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Everything posted by slei

  1. Thanks that helped a lot! It solved it for my code sample in Firefox and Chrome. However it only solved it for my actual site in Chrome but not Firefox. I will have to see what other styles I have that could be causing a conflict. Thanks!
  2. I have a site that lets users drag through a series of pages horizontally. When they reach the end of a series of pages and they drag the container, the edge-resistance kicks in. As they continue to drag against the resistance, the container still moves to the left revealing the background behind. This is how the site is supposed to work. This is how it used to work a few months ago. Now what I see is different. When I drag past the right edge, I can see that the scrollbar is "stretching" indicating the edge-resistance is working. However, the container does not move past the edge. It seems like the transform: translate3d() is not working. I can see the number growing in ie translate3d(-1px, 0px, 0px) -> translate3d(-2px, 0px, 0px). But the container is not moving. Did something change? I first noticed this problem in Firefox, but with the latest version of Draggable, I see it in Chrome, too (it still works in IE). Here is a simplified demo: Codepen URL: http://codepen.io/stephendlei/pen/azQaPb Dragging the first (green) block past the left edge produces the desired result. But moving the last (red) block past the right edge does not. The red block doesn't move and the gray background is not revealed. Note: If I cut down the number of blocks to just 1, the behavior will work as expected. Is there something I'm doing with the inline-blocks that is causing issues?
  3. If I set the attribute either way it doesn't seem to make a difference. In fact, the video is clickable no matter which I put. My understanding is that setting data-clickable to "true" tells Draggable to allow this otherwise non-clickable element to be clickable and disregard the dragging. Is that right? As an aside, I had to set a different clickable <div> as data-clickable = "true" in order for it to be clickable inside the drag container. This made it so you couldn't drag on the div (same as the video), but at least you could click on it. This isn't a huge problem because the div isn't that big. But maybe the 2 issues are related.
  4. Hi, I am building a page that builds multiple 'scenes' horizontally in the content area. Only one scene is visible in the area at a time. Users can drag the scene container to get to other scenes. I've done this using Draggable. For the most part, it has worked great. However, some scenes have a large video in them. When running on the iPad (chrome and safari), if the user touches the video and attempts to drag the container in order to move to the next scene, it does not drag. I've tried adding data-clickable="false" to the video tag but it still doesn't work. This all works on the desktop as far as I've tested it. Here is a code pen sample of what I'm talking about. You can drag the grey container box, but if you try to drag over the video, the container won't move. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/yohqG I'm using iOS 7.1, but the same thing happens in an older version as well.
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