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Posts posted by dalisoft

  1. 7 minutes ago, Carl said:


    You will need a license if your product includes TweenMax AND you sell it to multiple people. 


    I'm very confused by what you mean by "ONE-TIME program selling".


    How are you restricting that only 1 person buys your product?

    Are you selling your product in an online marketplace? or only to clients that hire you to do work for them?


    1. Client contacts me

    2. I create for him app, or mobile app or etc with GSAP

    3. He pay for me once

    4. If he want to sell to marketplace, he should buy license from GSAP as it's not anymore my work


    There requires license for ME for GSAP?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Carl said:

    Hi, your question isn't very clear, but you are allowed to create plugins for GSAP without buying a license.

    1. Can i allowed to use own plug-in for ONE-TIME programm selling without buying GSAP license?

    2. Can i use GSAP TweenMax for ONE-TIME programm selling without buying license?

  3. Hi @GreenSock

    I think about something, but without affecting to your bussiness model, can i do that? I explain this below:


    Let's say, i creating web-sites, mobile apps, own personal websites with one-off sold, as i know one-off sold doesn't require GSAP license.


    If i'm create plug-ins (GitHub repo, No-License, without license no-one allowed to use app) for GSAP for myself like morphSVG, drawSVG (i sure your plug-ins great, but my budget not good to be member of Club, thanks to GSAP anyway), i not required to buy license?

    I can use GSAP for free, usually i'm use TweenMax, TimelineMax.


    Thanks for reply.

  4. I'll explain that in a second.


    However, I've immediately discovered another issue. The following now appears in the heap profile after running animations. 

    Again, I've ensured we've released all references to our application (appContext in the picture) but something called target is preventing our app from being gc'd:


     TweenLIte._internals.tweenLookup.t59.target.(my control).(my application)

    I am interesting of how this issue slowing down your site?

    Is this really slow down responsiveness of page?

    I using GSAP and i knew about Chrome DevTools just few month ago and it helped me a lot, but i again remember, REAL performance is differs from TESTS and Memory usage.

    If you deeply care about performance, i recommend you "chrome://tracing/" as some peoples told how it helped him.

    If you have issues about keeping element that removed, i recommend to use some below code.


    EDIT: Micro-optimization doesn't let you what you want. So you should not care about micro-optimization

    var target = document.getElementById('#myTarget'); // 1. getById is faster than others
    var varsMap = new Set(); // 2. "Set" creates less memory than objects
    var varsMap2 = new Set(); // #2
    varsMap.x = 0;
    varsMap2.x = 200;
    varsMap2.onUpdate = function () {
     // your update here
     // like target.style.left = varsMap.x + "px";
    varsMap2.onComplete = function () {
     target = null; // garbage it
     varsMap = null; // its too
     varsMap2 = null // its too
    // when onComplete is called then tween is removed from tweens list
    // target nowhere stores in TweenMax
    TweenMax.to(varsMap, 2, varsMap2);
  5. I think rendering two divs will be smoother than three div. if you put 2 div inside one div. browser anyway renders 3div. I am just fan not a developer. Test yourself for understand how to improve code.

  6. Hi. I not advanced developer nor developer. I am just fan of JS. I know and use GSAP since 2011 and always GSAP keeps boss place of animation engine and there not only Jack. There much of developers worked to be GSAP best of engines of animation. As i know heap memory, Garbage collection cannot be managed. No one browser guarantes you best performance even if you did garbaged all of objects and etc.


    There my mind as fan.


    1. Real performance differs from tests.

    2. Make 100arrays inside loop and make 1arrays outside loop. This sounds like second test should be 100times faster. You get less memory heap, but for just 50 DOM elements testing animation with repeat you can test, you get just 3-5fps performance improvements.

    3. Dont trust everything, test yourself.

    4. Ask help, if they dont know, give example, so all should see what issue

    • Like 2
  7. Hi.

    I'm in last time seen some amazing wave SVG with some sine named function, i am interested. But i haven't Club access.




    In header as you see this too made with GSAP, so i interested and will be thankful if someone create simple, cleaner codepen demo (please without GSAP premium plug-ins).


    Second some wave sine amazing demo in GSAP morphSVG demo plug-in but not sure how to you're did it and how to use.



  8. I glad you liked it.


    @PointC I know benefits of Club member, i am too one of fan of Club member (without money  :mrgreen: ).

    One of best benefits of Club member is:

    1. morphSVG

    2. drawSVG

    3. physics2D/physicsProps

    4. Draggable ThrowProps


    I too making some app and want to sell with bit higher price than GSAP. Now i looking for payment provider with secure form like.

    1. Users buy

    2. After success returns page with userID

    3. Gets custom file.


    After my bussiness goes well, i'm too buy club member.

    Envato, ShapeBootstrap, etc... not worked for me as i don't know about design.


    Thanks for reply anyway.

    • Like 1
  9. Sorry, we don't offer different easing for different properties inside the same tween. There are two reasons for that:

    1. Performance. The rendering loop is probably the single most important thing to optimize and the ease is an essential part of that. Being able to calculate the ease ratio once and use it for all the properties makes things very efficient. If we were to offer individual tweening, we would lose the ability to optimize that way which in my opinion would be a big loss. GSAP places a HUGE priority on performance, as you know. 
    2. API complexity

    You're welcome to build a plugin if you want, but that plugin would have to do a lot of work quite frankly, as it'd need to kill off all the other property tweens so that it could handle them all internally (in the plugin). For example, if that tween is handling x, y, width, and height, then you'd need to have the plugin kill all of those in the parent tween, and then create and manage them inside the plugin. I really think it's a much better idea to just create a separate tween for properties that need to be eased differently. 

