouseX - _downX1)) * 180/Math.PI ; var p1:Point = new Point(_downX1, _downY1); var p2:Point = new Point(mouseX, mouseY); var thisVelocity:Number = Point.distance(p1, p2) * 2; // multiply it only to make it more intense. var thisOne:Array = _lines.shift(); TweenMax.to(thisOne[0], 1.5, {alpha:0, physics2D:{velocity:thisVelocity, angle:thisAngle }, onComplete:function(){ removeChild(thisOne[0]) }}); TweenMax.to(thisOne[1], 1.5, {alpha:0, physics2D:{velocity:thisVelocity, angle:thisAngle }, onComplete:function(){ removeChild(thisOne[1]) }}); I'm attaching/uploading my completed test src file for anyone to enjoy. I LOVE that I can upload directly on this site. THANKS !! !
  20. OK.. so i've got the Physics2D plugin in going and working fine, but can't seem to get the angle right. The rotation on my movieclip is correct, but when I use the same calculation, it is the complete opposite direction. SO.. how can I make it go in the OPPOSITE (correct) direction? This isn't AS3 stuff, it's math stuff.. and I've done pretty well for myself to get this far. I've trialed and errored many different options trying to get this to work from here, but nothing has worked. var thisAngle:Number = Math.atan2((_downX1 - mouseX) , (_downY1 - mouseY)) * 180 / Math.PI; TweenMax.to(thisOne[0], .5, {alpha:0, physics2D:{velocity:1000, angle:thisAngle }, onComplete:function(){ removeChild(thisOne[0]) }}); THANKS,
  21. Hello.. As you put it, I want "... to tween an object in that direction for a certain amount of time." The Physics 2D plugin does look like it would work perfectly, but i've let my membership expire. I'll renew soon. UPDATE: I just became Really Green again!
  22. For the sake of this post, let's say I'm creating a little shooter game/toy. Basically, i'm trying to tween a line that I've drawn at the angle of the line. The line is drawn from MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP events and locations. on MOUSE_UP, I want to tween/shoot the line off screen at the angle that the line is drawn. I'm already calculating the angle, but i dont know how to get the x and y coordinates from that to give to the Tween... .. .. or if there's a better way. (? ?) Any help is greatly appreciated. I've attached a sample document. Here is my sample code: var _lines:Array = new Array(); var _readyToShoot:Boolean = false; var _downX1:Number = 0; var _downY1:Number = 0; var _downX2:Number = 0; var _downY2:Number = 0; cursorFollower_mc.pointer.alpha = 0; stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, stage_MOUSE_DOWN) stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_MOUSE_UP) stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameLOOP); function stage_MOUSE_DOWN(e:MouseEvent):void { trace("stage_MOUSE_DOWN") _readyToShoot = true; TweenMax.to(cursorFollower_mc, .5, {scaleY:1, scaleX:1}); cursorFollower_mc.pointer.alpha = 1; _downX1 = mouseX; _downY1 = mouseY; var dot:Shape = new Shape(); dot.graphics.beginFill(0x000000) dot.graphics.drawCircle(_downX1, _downY1, 5); addChild(dot); var line:Shape = new Shape(); line.graphics.lineStyle(3, 0x000000); line.graphics.moveTo(_downX1, _downY1) line.alpha = 1 ; addChild(line) _lines.push([dot, line]); } function stage_MOUSE_UP(e:MouseEvent):void { trace("stage_MOUSE_UP") _readyToShoot = false; cursorFollower_mc.pointer.alpha = 0; // THIS IS THE TEMPORARY SECTION THAT I'M SURE ABOUT. // I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TAKE THE cursorFollower_mc.rotation ANGLE AND TURN IT INTO // x AND y VALUES TO TWEEN IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. var thisOne:Array = _lines.shift(); var YY:String = "55"; var XX:String = "100"; TweenMax.to(thisOne[0], 1, {alpha:0, x:XX, y:YY, onComplete:function(){ removeChild(thisOne[0]) }}); TweenMax.to(thisOne[1], 1, {alpha:0, x:XX, y:YY, onComplete:function(){ removeChild(thisOne[1]) }}); } function enterFrameLOOP(e:Event):void { //trace('~ enterFrameLOOP()'); cursorFollower_mc.x = mouseX; cursorFollower_mc.y = mouseY; if (_readyToShoot) { _downX2 = mouseX; _downY2 = mouseY; // HANDLES THE LINES THAT ARE MADE WITH THE CURSOR ON MOUSE DOWN. // _lines[0] // _lines[_lines.length-1] if( _lines[0][1] != null) { _lines[0][1].graphics.clear(); _lines[0][1].graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x000000); _lines[0][1].graphics.moveTo(_downX1, _downY1); _lines[0][1].graphics.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY); } // THIS DETERMINES THE ANGLE TO ROTATE cursorFollower_mc. var thisAngle:Number = Math.atan2((_downY1 - mouseY) , (_downX1 - mouseX)) cursorFollower_mc.rotation = thisAngle * 180/Math.PI -90; } } Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
  23. Excellent! Very Many Thanks X10, The example is great basic starting point.. I see that my subscription has expired. When I get this new contract signed I'll re-up! Even though I don't have Green in my wallet, I sure do have Green in my heart.. and my on my feet. ;] Thanks, ~HaunGo
  24. I want to make an animation something like flagship GreenSock Tweening Platform 11 demo found on the http://www.greensock.com/ homepage. The video like playhead. I specifically want to be able to use a slider to play/rewind/scan the animation from start to finish like it's done there. It's so smooth. Can anyone provide a working example? What would it take to get the source from that very video ? Thansk, ~Brando
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