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Posts posted by dalisoft

  1. Congratulations on all your efforts. And thanks for the kind words about GSAP. I guess they say that copying is the most sincere form of flattery :)


    We certainly don't claim to "own" a certain syntax. I must admit, however, that it can be a little discouraging when we sink so much time into crafting the API and codebase and then someone copies large portions of it and releases a competing library as a "free" alternative and then asks for our blessing. But I've learned the hard way over the years that writing the code is one of the least time-intensive parts of the whole endeavor when releasing a library for public consumption. It's dwarfed by all the ongoing support demands, documentation, refinement, bug fixes, etc. which is why we don't use an MIT license (see http://greensock.com/why-license/ for more details). 


    I totally understand how exciting it can be to create something like this and share it with the world, and I wish you the best. I can't really endorse your library/API but as long as you're not using any of our code you should be fine. It sounds like you didn't really copy anything except portions of the syntax. 


    Good luck with your project, and happy tweening!


    I writed here, because, if i there get more "ripp-off" vote, i close my js.

    I can keep/continue update my js? or i need stop.

    I copied some syntax (exactly most syntax). Code isn't copied. You can check my js code.


    Thanks again.


    Sorry, i no know english good.

  2. Yeah,  I see the same code in Tween.js, although I'm not sure if Phaser's tweening engine is based on Tween.js or it's the other way around. But they're both MIT licensed.



    Here's the code I was talking about. It's in your Interpolation and Utils.


    Thanks, so i can continue (keep) doing my js?

    with GSAP code will not be any problem?

    Because some of syntax is like same.

  3. Where are people saying that? I looked at it real quick, but I can't tell. The only thing I saw that was copied was some code from Phaser.

    In my friends said, i don't know Phaser, but maked this from Tween.js (made by @sole).

    I know i fan of GSAP, because i maked syntax like GSAP. GSAP has ton of features, my js hasn't that features.


    Thanks for reply, anyway.

  4. Yes, you're understand. MorphSVGPlugin is stable and has many control. Commercial users pays for it, but for Github or Freebie theme makers no pays, i think. You're can help me to look better morph?

  5. GSAP is really cool, i have not problem with GSAP!

    There seem, SVG Morph has issue -  (i said ago)

    While 5,4,3,2,1,0 numbers, showing triangle, because these paths not same number of points.

    Have any idea how to improve this?


    UPDATE: There seem SVG Morph works properly, because point number of same. http://googledrive.com/host/0B7DKrzLvYDoOZUViTlBZQWxNWXc (demo link, batman.html)

    NOTE: "MorphSVG" is excellent Morpher, but simple web-developers (like me, making simple official site for own) can't get this plug-in. I want make, that simple developers can use morph with limited* features, but with excellent morph.


    * (limited) - users can't control over time/timeline like pause,play,reverse,restart or etc!




    Sorry for bad english

  6. Thanks for answer!

    USUblake: you also seen tweening with wrong morphing?

    GreenSock: I can't understand, why SVG-Morpheus is tweening wrong, that why i asked from. You can fix morph issue with some tricks?


    Thanks again!

  7. I'm using:

    OS: Windows 10 Multiple Edition

    Browser: Microsoft Edge


    Note:  Default, no DEV panel used, before has issue, in my last pen issue/bug fixed!


    Did you compared with my demo and first demo in Microsoft Edge? I tested and works best, i think bug with CSS and GSAP usage!



    I think some difference may be affect this:

    1) transformOrigin set via TweenMax.set!

    2) CSS Styling!





    My PC language is Russian, sorry for that

  8. Hi all!

    I haven't better knowledge, but i using GSAP for years in local expirements!

    See the Pen doaKoZ by anon (@anon) on CodePen

    - This pen is working best without any tricks!

    No translateZ (null 3d hack), No force3D, No RotateZ! Works good for me!

    GSAP is stable for years and cannot be issue/bugs! Maybe issue with users CSS!


    Sorry for my bad english

  9. Hi!

    Thank you for fast reply!

    I not using all code, just rotate transform-origin, but not no use i!

    No, GSAP is better all time anyway, i beleive and say in my animation engine page!

    I making smaller GSAP-like, my JS size unminified is 100Kb!

    My js can do SVG, Canvas, String, Object, DOM Element, Array, Numbers tweening with infinite support ( like { x : y : { z : 5 } } } )!

    I used SVG Transform transform-origin fix from (http://www.svgbasics.com/rotate.html and css-tricks.com (now site not working properly))!

  10. Hi!

    I'm working to new animation engine!

    Cross-browser and back to IE8 support for transform (rotate, scale, translate), but it's always uses transform-origin is 50% 50% or 0px 0px! I obtained and installed TweenMax.js CSSPlugin IE8 transform script and works on any transform-origin!

    My project is MIT-Licensed.

    Is it possible use code on my project free or need BUY license or completely restricted?

    Sorry for bad english!

  11. Hi, GSAP authors!

    I recently maked some animation engine, not stable as GSAP, but maybe stable in future!

    I getting medium performance, not as GSAP (GSAP getting maxium/high performance even in IE)!

    Here a link, https://github.com/dalisoft/animo.js/tree/beta-v3-high-perf


    I have some questions?

    1. Possible use your control over time feature, such as restart, timeScale, SteppedEase, seek, pause, play, etc?

    2. If i get higher than GSAP perf, possible i say high performance than GSAP?

    3. For these features, control over time requires license (GreenSock Club)?


    Sorry for my bad english, Thanks!


    I fan of GSAP for years, i used GSAP in my some templates to ThemeForest (but not accept for some reason), great work!

  12. Hi GSAP authors!

    I'm need help, i maked tweening engine, Animo.js (github.com/dalisoft/animo.js - 2 branch (v2 and master v1). I Highly optimized the performance, but i dont know why i can't tween smooth than GSAP.


    I have question, why TweenMax size too large??

  13. Hi Jonathan!

    Thanks for answer.

    CSS3 border-radius, rotate(X|Y) (3D Transformation) doesn't work on IE9 and LT IE9, Opera LT 13, FF LT. LT = less than.

    I want add this feature to TweenMax with Plug-in (style getter, style setter, hooks).


    Thanks, i no more want add feature

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