    I like your keeping code light and more useful, thanks for reply. I try to make it's, so i need powerful animation engine. You're best coder of javascript/AS. Thanks again.

    • Like 1
  10. Hi!

    I'm today trying to get something, but i'm failed. I did own javascript animation platform, that can do part of thing of GSAP!

    But i need "In-Sync" tweening, basic users don't need that, but for sliders, tab-changed, Timeline GSAP script is best working. Missing some feature i need.

    TweenMax.to('#element', 1, { width : 200, height : 200, x : 100, ease : { width : 'QuadInOut', height : 'ExpoInOut' }});
    // these syntax is for example, maybe have wrong syntax, sorry 

    I can create this plug-in (pls let me read useful docs for creating plugin) and have already?

    It's reduces memory, CPU and size too.




    Any reply appreicate.


    Sorry for english ;)

  11. A 12kb Javascript motion engine. Use for animation, physics and input tracking.



    Popmotion vs Velocity.js vs Greensock feature comparison:


    Hi @ice-frog.

    I'm making (originally forking from tween.js, GitHub) and improving for modern web, but never i can't will be as GSAP, here i write some pros/cons. Sorry for bad english.




    * Accurate timer in the all of tweening engine

    * Easier syntax

    * Higher performance, no any tweening engine match GSAP performance ( even me )

    * Lower System Resource / Reduced, almost no Garbage Collection / Very low Memory Usage ( test yourself )

    * Limitless feature such as MorphSVG, DrawSVG, Physics

    * Amazing cross-browser and cross-device support

    * And more and more


    * It's not cons, but some plug-ins requires Club Member, as i mention, "In life nothing free"




    * Good performance

    * Many features

    * IE9+ works fine, but for Android 2.3.3, 2.3.6 doesn't work properly

    * And more and more



    * Long syntax codes

    * Sometime FPS drops

    * In demos used not a real javascript language as not worked on my PC when tested with Notepad++ ( Need fix )

    * Timing goes wrong when tab re-focus


    I think it's enough, so thanks for reading. Let me know if i wrong

  12. Hello Guys,


    I am trying to understand how SPRITE ANIMATION works using GSAP and found this example which is exactly what I have in mind.

    See the Pen MYdwRP by MAW (@MAW) on CodePen


    Now, I tried to simplify the whole code by removing those that I don't need. (My only purpose was to PLAY a simple animation for my project). But for some reason, I screwed things up. I do not know what happened after this.......





    Thank you!!

    In your pen TweenMax not loaded, you can add TweenMax via Settings of your pen.

    Thanks, @dalisoft

  13. Hello,

    I am new in this forum and have seen the tween max the first time. Pls allow the question if the website below is made complete with this technique. I am unsure because I have seen this technique my first time and be unsure what I can do with this exactly.

    Maybe the technique is used only for the intro but I am impressed by the "navigation" with the 4 images on one page and all other.

    Any help and information is appreciated because unfortunately I haven't found any guidance hwo to work with this.

    the page is: www.badr84hari.com


    Thx a lot and a good start in the week.


    Hi, maybe you trying to make text animating like on the site?

    Here i did for my project, http://dalisoft.github.io/Unim.js/demo/sequence.html. Use it with source.

    NOTE: GSAP can do this + can do anything, that needs on the Web animations. I highly recommend in there and my project header to use GSAP for High-performance + Stable animation (no fps drop) and Limitless feature.



  14. Good way protect your code is give them license like GPLv3 with your note that restricted to copy. But i don't sure, it works or no. Script encoders is slow-down PC and Animations too, no matter with what engine/animation maked. Many advanced dev's knows how-to decode code without leaving current tab, i seen like that like hackers, but i'm not one. But Thanks to GSAP, i did own many libraries and projects. Thanks

  15. I appreciate you asking permission about proceeding - I just don't feel like I'm in a position to make that decision for you. Based on the fact that nobody has cast a single vote yet, I think they're all in a similar boat - there's not enough info yet in your repo to determine how closely the API matches. Maybe once your docs are more filled in and you have a lot of examples, then people might feel more comfortable offering feedback or voting in the poll. 


    I'm kinda curious why you felt the need to create this library in the first place, especially if you were a fan of using GSAP. Is there something we could do better? Is there a deficiency we could shore up somewhere? (Not that there's anything wrong with creating another animation library - I'm just trying to understand the motivation and whether or not we've let you down somehow). 


    Best wishes!

    Nothing best, just want to start my own js. Thanks

  16. I appreciate you asking permission about proceeding - I just don't feel like I'm in a position to make that decision for you. Based on the fact that nobody has cast a single vote yet, I think they're all in a similar boat - there's not enough info yet in your repo to determine how closely the API matches. Maybe once your docs are more filled in and you have a lot of examples, then people might feel more comfortable offering feedback or voting in the poll. 


    I'm kinda curious why you felt the need to create this library in the first place, especially if you were a fan of using GSAP. Is there something we could do better? Is there a deficiency we could shore up somewhere? (Not that there's anything wrong with creating another animation library - I'm just trying to understand the motivation and whether or not we've let you down somehow). 


    Best wishes!

    I no seen there extra feature than GSAP. I just want start my code. No other reason.

    Thanks. I'm upload demo with GSAP as soon as possible.

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